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F EDERAL C OMPETITION A UTHORITY Austria Birgit Schwabl-Drobir. Session 4. Promotion of Competition . Independent Market Players. F EDERAL C OMPETITION A UTHORITY Promotion of Competition (1).
FEDERALCOMPETITIONAUTHORITY Austria Birgit Schwabl-Drobir Session 4.Promotion ofCompetition. Independent Market Players.
FEDERAL COMPETITIONAUTHORITY Promotion ofCompetition (1) • Rise transparency to foster competition:Input of the Federal Competiton Authority:- Periodical newsletter regarding the developments in the fuel market- Various investigations on specific topics in that market: intrastate price differentials; the formation of prices; market entries; consequences of weekdays, public holidays and vacations on the fuel prices; effect of recommended prices on prices in reality; development of margins at fuel stations (differentiated between highway and non-highway stations); etc. Austrian Federal Competition Authority p. 2 / 11
FEDERAL COMPETITIONAUTHORITY Promotion ofCompetition (2) • Rise transparency to foster competition:Input of the Ministry of Economics: - Regulation concerning the time of fuel price increases: price increases are only allowed once a day at 12 p.m., decreases are always permitted - Electronic calculator of cheapest fuel prices nearby available in the Net: price increases have to be reported immediately, price decreases within 30 minutes by every operator of a gas station (implemented in August 2011) Austrian Federal Competition Authority p. 3 / 11
FEDERAL COMPETITIONAUTHORITY Promotion ofCompetition (3) • Screenshot of the calculator: insert location select type of fuel Austrian Federal Competition Authority p. 4 / 11
FEDERAL COMPETITIONAUTHORITY Promotion ofCompetition (4) • Screenshot of the calculator: distance (air line) prices of the 5 cheapest stations 10 nearest gas stations Austrian Federal Competition Authority p. 5 / 11
FEDERAL COMPETITIONAUTHORITY Prospectsfor Independent Players (1) • In Austria, fuel prices are below the European average: Austrian Federal Competition Authority p. 6 / 11
FEDERAL COMPETITIONAUTHORITY Prospectsfor Independent Players (2) • In Austria, fuel prices are below the European average: Austrian Federal Competition Authority p. 7 / 11
FEDERAL COMPETITIONAUTHORITY Prospectsfor Independent Players (3) • The number of gas stations is decreasing: Austrian Federal Competition Authority p. 8 / 11
FEDERAL COMPETITIONAUTHORITY Prospectsfor Independent Players (4) • Nevertheless, there are prospects for independent players:An example from Austria:- As of 2009 a market entrant opens up gas station machines on parking areas of a discount store, no service but low prices- Incumbents nearby undercut prices to push the newcomer out of the market - With requests for information the Competition Authority controlled for a consistent proceeding with antitrust law - By now the newcomer is active in the market and responsible for a lower fuel price level in the provinces in question Austrian Federal Competition Authority p. 9 / 11
FEDERAL COMPETITIONAUTHORITY Monitoring Independent Market Participants. • Periodical monitoring (via newsletter) and case-related monitoring(via investigations) mainly by means of:- Daily fuel prices from ~ 1.800 (~ 66%) gas stations provided by thedrivers association - Price data of all 2.700 gas stations located in Austria as a result of the electronic calculator (time series from August 2011 onwards)New possibilities for analysis due to these data! Austrian Federal Competition Authority p. 10 / 11
FEDERAL COMPETITIONAUTHORITY Thankyouforyourattention! Birgit Schwabl-DrobirAustrian Federal Competition AuthorityPraterstraße 311020 ViennaAustria birgit.schwabl-drobir@bwb.gv.at +43 1 24508 315 Austrian Federal Competition Authority p. 11 / 11