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St. George’s University School of Medicine Student Mentor Program. Frances McGill, M.D. Associate Dean of Students Associate Dean of Clinical Studies, U.S. . SGUSOM Mentor Program.
St. George’s UniversitySchool of MedicineStudent Mentor Program Frances McGill, M.D. Associate Dean of Students Associate Dean of Clinical Studies, U.S.
SGUSOM Mentor Program • The New York State Report on St. George’s University School of Medicine July 2002 ,recommended that we design and establish a program for upperclassmen in their clinical years to mentor or at least interact with students in their basic science years
SGUSOM Mentor Program “Mentor” : A wise and faithful advisor” ( The Miriam Webster Pocket Dictionary) A dynamic reciprocal relationship in a work enviornment betwee an advanced career incumbent ( mentor) and a beginner ( protégé), aimed at promoting the development of both ( Sambunjak,D , Straus,S, Marusic,A, Mentoring in Academic Medicine, JAMA,Sept 6.2006,Vol296,No9)
Mentoring in Academic Medicine • 142 Articles; 42 reviewed • UCSF : 3rd and 4th year Medical Students : 40% me & 33% women had mentors • No study on students mentoring students • Mentorship reported as important influence on personal development, career guidance, career choice, productivity ( Sambunjak,D , Straus,S, Marusic,A, Mentoring in Academic Medicine, JAMA,Sept 6.2006,Vol296,No9)
Communication at SGU From a student’s view Michael Markos Third Year Student SGA 2005
Communication Pre-Grenada Current Students,Friends, Alumni, and Rumors Bayshore + Organized Events, Orientations
1st, 2nd, 3rd TERM Primarily Information flows to the student from previous term students Footsteps Program Orientation Program Student Government announcements Dean of Students Bay Shore Rumors 4th TERM Primarily Information flows to the student from previous term students (these students are usually visiting from St Vincent Student Government Sponsors Class Reps to come from St. Vincent’s to give a presentation to future 5th term class. Question and answer session. Bay Shore Rumors Communication In Grenada
Communication-Student’s View • Communication In St. Vincent’s5th and 6th term • Information about academics flows from Orientation and Dean of Students • Student Government Announcements • Office of DES has a list of upper classmen and email lists of the previous classes clinical placements. 5th and 6th term students can email clinical students and get information on clinical placement and hospitals. The office is consistent and available. It is critical that the clinical list + email of students new placements be up dated or information can be disrupted. Correspondence varies • Ideally reps from one or two hospitals should come down and give a presentation on the clinical years (this is what would be needed most) + a question and answer session • CHANGES:This has been done: John Madden, MD, OCG, brings Clinical Student(s) to St. Vincent
Communication - Student’s View • 7th Term and on “The Clinical Years” • Before leaving St. Vincent class reps made a master contact list which includes email & phone numbers. The class is divided by alphabet and each representative was assigned 15-20 students. • The class reps are directly responsible for disseminating information that is sent to us by either John Madden (Clinical Dean) or anyone else.
SGUSOM Mentor ProgramReview of Programs by F. McGill • STUDENT CALLERS ( RECRUITERS) • Prior to enrollment as a medical student, the potential student has telephone communication with clinical students who provide information re: SGUSOM and answer the candidate’s questions. • ADMISSIONS INTERVIEWS are conducted by SGUOM Graduates, so that the prospective candidate can ask questions and interact with someone who has experienced life as a St. George’s student. OPEN HOUSES for incoming students are attended by current SGUSOM students and graduates who interact with the new students
SGUSOM Mentor Program Review of Programs by F McGill FOOTSTEPS PROGRAM created by students Sandra Wilson Wainwright and Madhui Patmana in 1997. Incoming students are paired with student volunteers who come from similar geographic areas and meet at Orientation This program is coordinated by Carolyn Garbarino, Bayshore, Student Footsteps Leaders, Sara Story, and Steve Pesanti, and Associate Dean Colin Dowe, Grenada. CHANGES: Selection of upper classmen ; Continuation of meeting during semester.
SGUSOM Mentor Program • ‘Welcome to Grenada’ ,A Student’s Guide for Students, First Edition 2006 by Christopher Kinsella and Jessica Kramer; Artwork by Ilea Khan • On SGU Website
SGUSOM Mentor ProgramReview of Programs by F McGill The STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION (SGA) provides a forum for formal communication between students in the same semester, as well as between semesters. Fifth semester students visit the fourth semester students on Grenada to discuss life in St. Vincent. CHANGES :Clinical SGA representative visits the Kingstown Medical College students each semester with Dr. Madden to discuss the Clinical Year Hospital representatives delegated from SGA to communicate with peers and younger students. SGA welcomes new students to clinical sites SGA ( Bonnie Dellinger and colleagues ) posted Clinical information on Angel web site for all to access ; this needs to be moved to the new Mentor site .
SGUSOM Mentor Program Review of Programs by F McGill PEER COUNSELING which is strictly confidential and arranged through the Department of Educational Services is another student mentoring student program which is utilized by the students. RESIDENT ASSISTANTS meet incoming students at airport; provide peer mentoring to the students in their dormitories. The RA s are not trained as peer counselors however they are immediately available and offer support and guidance to younger students.
SGUSOM Mentor Program Review of Programs by F McGill • Honor Society, Iota Epsilon Alpha (IOA) mentor first semester students by “mock “ Biochemisrty and Embryology Exams At KMC, IOA tutors colleagues who wish additional academic support
SGUSOM Students and Alumni Review of Programs by F McGill VOLUNTEER ALUMNI DIRECTORY, and ALUMNI MEDICINE WEBSITE: students communicate with SGUSOM Graduates via the Bay Shore office. The Alumni Association is revising its website for communication with students. ALUMNI participate in Open houses, College Health Career Fairs , and through the web site. This is coordinated by Betsy Mills, Bay Shore. ANNUAL RESIDENCY FAIR conducted by the Office of Career Guidance is attended by third year student. Many graduates attend and this provides another forum for student-graduate interaction.
SGUSOM Mentor Program Review of Programs by F McGill • The SHADOW PROGRAM in which Basic Science Students “ shadow” SGUSOM Graduates • This program will be revised and coordinated by the Alumni Association • The Alumni Association will also plan to “pair” students with graduates starting in the Freshman year.
SGUSOM Mentor Program • The New York State Report on St. George’s University School of Medicine July 2002 ,recommended that we design and establish a program for upperclassmen in their clinical years to mentor or at least interact with students in their basic science years
SGUSOM Mentor ProgramNeed to Link Basic Science Students : Grenada St. Vincent Northumbria, UK ? Future Clinical Students: U.S. U.K. Elective clinical sites
SGUSOM Mentor ProgramNew Interactive Web Site • New SGUSOM MENTOR MESSAGE BOARD • Within SGU Members Center , so protected site • Subset of COMMUNICATE ( SGU Talk ) • Interactive between Clinical and Basic Science Students • Augments current programs • International in potential • Appreciation to Linda Marfoglio and Joe Kenny, SGU, IT
SGUSOM MENTOR MESSAGE BOARD New Interactive Web Site • Initially had CELLS: • SGU Pre-Med to Medicine • Grenada to St. Vincent • St. Vincent to Clinical Year • Fourth Year to Clinical • Residents to Alumni
SGUSOM MENTOR MESSAGE BOARD • Problems: • Within SGU Talk, less visible and not utilized • Little interest from Clinical Students • Few Questions to new graduates • Not opening fields easily • No UK involvement yet pending resolution of above
Solutions / Works in Progress Letter to all Clinical Students requesting volunteer mentors SGA Grenada and St Vincent are interested and have assigned student communication representatives Have requested separate location under Communicate and ease of access SGUSOM MENTOR MESSAGE BOARD
Communication from Tony Schmidt ,Director, IT • The categories you developed were a good start, but were much to voluminous. • I realized recently that SGU Talk is really a mentoring system in its own right. That's why I joined the two together. If we continued to have two discussion forums, it would just confuse everyone.
Communication from Tony Schmidt Director, IT • The better way to handle this is to have students create their own threads instead. As they are posted we can make some "sticky" so that they always stay on the top of a category. • That's why I have asked you to have your student volunteers "seed" some threads with common questions in the current set of categories.
SGUSOM MENTOR MESSAGE BOARD • Had been Linked to list of recent (2006 ) Graduates who have agreed to be Mentors (top bar) • Editors will monitor • Have requested that Tony Schmidt return this to new Mentor Site
Communication from Tony Schmidt Director, IT • The new SGU Talk / Mentor discussion database should meet the NYS requirement in that, it encourages interactivity between med school basic science and clinical students
SGUSOM MENTOR • Grenada and KMC Students are happy with new interactive site • Need to involve Clinical and UK Students • Review International Medical Fraternity Phi Delta Epsilon (phi DE) to support camaraderie and mentoring among medical students
SGUSOM MENTOR • Need to involve UK Clinical and basic science students • Will request collaboration from Sue Huntington, and Fiona (UNN)