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Water framework directive. Kari Nygaard, NIVA. Document the environmental status for all European waters – freshwater and coastal Stop degradation of the environment Identify environmental goals for all water bodies that fails to achive good environmental status
Water framework directive Kari Nygaard, NIVA
Document the environmental status for all European waters – freshwater and coastal Stop degradation of the environment Identify environmental goals for all water bodies that fails to achive good environmental status Produce action plans for all water bodies Implement measures, monitor and document the effects Main goal
Preoperational phase – water districts, national and regional laws to be adapted to the WFD 2000-2003 Characterisation (Analysis of pressure and impacts for water districts) 2003-2004 Develop classifications system 2003-2006 Intercalibration and establish environmental goals 2005-2006 Develop monitoring programs 2004-2006 Monitoring programmes to be operational 2006 Action and management plan (monitoring) 2005-2009 River Basin Management plans presented to the public 2008 Publishing first River Basin Management Plans 2009 Plan of measures 2009-2012 ”lag phase for measures to work” 2013-2015 Waters to meet ”good status” 2015 Time scale 6-y RBWMP
Typology – what is a body of marine nature that can be given an uniform reference value? Characterisation – how do we classify the status of this waterbody? Monitoring – how do we handle, choose and follow up a representative area for the waterbodies? Abatement strategies – where, when and how? Challenges
Basic in the WFD is the theory that: Physical and chemical (salinity) factors set the limits for biological production in a waterbody Similar physio-chemical conditions within a biogeographic region will, in principle, contain the same species and similar communities if not any disturbing, pollution factors affect the environment The reference conditions can be set independent of country borders TYPOLOGYWhy is it so important?
Marine characterization Obligatory typology factorsEcoregions Barents Sea - Norwegian Sea - North Sea - Skagerrak Tidal range Macro tidal >5m - meso tidal 1-5m - micro tidal <1mSal in surf water Euhalin (>30ppt) -poly (30-18) -meso (18-5) -oligo (5-0,5) -fresh (<0,5)Recommended optional factorsWave exposure Extremely exposed - exposed - sheltered (the scale may be divided into 6)Depth Deep (>50m) - intermediate (30-50m) - shallow (<30m)Mixing of water column Fully mixed - partially stratified - permanently stratified Residence time Short (days) - moderate (weeks) - long (months-years (~100 years) Current velocity Weak (<1 knot) -moderate (1-3) - strong (>3 knots) Substratum Hard bottom - Sand/gravel - Mud-silt Intertidal area Small <50% - Large >50% Duration of ice cover Irregular - short (<90days) - mean (90-150d) - long (>150d)
Norwegian Sea (7 types)Euhaline, Mesotidal X-exposed Open coastExposed ArchipelagoSheltered fjordSheltered, Long Residence time Sheltered, Polyhaline (<30)Sheltered, Mesohaline (<18)Strong Current Straits Barents Sea (5 types) Euhaline, Meso tidalX-exposed Open coast Exposed Archipelago Sheltered fjordSheltered, Polyhaline (<30)Strong Current Straits North Sea(6 types)Euhaline, Micro tidal V-exposed Open coast Exposed Archipelago Sheltered fjordsSheltered, Long Residence time Sheltered, PolyhalineSheltered, Mesohaline Skagerrak (6 types)Polyhaline (<30), Micro tidal Exposed open coast Mod.exp.archipelagoSheltered fjordsSheltered and Long Residence timeSheltered, Mesohaline (<18)Very sheltered meso/oligohaline
Marine characterization – is the basic for classification • Classification gives the status for any given waterbody • The status given, rules what kind of monitoring is needed • Which again should lead to abatement strategies if the status is less than Good
Phytoplankton – species composition, biomass, frequency of the blooming Macroalgae and flowering water plants – species composition, covering degree, sensitive spp. Benthic animals – species comp., biomass, individual number Classification in WFD is based on the biological elements: Characterization of quality elements
General variables: Nutrients (tot-N, NO3, NH4, tot P, PO4) Oxygen concentrations (deep water) Secchi depth Thermal pollution Specific pollution compounds: Pollution class with toxic compounds of high priority Pollution class with indicated toxic compounds To support the biological elements, physical and chemical elements should be used to support the given status class:
high ≈ no or only minor deviations; good ≈ low levels of disturbance, but deviate only slightly; moderate ≈ moderate deviations and significant effects; poor ≈ major biological alterations and substantial deviation; bad ≈ severe biological alterations and large deviation. WFD - the normative classification for the biological elements can be summarized as:
Physical and chemical supporting elements such as nutrients, oxygen etc. - and also decide level and effect of physical changes to the waterbody A major challenge is to link the normative definitions to physical and chemical elements – how does it influence the biology
Intercalibration of biological monitoring results { No or minimal HIGH Intercalibration { GOOD Slight { MODERATE Moderate Non-deterioration { POOR Major Restoration { BAD Severe Impact Ecological status Courtesy Peter Pollard, Scottish Environment Protection Agency
Fremskaffe egnete grenseverdier vannkvalitet for hvert av de biologiske elementene. • Benytte normative definisjoner • IC skal foretas innen GIGs • IC skal utføres for alle vedtatte vanntyper (må ha felles vanntype med minst en annen nasjon) • IC kan utføres på 3 måter. GIGs - KYST
If EQR-value for one biological element in a water body falls in a lower cathegory than good status – the whole waterbody is classified as ”bad” ”One out – all out”
S.Townsendi Poor 65 Good Green Macro: Good 65 Good 54 Good 54 Good 94 High Increasing: High 33 Mod Green Macro Absent: High Phytoplankton, nuts & turbidity: High/Good Milford Haven
Water Framework Directive State of implementation November 2006
First analysis of article 5 reports The analysis is demonstrating your achievements as well as non-achievements … First analysis shows that a high number of water bodies are at risk: • Hydromorphological alterations (inter alia from navigation, pressures of land use in urban and rural areas, hydropower, flood defences) are a common concern across Europe. • In several parts of Europe non-delivery on tasks already due (waste water treatment, nitrates pollution from agriculture) plays a considerable role in shaping our waters ‘at risk’. It is unjustified to attribute costs to the WFD, if in fact they are related to old obligations not complied with … • Over-abstraction is a problem in some regions. Full Commission report to be published March 2007.
Transparency: all WFD environmental assessments available on the Internet http://forum.europa.eu.int/Public/irc/env/wfd/home Contact address env-water@cec.eu.int
environmental quality standards pollution control Daughter Directive Priority Substances “Combined approach” • set out in article 10 Water Framework Directive • pollution control measures set in a range of EU legislation (emission and process controls; marketing and use restrictions; and waste treatment and disposal measures): inter alia on existing chemical substances, plant protection products, industrial and other waste water emissions and the proposed REACH legislation • water quality standards detailing “good chemical status” to be set for substances / parameters of EU-wide relevance by EU legislation (WFD Daughter Directives) • for other substances / parameters at national / river basin level (within the river basin management plans) - under criteria set out in the WFD and taking into account local and regional characteristics
Floods Directive 2007 Priority Substances Directive 2007 Groundwater Directive 2006 WFD – one coherent management frame; streamlining water legislation X IPPC Directive 1996 Groundwater Directive 1980 Drinking Water Directive 1998 X Surface Water Directive 1975 Bathing Water Directive 1976 / 2006 X Dangerous Substances Directive 1976 WFD X Sampling and Analysis Directive 1979 X DS Daughter Directives 1981-1986 X X Exchange of Information Decision 1977 Nitrates Directive 1991 X X Shellfish Water Directive 1979 Urban Waste Water Directive 1991 Fishwater Directive 1978 X repealed by 2007; X repealed by 2013;X repealed together with adoption of WFD Daughter Directive on Priority Substances
Typology Classification Monitoring Usefull guidelines available