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C ultural Heritage in REGional NETworks. R EGNET. Art Gallery Chapter - F ragments Proposal From GRAN. Art Gallery Chapter: F ragments Proposal From GRAN. W hat are we waiting from the RegNet project?!. We want that the RegNet portal be and facilitate:.

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  1. Cultural Heritage in REGional NETworks REGNET Art Gallery Chapter -Fragments Proposal From GRAN

  2. Art Gallery Chapter:Fragments Proposal From GRAN What are we waiting from the RegNet project?! We want that the RegNet portal be and facilitate: 1.A promotional and sale environment of contemporary young art 2.The creation of real opportunities for the artists (exchanges, exhibitions, promotion, spread) 3.A multimedia productions site  To create cultural products with the other partners. 4.Easy acces to the art and services topics 5.The creation of an IntraNet for the INcívics’artists collection  an online community of artists 6.A means to buy art or surrogates of art (cd, pictures, postcards, posters...) ART GALLERY CHAPTERS - FRAGMENTS

  3. Art Gallery Chapter:Fragments Proposal From GRAN Goals of the Granollers City Council - To catalogue and to digitizethe art works of the Incívics’collection  Spread of the artists and their artwork • . Trought the Portal . With the chance to create surrogates products with the images of the artworks. . With the chance to do some kind of business like exhibitions or interchanges. . With the chance of that an INcívics’s artwork takes part of an institutional or private collection. . Creating faithfuls users: - visitors, students, customers, professionals... ART GALLERY CHAPTERS - FRAGMENTS

  4. Art Gallery Chapter:Fragments Proposal From GRAN Art Gallery Present status: 1. Painting2. Sculpture3. Graphic Arts and Illustration4. Design5. Wood-carving6. Textiles7. Ceramics8. Monumental Arts9. New Forms of Expression10. Restoration11. Icons Fragments Mmmmmmmmmm Object Gallery ART GALLERY CHAPTERS - FRAGMENTS

  5. Art Gallery Chapter:Fragments Proposal From GRAN Which chapters should have to appear in the ARTGALLERY topic?! We think that we have to introduce the right terms to express the sort of art that the INcívics collection should have to appear, because the contents of the UBA (ICCS)’s collection and of the INcívics (GRAN)’s collections are pretty different. - Our collection is focussed in young emerging artists and their practices are multidiciplinars. In the most of cases it’s a mixture between all the disciplines. -We think that INcívics’ artists should have to have a new entry with shared fragments of the UBA-ICCS classification, like: painting, sculpture and ceramic. -For the rest we propose to have different fragments or terms. ART GALLERY CHAPTERS - FRAGMENTS

  6. Art Gallery Chapter:Fragments Proposal From GRAN Why are we proposing theses changes?! If we put the whole collection inside of that chapter “New formsof expression” we’ll lose a lot of opportunities in our goals, like to promote or to spread the artwork of our artists. It’s necessary to create a new entry or to make a differentiation between our collection and their collection. We can use our structures in combination with each other (UBA - INcívics). ART GALLERY CHAPTERS - FRAGMENTS

  7. Art Gallery Chapter:Fragments Proposal From GRAN Our proposal... Art Gallery Contemporary Artor Art (in general) Emerging Art 1. Painting2. Sculpture3. Graphic arts and Illustration4. Design5. Wood-carving6. Textiles7. Ceramics8. Monumental Arts9. Restoration10. Icons 1. Painting2. Sculpture3. Engrave4. Photography5. Multimedia6. Net_art7. Ceramics8. Visual Poetry Object Gallery ** commond chapters ART GALLERY CHAPTERS - FRAGMENTS

  8. Art Gallery Chapter:Fragments Proposal From GRAN Advantages of this... 1. To give to the RegNet portal the best quality in the first demophase in the next months and afterwards. 2.Morecomprehensive and logical way to order the collection (if we have differences within the same field it’s important to remark it). 3. To have the work well done:  a good classification  a good search: faster and with better results. 4. People or users, consumers...will feel identified in our contents and consequently interested in our project. - users, consumers, collectors, buyers, students, academics, professionals, institutions... ART GALLERY CHAPTERS - FRAGMENTS

  9. Art Gallery Chapter:Fragments Proposal From GRAN What do you think about it?! ART GALLERY CHAPTERS - FRAGMENTS

  10. Emerging Art:Young art that arises at the present time Chapters 1. Engrave: Matrix of matter susceptible to receive ink to transfer it to the paper or another similar matter so many times as is needed, with the printing process.2. Photography: Procedure that allows to obtain, by means of the light and of chemical substances, permanent optical images on surfaces properly prepared.3. Digital photography:Photographic procedure in which the chemical emulsion has been replaced by digital sensors.4. Multimedia:Said of the applications or the computer science systems that combine text, graphs, sound and video, and that allow a certain degree of interaction with the user. Very developed, s specially, after the 60s. (enciclopèdia catalana) ART GALLERY CHAPTERS - FRAGMENTS

  11. Emerging Art:Young art that arises at the present time Chapters 5. Net_ art: There are works that would not exist without Internet, instrument that includes different p protocols. The artists, the numeration and the searches confront themselves. The production mediums are also the diffusion places. This is a difference with the Art on the Web, where already existing work catalogues are used.6. Visual Poetry:It’s a kind of poetic manifestation that, over everything, trusts the power of attraction and v visual contact of the elements that compose the work. ART GALLERY CHAPTERS - FRAGMENTS

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