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Reconstruction Vocabulary Ch: 20

Reconstruction Vocabulary Ch: 20. Reconstruction. 1865-1876 Rebuilding period of the South after the Civil War. Carpetbaggers.

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Reconstruction Vocabulary Ch: 20

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  1. Reconstruction Vocabulary Ch: 20

  2. Reconstruction • 1865-1876 • Rebuilding period of the South after the Civil War.

  3. Carpetbaggers • A derogatory term used to describe Northerners who came South during the Reconstruction period as soldiers, missionaries, and dishonest businessmen. Members of the Freedman Bureau.

  4. Scalawags • White Southerners who worked with and cooperated with the reform movement headed by the Republican Party.

  5. Impeach • A legal term that means to accuse formally. The House of Representatives has the sole power to do this to a political official. The Senate must convict. (Two US Presidents have been impeached but never convicted by the Senate. Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton)

  6. Ku Klux Klan • White organization formed in Tennessee in 1865. Terrorized African Americans during Reconstruction.

  7. Guilded Age • A time when Americans were more interested in gaining wealth than moral issues. After the Civil War. Named by Mark Twain.

  8. Petition • A document signed by many citizens voicing their opinion or point of view. Usually submitted to a political official to sway his or her vote on an issue.

  9. Controversial • An unpopular issue. Usually causes a conflict between two different groups or individuals.

  10. Regulate • To be controlled. Usually a control put on something by the Government.

  11. Black Code • A set of codes developed to limit African American involvement in the political process. • Ex: voting

  12. Comply • To follow the will of someone else or something. Could be a law that you are to comply with…….

  13. Endorse • To support a law, a particular idea……To sign up for…..

  14. Suffrage • The right to vote. Used 1st in reference to African American males getting the right to vote. In 1920 women had a movement to gain their right to vote. Called Suffrage.

  15. Fraud • A fake. Cheating. Usually associated with a political scandal or wrong doing involving cheating.

  16. Redshirts • Democrats that formed rifle clubs to support Wade Hampton. They wore red shirts and rode horses through towns to gain support for him when he ran for Governor. Many redshirts had clashes with Black militia.

  17. Revival • To bring back. To bring back the “Old South”. Many southern democrats wanted the south to return to the pre-civil war days. No African Americans in government…….

  18. 13th Amendment • 1865- Amendment that abolished slavery.

  19. 14th Amendment • 1868- Equal rights as citizens to former slaves.

  20. 15th Amendment • The right of citizens to vote. Regardless of race, and or previous servitude.

  21. Freedman’s Bureau • A post Civil War agency of the government set up to aid freed slaves with jobs, education, food, clothing and housing.

  22. Vocabulary Ch: 21-23 • Post Reconstruction

  23. Trust • A business combination whereby the various companies owned by an individual or group of investors could be combined so as to drive the competition out of business.

  24. Eight Box Law • 1882- South Carolina Legislature passed this voting law that required 8 different boxes at poll locations. If an African American or a poor white could not read, they might put their vote in the wrong box. This would result in his vote not counting.

  25. Poll Tax • A fee charged to limit African Americans and poor whites from voting.

  26. Industrial Revolution • The growth of industry based on inventions.

  27. New South • A term used by Conservative after the Civil War to boost a new industrial south.

  28. Lost Cause • The term used by former Confederates to refer to their defeat in the Civil War.

  29. Homestead Act • Passed to encourage western settlement in 1862. It granted settlers 160 acres at no cost after living on it and improving it for at least 5 years.

  30. Bourbons • Conservatives, Southern Democrats. Called Bourbons because they were said to have learned nothing from past mistakes. (Napoleon called a ruling French family this term for the same reason.)

  31. Tenant Farming • Farmers in the South that worked on a farm that they did not own. They worked for wages. Sometimes in script. (money that was only good in the local store)

  32. Populists • Farmers that joined a movement and formed a political party called, “The People’s Party” or Populists.

  33. Segregation • Based on the Supreme Court Case: • Plessy V Ferguson in 1896. Legal separation of the races.

  34. Stump Meetings • Outdoor political gatherings at which politicians spoke from the stumps of trees.

  35. Scrip • Form of payment, not official money. Usually paid to sharecroppers for their work on the plantation. It could be spent at the plantation store.

  36. Sharecropping • Part of the tenant system. Landowners would contract with farm workers to work in return for a house, food, farm tools, seed and fertilizer.

  37. Populists • Known as the peoples or farmers party, this group was a group of southern democrats.

  38. Plessy v Ferguson • 1896 Supreme Court decision that said segregation is legal as long as the facility was equal to the white facility.

  39. Segregation • The practice of separate races. 1896-1954

  40. Jim Crow Laws • Laws passed in the 1890’s, these laws segregated the races. Named for a popular minstrel figure of the time.

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