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Jet Tomography of Hot & Dense Matter. Jet. Xin-Nian Wang LBNL, June 25, 2003. Equation of States. F. Karsch ‘2001. QGP:. Hadrons:. Quarks(2x3x2x2). Gluons(2x8). Medium Response Function. ( talks by Averbeck, Sinha, Fries, Granier de Cassagnac ).

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jet Tomography of Hot & Dense Matter Jet Xin-Nian Wang LBNL, June 25, 2003

  2. Equation of States F. Karsch ‘2001 QGP: Hadrons: Quarks(2x3x2x2) Gluons(2x8)

  3. Medium Response Function (talks by Averbeck, Sinha, Fries, Granier de Cassagnac) Dynamic System: Photon or dilepton emission J/Y suppression QCD Response: Quark scattering

  4. Computed Tomography (CT) Absorption properties Computer assisted correction Image Calibrated source Jet Tomography: Using Parton Jets

  5. Jets: Beams of quarks and gluons Au+Au Jet Tomography Talks by Jacobs, Bathe

  6. EM Radiation v Final rad. Initial rad. EM field carried by a fast moving electron EM Radiation by scattering: Interference between initial and final state radiation

  7. Electron Tomography i j Formation time Classical radiation of a point charge (Jackson, p671)

  8. Two Limits Factorization Limit: Like a single scattering Bethe Heitler Limit:

  9. LPM Effect Ncoh radiation like from a single scattering Ncoh Ncoh Ncoh Ncoh Landau PomeranchuckMigdal

  10. Radiation in QCD: Colors Make the Difference pi pf k QED y 0 pi pf QCD Gluon multiple scattering (BDMP’96) pi pf c k a y 0 k

  11. DIS off Nuclei e- Frag. Func.

  12. Parton energy loss: A twisted story e- Modified frag. function Parton Energy Loss

  13. HERMES data in Au nuclei

  14. Expanding Medium Energy loss in a static medium with density (GVW, GOW,Wiedemann)

  15. Single spectra in A+A collisions pQCD Parton Model

  16. Nuclear Modification Factor Initial state effect: Shadowing & pt broadening: XNW, PRC61(00)064910 pA Fai, Papp, and Levai (02) Vitev & Gyulassy (02) Vitev (03) LP model Alberto Accardi (01) Color dipole model Kopeliovich et al (02)

  17. Single hadron suppression Talks by: Hwa, Bass, Greco, Molnar

  18. Di-hadron Spectra Hadron-trigger fragmentation function:

  19. Suppression of away-side jet Df

  20. Azimuthal Anisotropy dihadron Single hadron

  21. Azimuthal anisotropy II Talk by R. Lacey, S Voloshin

  22. Partonic Energy Loss at RHIC GeV for E=10 GeV Consistent with estimate of initial condition Talks by Venugopalan, Bickley From RHIC data of Au+Au Collisions Initial Density about 30 times of that in a Cold Au Nucleus

  23. Energy Loss Is Partonic! (1) Hadron formation time: Uncertainty principle: h Could it be caused by hadronic absorption or rescattering? NO!

  24. Parton Energy Loss: 2 (2) Centrality dependence:

  25. Parton energy loss: (3) (3) PT Dependence:

  26. Parton Energy Loss: (4) • Large v2 early late Geometrical anisotropy is an early phenomenon!

  27. Parton Energy Loss: (4) (5) Same-side jet profile Same-side jet cone remains the same as in pp collision PHENIX sees the same Hadron rescattering will change the correlation Between leading and sub-leading hadrons

  28. Measuring Parton Energy Loss pTtrig ET

  29. Partonic energy loss: (6) SPS

  30. Summary • Discovery of Jet Quenching proves that a strongly interacting dense matter is formed: Opaque to jets • Jet quenching is caused by partonic energy loss • Dense matter at RHIC is 30 times higher than cold nuclei • Collective behavior: Hydrodyamic limit (talks by Csernai,Huovinen, Nonaka) • It has to be QGP within QCD • Jet tomography become useful and power tool for studying properties of dense matter

  31. Hard Probes Collaboration Hard Probe CAFE • Jet and high pt hadron • Quarkonium • Heavy Quarks • Direct Photons • DY http://www-hpc.lbl.gov/ Hard Processes in p+p, p+A and A+A

  32. Parton Shadowing in Nuclei shadowing EMC

  33. Energy Dependence Thermal absorption important at lower E Detailed balance Enke Wang & XNW PRL87(01)142301

  34. Medium Modified Fragmentation

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