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LIVER CIRRHOSIS. THE FIRST AFFILIATED HOSPITAL OF JIANGXI MEDICAL COLLEGE ZHANG KUN HE (张焜和). What is hepatocirrhosis. It is a kind of common,chronic,progressive and diffusing liver disease. Its histological feature is nodular regeneration of liver cells, fibrosis and forming pseudo-lobule.
What is hepatocirrhosis • It is a kind of common,chronic,progressive and diffusing liver disease. • Its histological feature is nodular regeneration of liver cells, fibrosis and forming pseudo-lobule. • Contracture of fibrous tissue makes liver deform and sclerosis. • Manifestation: damage of liver cells and portal hypertension • Many serious complications occur in later period • It more occurs in males. Males:females=3.6~8:1 • It often occurs in forties(35~48)
Etiologic classification • Viral hepatitis hepatocirrhosis • Alcoholic cirrhosis • Schistosomiasis hepatocirrhosis • Biliary cirrhosis • Metabolic hepatocirrhosis • Others
Viral hepatitis and livercirrhosis • The commonest factor of hepatocirrhosis in China • Infection of HBV, HCV or HBV+HDV • Superinfection of several kinds of virus causes it most easily. • Viral infection can result in chronic hepatitis, especially chronic active hepatitis • Chronic damage of liver develops into post-hepatitis cirrhosis in the end. • HAV and HEV only cause acute hepatitis.They can not result in hepatocirrhosis.
Chronic schistosomiasisand hepatocirrhosis • Schistosomiasis is still a common factor of hepatocirrhosis in epidemic-stricken area • Long-term or repeated infection of Japanese blood flukes • Mass eggs deposit in portal area • Mass fibrous tissues proliferate in portal area • Ultimately it develops into schistosomiasis hepatic fibrosis. • Portal hypertension is the major manifestation.Damage of liver is gentler
Chronic alcoholism and hepatocirrhosis • Liver is the unique organ where alcohol is metabolized • Long-term drinking(>10 years)and mass alcohol(>80g) may cause hepatocirrhosis • Metabolite(acetaldehyde) of alcohol can result in chronic lesion of liver • Alcoholic hepatitis and alcoholic fatty liver are caused and develop into alcoholic cirrhosis later
Cholestasis and hepatocirrhosis • Intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct obstruction lasts for a long time resulting in long-term depositing bile • Depositing bile damages liver and stimulates fibers proliferation which cause biliary cirrhosis at last • The cause of primary biliary cirrhosis is indistinct • Secondary biliary cirrhosis is caused by choleith blocking bile duct
Circulatory disorder and hepatocirrhosis • Liver chronic congestion→hypoxia → hepatocyte necrosis →fibrous tissue proliferation → cirrhosis of liver • Chronic congestive heart failure (constrictive pericarditis)→cardiac cirrhosis • Obstruction of hepatic veins or inferior vena cava → cirrhosis of liver
Toxicity hepatitis and cirrhosis of liver • Hepatotoxicity poison:tetrachloride, phosphorum, arsenic • Hepatotoxicity drug:isaphenin, methyl-DOPA、tetracycline • Chronic toxicity hepatitis→cirrhosis of liver
Metabolic disorders andcirrhosis of liver • Inherited diseases • Copper metabolic disorder: hepatolenticular degeneration→deposition of copper → fibers proliferation →cirrhosis of liver • Ferrum metabolic disorder:hemachromatosis →deposition of iron → cirrhosis of liver • a1-anti-trypsin deficiency syndrome • Galactosemia
Malnutrition and liver cirrhosis • Lose of nutrien and malabsorption:IBD • Long-term deficiency in food:malnutrition • Fatty degeneration of liver→necrosis →cirrhosis of liver
Hepatocirrhosis of unknown etiology • The etiology is difficult to define • Parts of them are of viral hepatitis
Pathogenesis of hepatocirrhosis extensive necrosis of liver cells ↓ regenerated node ↓ pseudo-leaflet ↓ portal hypertension
Pathologic classification of hepatocirrhosis • Lesser tubercle cirrhosis:portal cirrhosis • Greater tubercle cirrhosis:necrotic cirrhosis • Mixed cirrhosis • Others
Lesser tubercle cirrhosis • Commonest,caused by chronic hepatitis • Smaller nodes: Ø0.3~0.5cm • The size of nodes is similar • Pseudo-lobules are also similar in size
Greater tuberclecirrhosis • Caused by serious hepatic necrosis • Greater nodes : Ø1~3cm • Discrepancy in size • Broder fibrous spetum,and vary in width • Different size of pseudo-lobules
Mixed nodular cirrhosis greater tubercle + lesser tubercle
Unconspicuous regenerated nodular cirrhosis • Significant proliferation of fiber • Fibrous spetum extend into hepatic lobules, but not completely cut apart hepatic lobule • Fibrous tissues wrap many hepatic lobules and form multi-lobule nodes • Unconspicuous regeneration in nodes • Seeing in schistosomiasis hepatic fibrosis
Pathologic features of liver cirrhosis • Hepatomegaly early, evidently decreased in size later • Fibers increase and become hard, so called “sclerosis” • Nodular surface, so called “pineapple liver” • Section shows islanded, wrapped by gray fibrous tissues
Histologic features of liver cirrhosis • Consisted of several non-integrality hepatic lobules, containing 0~3 central veins • Consisted of regenerated nodes, irregular arrangement of cells • Degeneration, necrosis and regeneration of liver cells • Portal area significantly becomes broader because of proliferation of fibrous tissues and have infiltration of inflammatory cells and pseudo-bile duct
Pathologic features of other organs • Collateral circulation forming in esophagus, gastric fundus and abdominal wall varicosis • Splenomegaly: hyperemia, proliferation of splenic pulp, hyperplasia of fibers • Portal hypertension gastropathy: congestion, edema and erosion of gastric mucosa • Others
Compensatory phase of liver function • Symptoms mild, no specificity • Digestive symptoms:anorexia, mild diarrhea • Systemic symptoms:characterized with fatigue • Signs:mild hepatomegaly, mildly hard quality, tenderness,mild~moderate splenomegaly • Liver function tests:basically normal or mildly abnormal
Decompensatory phase of liver function • Clinical presentations evident • Divided into two categories • Presentations of liver function disfunction • Presentations of portal hypertension • Presentations of complications
Systemic symptoms of subsidence of liver function • Malnutrition, weight loss • Bad spirit, fatigue • Facial features of liver disease, no politure, kraurotic skin • Jaundice, suggesting significant necrosis of liver cells • Irregular fever
Digestive symptoms • Poor appitite, nausea or epigastric distention after having food • Diarrhea, induced when intaking unhealthful or fatty food • Abdominal distention • serious distention when with a great quantity of ascites • Major causes of symptoms • Gastrointestinal congestion and edema, dysfunction of digestion and absorption • Dysbacteriosis of intestinal tract
Manifestations of the blood system • Hemorrhagic tendency:gingival bleeding, skin ecchymosis • Decreased synthesis of coagulation factors • Thrombocytopenia caused by hypersplenism • Increased capillary fragility • Anemia, with different degrees based on causes • Malnutrition caused by dysfunction of digestion and absorption • Hypersplenism • Blood loss: gastrointestinal bleeding
Endocrine disturbance • Decreased inactivation of estrogen • sexual disturbance • spider nevus, liver palm, capillary telangiectasia • Decreased inactivation of aldosterone:increased reabsorption of sodium, sodium retention • Decreased inactivation of antidiuretic hormone:increased reabsorption of water • Hypoadrenocorticism(feedback suppression): skin pigmentation, especially on face
Splenomegaly • Mild~moderate splenomegaly • Spleen can temporarily shrink,even cannot be touched when upper digestive tract haemorrhages • Hypersplenia may exist when three series of blood cells decrease • Those with splenomegaly must exclude liver cirrhosis
Collateral circulation • When portal venous pressure exceeds 200mmH2O,collateral circulation is formed between portal vein and systemic vein • Varicosis of esophagus and gastric fundus • Varicosis of abdominal wall • Phlebectasia of hemorrhoid
Portal hypertension: ascites • The most significant presentation in decompensatory phase • See in more than 75% patients • Distention often prior to ascites • Frog belly • Part of patients with pleural fluid, mostly in right-sidedness • Caused by excessive accumulation of sodium and water
Causes of ascites • Portal hypertension • Hypoallbuminemia • Increased hepatic and possibly splanchnic lymph fluid formation • Secondary aldosteronism:increased reabsorption of sodium • Antidiuretic hormone increased:water reabsorption increased • Deficiency of effective circulating blood volume
Palpation of liver • Relatively hard quality • Sharp edge • Nodular or granular • No tenderness without hepatitis, but tenderness with active hepatitis
Cirrhosis type & presentations • Lesser tubercle liver cirrhosis • Greater tubercle liver cirrhosis • Schistosomiasis liver cirrhosis
Upper gastrointestinal hemorrhea • The commonest complication • Hematemesis and melena(tarry) • Often evoking hepatic encephalopathy and greatly increased ascites • Etiology • Esophageal and gastric varices • Erosive gastritis • Peptic ulcer disease