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EU Water Framework Directive. Review of the Eutrophication Guidance Document. Strategic Coordination Group Meeting Brussels, 11 March 2009 Ursula Schmedtje European Commission, DG Environment Unit D.2 – Water and Marine, WFD Team.
EU Water Framework Directive Review of the Eutrophication Guidance Document Strategic Coordination Group Meeting Brussels, 11 March 2009 Ursula Schmedtje European Commission, DG Environment Unit D.2 – Water and Marine, WFD Team
Review the “interim guidance document” to take into account the latest developments (intercalibration, OSPAR second application of Common Procedure, developments on classification methods) Timetable June 2008 (!) Steering Group: DG ENV, EEA, FI, UK, NL, DE, ES Mandate
Introduction Overall conceptual framework for the assessment of eutrophication Overview and common understanding of eutrophication in EC and international policies The WFD concept of ecological status in the context of eutrophication Overview of current eutrophication risk assessment methodologies and criteria in European countries Towards harmonisation of classification criteria Monitoring Case Studies Next steps Scope of the review
Read across various policies WFD, Nitrates Directive, UWWTD, OSPAR, HELCOM, etc. Understanding of Nitrates and UWWTD “may become eutrophic in the near future” in relation to WFD status classes and consequences for designation Lead for this chapter: UK/NL Text has been revised and updated Chapter 3: policy chapter
Basically structured in water category sections and summarising the intercalibration results relevant for eutrophication Drafts for rivers and lakes are available Section on transitional waters has now been added (prepared by WRc based on the recent review by JRC) Coastal chapter pending Draft for marine waters available Lead for this chapter: JRC (DG ENV for the marine) Chapter 5: overview of assessment methods
Main contents: Use of nutrient standards and best practice in deriving them Combining information from different quality elements in the assessment of ecological status The river basin perspective: linking results of inland waters with transitional and coastal waters WFD and marine conventions: coherence of current eutrophication assessment schemes Draft available, under discussion in Steering Group Lead: DG ENV Chapter 6: harmonisation and classification issues
Chapter 7 – suggestions that the existing text could be enhanced with text on the monitoring of nutrients and biological QEs and the most appropriate biological QEs for eutrophication assessment Chapter 8 – the case study chapter is to be removed Chapter 9 – the existing text is currently being reviewed Other chapters
Further consultation on the Guidance to be achieved through the ECOSTAT (SCG in copy) from mid March to mid April 2009, mainly for chapter 5 and 6 Extended session on Eutrophication Guidance at the next ECOSTAT Meeting on 20-21 April 2009 Presentation of advanced draft of the Guidance at the meeting of the Strategic Coordination Group early May 2009 Final version to be presented to the Water Directors for adoption end of May 2009 Timetable and consultation