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The Dental Pulp

The Dental Pulp. Functions of the Dental Pulp. Inductive Formative Protective Sensory. Zones of the Pulp. Odontoblastic Layer Cell Free Zone Cell Rich Zone Pulp Core. Odontoblasts “Reticular Fibers” Capillaries Nerves Mesenchymal Cells Dentin Subodontic Nerve Plexus.

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The Dental Pulp

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Dental Pulp

  2. Functions of the Dental Pulp • Inductive • Formative • Protective • Sensory

  3. Zones of the Pulp • Odontoblastic Layer • Cell Free Zone • Cell Rich Zone • Pulp Core • Odontoblasts • “Reticular Fibers” • Capillaries • Nerves • Mesenchymal Cells • Dentin • Subodontic Nerve Plexus Avery: Oral Histology

  4. Nerves in Teeth • A • Mechanoreceptors • A • Thermoreceptors • Nociceptors • C fibers • Nociceptors

  5. Hydrodynamic Mechanism of Dental Pain • Odontoblast • Predentin • Dentin • Odontoblastic Process • Subodontoblastic Nerve Plexus • A Fiber • Axon Terminal in Tubule

  6. Age Changes in the Dental Pulp • 1. Secondary Dentin • Reduction is size • 2. Tertiary Dentin • Reparative dentin • Reactive dentin • 3. Calcification • Pulp stones

  7. Response to Injury

  8. Avery: Oral Histology

  9. Direct Pulp Capping Avery: Oral Histology

  10. Internal Resorption

  11. Hyperplastic Pulpitis “Pulp Polyp”

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