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Tools for Improvement (2)

Tools for Improvement (2). Mahendrawathi ER, Ph.D. Idealizing. Prinsip utama: bebas dari keterbatasan yang membebani proses yang saat ini Tujuan: bayangkan seberapa baik proses ideal yang bisa

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Tools for Improvement (2)

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  1. Tools for Improvement (2) Mahendrawathi ER, Ph.D

  2. Idealizing • Prinsip utama: bebas dari keterbatasan yang membebani proses yang saat ini • Tujuan: bayangkan seberapa baik proses ideal yang bisa • Bahkan jika proses yang ideal tsb tidak dapat diterapkan dalam praktek, namun dapat memberikan wawasan tentang bagaimana harus diterapkan • Perbedaan antara proses ideal dan situasi saat ini dengan demikian dapat digunakan sebagai titik awal untuk merumuskan solusi dan proyek-proyek perbaikan

  3. Idealizing • Sebuah kelompok khusus yang terlatih • Beberapa peserta untuk memastikan menangkap ide yang sebanyak mungkin • Kelompok dapat dicampur: • Yang membentuk proses  mereka adalah orang-orang bermimpi proses yang ideal • Mereka yang tidak terbiasa dengan keterbatasan  dapat mempresentasikan ide yg menyegarkan • Tidak ada pedoman khusus tentang melakukan idealisasi • Flowchart dapat digunakan • Setelah membuat flowchart untuk proses yang ideal  membandingkannya dengan proses saat ini • temukan kesenjangan antara proses

  4. QFD • Fitur yang menonjol dari QFD adalah: • Menggambarkan hubungan dan kaitan antara tujuan dan sarana, serta analisisnya • Prinsip ini dapat diterapkan untuk perbaikan proses • Apa: persyaratan yang ditetapkan untuk proses • Pentingnya: untuk menimbang persyaratan berdasarkan tingkat kepentingan • Caranya: cara yang digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan yang berbeda • Matriks relasional: hubungan antara kebutuhan dan sarana yg dianalisis • Bagaimana vs bagaimana (atap): hubungan antara berbagai sarana • Mengapa: dapat digunakan untuk melakukan benchmarking sederhana terhadap proses organisasi lain • Berapa banyak: menggambarkan hasil analisis

  5. Work Unit Analysis • latar Belakang: • Kebutuhan spesifikasi yang jelas untuk diikuti • Seringkali suatu produk atau jasa tidak memiliki petunjuk apapun tentang apa yang diinginkan pelanggan • Untuk menjernihkan "kesalahpahaman yg tidak disadari" dan analisis kesenjangan spesifikasi kerja unit kerja yg dapat dibangun dan antarmuka antara mereka • Sebuah unit kerja: kelompok yang melakukan serangkaian tugas dan yang merupakan unit dengan input dan output yang terdefinisi dengan baik

  6. Work unit • Mereka yang melakukan pembagian segmen dari sebuah bisnis  membentuk unit kerja • Unit akan memiliki pemasok dan pelanggan memberikan dan menerima input dan output ke dan dari unit kerja Requirements Requirements Input Output Work Unit Supplier Customer

  7. Definition of requirements • Setelah unit kerja telah dibentuk, bersama-sama dengan pemasok dan pelanggan, harus menetapkan persyaratan bahwa: • Unit kerja memposisikan input dari pemasok & pengukuran kinerja untuk memantau apakah mereka puas • Para pelanggan memposisikan untuk output dari unit kerja & ukuran kinerja untuk memantau apakah mereka puas

  8. Purpose of work unit • Pembahasan sekitar kebutuhan akan memberikan pencerahan yg dibutuhkan dan tuntutan dari stakeholder berbeda • Analisis akan menyebabkan t menetapkan ukuran kinerja yang jelas  dapat digunakan untuk memantau kualitas input atau output • Analisis akan memastikan bahwa beberapa item dengan cacat atau kelemahan mungkin akan dikirimkan selama proses lebih lanjut

  9. Steps to conduct work unit analysis 1. Establish the work unit  if one attempted work unit cannot clearly define the input and output, it must be redefined/reduced 2. Map customers  To capture the requirements from customers, analysis should start at the customer end of the work unit. • The unit’s true customer must be identified • Important to focus on the real products supplied by the unit • If a unit has more than one customer, then in the beginning concentrate on the most important customer 3. Define the requirements set for the unit’s output • Must capture absolute demands and less articulated ones!

  10. Canoe Model Customer satisfaction • Expressed: demands described by customers • Expected: so basic not even described • Work unit must be aware of both • Satisfaction level depends on how well both sets are met: • Satisfying expressed req. does not rectify shortcomings in the basic demand • Satisfying every basic req. will not lead to complete satisfaction unless expressed req. are fulfilled Delight Performance Unspoken Degree of achievement Basic Expressed Expected

  11. Steps to conduct work unit analysis (cont.) 4. Map the inputs 5. Map suppliers of each input 6. Map processes performed by the work unit in order to transform input to output 7. Define performance measures for the processes 8. Continuous measurement, generation of improvement suggestions and implementation of these

  12. Business Process Re-engineering • According to Hammer and Champy (1993), BPR is: Re-engineering is fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical contemporary measures of performance such as cost, quality, service and speed • BPR emphasizes on the breakthrough or radical improvements • Not suitable for example if the objective is to achieve 10% improvement

  13. BPR vs. role of existing business processes • Should the existing processes form the basis for the new, redesigned processes? • Should the existing processes be changed in the improvement phase or should new processes be designed to replace them? • Should the organization simply start the reengineering with a clean sheet?

  14. Existing vs. Completely New Process • Existing processes: • Ignoring existing process means ignoring accumulated knowledge and experience  very risky. However, there is a danger of repeating the same mistakes • Too many detail  allowing limitations incorporated in them to impact the new process • Completely new process: • VERY FEW organization have succeeded in implementing completely new processes • No correct answer: strike a suitable balance between how things are done today and how they should be done in a perfect world

  15. Types of BPR • Systematic Reengineering: current processes are understood, documented and analyzed in order to systematically create new and better processes • Similar to streamlining but not only about incremental improvements in existing process • BPR must seek to combine the best from existing processes with new ideas about how the ideal process should look (idealizing) • Clean Sheet Reengineering: current processes are scrapped and new processes created from scratch through fundamental rethinking • Starting with completely clean sheet rarely can be done in practice  we mean a more moderate

  16. True application of BPR will be a structured process where two elements, idealizing and streamlining, are combined

  17. Conducting BPR Strategic plans External performance requirements Four Phases • Planning • Reengineering • Transformation • Implementation Planning BPR Project Reengineering Recommendations Transformation Approved solutions Implementation Reengineered process

  18. Planning Central tasks in this phase: • Select the process to be improved through BPR • Assess the possibilities for achieving improvement and establish targets • Establish a project team to perform the work in the project • Produce a project plan for the BPR project

  19. Central points in project plan • Activities of the project • Who will perform these? • When they should be performed? • Which resources are needed and which are available for the project • The expected results from the project

  20. Reengineering • Document the existing process • Reengineer the process • Develop recommendations for improvement

  21. Systematic Reengineering • Resembles the streamlining • ESIA rules: • Elimination: eliminate all activities that do not add value • Simplification: simplify as many of those activities remaining as possible • Integration: integrate and further improve the flow of deliveries between the suppliers, the organization and the customers • Several smaller jobs can be integrated into one single job • Different individual specialists can be integrated into groups that are responsible for more jobs • Integrating organization with customers and suppliers • Automation: IT, computerization and robotic equipment • Should be applied after elimination, simplification and integration has been successfully applied • 80 percent functionality can be achieved at 20 percent of the cost

  22. Main area for ESIA rule

  23. Clean Sheet Reengineering • Each BPR project utilizing this approach is unique • Some basic questions that need answering: • Which basic needs do we want to fulfill and for whom? • Why do we try to fulfill these needs? Does it fit in with the overall strategy of the organization? • Where must these needs be fulfilled? At home, in a separate service area, in the company’s facilities? • When must these needs be fulfilled? At what time of the day, and by which deadlines? • How will the needs be fulfilled? What processes will be required? Who must perform these processes, and which technologies does this require? • Creativity, imagination and knowledge of the persons involved is crucial

  24. Transformation • Main tasks: • Evaluating the changes required to implement the new process • Planning the need for investments, training, purchases and so on • Creating a favorable climate for change • Planning the implementation

  25. Implementation • Set targets for the improvements • Carry out the implementation plan • Monitor the progress of the implementation and handle any deviations

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