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Request from School?

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes. Yes. Establishing a SWPBS Primary Preventions Team. Conduct EBS. Request from School?. Interested?. Overview to administrator/ key staff. Yes. Pursue buy-in activities: Visit other schools

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Request from School?

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  1. Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Establishing a SWPBS Primary Preventions Team Conduct EBS Request from School? Interested? Overview to administrator/ key staff Yes • Pursue buy-in activities: • Visit other schools • Invite admin or team from other school • 3. Focus group discussions with • naysayers distributed • 4. Go to tnswpbs website and assign to • contact for info/satisfaction • 5. Show videotapes • 6. Visit www.pbis.org; www.swis.org • 7. Jigsaw research and discuss • Assign Colvin’s “7 Steps to SWPBS” • Review current discipline data. Show • recouped possibilities • 10. Principal attend principals from • 11. Team attend Annual TN SWPBS • conference or Annual APBS conf. • 12. Pilot with problem area, e.g., cafeteria, • freshman class, …. 80% Buy-In? Conduct EBS (again) or Otherwise determine 80% buy-in. Buy in? Share EBS data and (more detailed) overview with full faculty & staff. School has representative team? Negotiate Agreement of Collaboration or facsimile, including agreement to attend workshops • Does the team include: • Principal (or assistant principal • with direct pipeline to principal, • if high school) • General education teachers • sampling across grade levels, • 3. Special educator • 4. School counselor • 5. Non-certified staff • 6. Parent(s) • 7. Student(S) • Community member • Central office representative • (if no district level commitment) Help sign up for workshops. Attend with teams

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