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Describe in detail where the fertile crescent is located. Give a minimum of 5 details. Describe in detail where the fertile crescent is located. Give a minimum of 5 details. Between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers West of Zagros Mts. Crescent shape North of Arabian desert
Describe in detail where the fertile crescent is located. Give a minimum of 5 details.
Describe in detail where the fertile crescent is located. Give a minimum of 5 details. Between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers West of Zagros Mts. Crescent shape North of Arabian desert East of Mediterranian Sea Includes cites like Ur, Erech, Babylon, Ashur, Haran, and Jerusalem
Describe life in sumer • Government • Religion • Economy • What goods are being produced and traded?
4.1 More Sumerian contributions What ideas and inventions did the sumerians pass on to other civilizations?
The sumerians created the first civilization that had great influence on history. Later civilizations copied and improved many of the ideas and inventions that began in sumer. This is why Mesopotamia was call the “cradle of civilization – it was the beginning of organized human society. Writing: • Cuneiform “wedge” – 1,200 different characters (symbols of names, physical objects, and numbers) • Written by cutting wedge-shaped marks into damp clay with a sharp reed • Sumerians most important contribution • Earliest writing system • Kept records of trading goods • Pass on ideas/stories to later generations
Writing continued… • Mostly boys from wealthy families learned how to read and write cuneiform • After many years of training, students became Scribes = official record keepers • Some scribes were judges and government officials • Recorded court records, marriage contracts, business dealings, important events and stories about gods and warriors. • The words oldest known story is from Sumer, written 4,000 years ago called the Epic of Gilgamesh • Epic is a long poem that tells the story of a hero We will study a little more of this later this week…
Technology and mathematics Inventions: • the wheel • A wheeled vehicle • Carts pulled by donkeys • Chariots for the military • Sailboat • Wooden plow for farming • Artisans made the pottery wheel to shape clay into bowls and jars • Made Bronze out of copper and tin to make stronger tools, weapons, and jewelry Mathematics and Astronomy: • Used geometry to measure the size of fields and to plan buildings • The place-value system of numbers based on 60 • Multiplication tables and Division tables • The 60 minute hour • The 60 second minute • 360 degree circle • Watched the position of the stars to show when the best times to plant crops and when to hold religious ceremonies • 12 month calendar based on moon cycles
Your Assignment:Chapter 4 Lesson 1 Review p. 83 #1-6turn it in to your period folder on Mrs. Young’s desk THEN WORK ON LESSON 1 AND LESSON 2 GUIDED READING HANDOUTS They are due tomorrow!