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STNE Seminar Pupil Engagement and Pupil Gains School of Education, University of Aberdeen Thursday 18th September 10.30am – 4.00pm. Programme a.m. 10.30-10.50 Welcome and introduction: The complexity of teacher effectiveness and pupil gains. Donald Gray
STNE Seminar Pupil Engagement and Pupil Gains School of Education, University of Aberdeen Thursday 18th September 10.30am – 4.00pm
Programme a.m. • 10.30-10.50 Welcome and introduction: • The complexity of teacher effectiveness and pupil gains. Donald Gray • 10.50-11.20 Teachers Professional Learning and Pupil Gains. (D.Christie and S.McKinney) • 11.20-11.50 Teacher effectiveness and pupil learning gains - A Canadian Perspective from the Alberta Improving Schools Initiative (J.Parsons). • 11.50-12.30 Discussion groups • 12.30-12.45 Plenary feedback • 12.45 Lunch
Programme p.m. • 1.30-2.00 Realising pupil gains? Engagement in learning in areas of high social deprivation. (A.Wilson) • 2.00-2.30 Developing new meanings for pupil gains - teacher and pupil perspectives (K.Stelfox/Jennifer Morrison) • 2.30-3.15 Discussion Groups • 3.15 – 3.50 Plenary Discussion • 3.50 Closing remarks. • 4.00 End
The complexity of teacher effectiveness and pupil gains. Dr Donald Gray
The Invitation “DEVELOPING TEACHERS, INCREASING PUPIL GAINS A NEW PILOT PROGRAMME TO FURTHER DEVELOP TEACHING AS A VALUED AND RECOGNISED PROFESSION IN SCOTLAND” What meanings can we attribute to terms like “effectiveness” and “pupil gains”, particularly within the context of the ‘new era’?
Methodological Paradigms Sanders and Rivers, 1996 • Cumulative teacher effects in mathematics from grades 3 to 5. • Teachers influence on the rate of academic growth. • “the single most dominant factor affecting student academic gain is teacher effect” Teacher effectiveness construed only in terms of academic test results.
Developing Teachers • The meaning of an “effective” teacher. • Characteristics of aneffective teacher. • How do we know a teacher is effective? • What arepupil gains? • But manyother factors linked to pupilgains. • A verycomplex scenario.
Do we have effective teachers? • OECD PISA 2006 • Science – only 4 of 33 countries perform significantly better (14 less) – only one country has significantly more students scoring above Scotland at level 5 (Finland). • Maths – 8 of 32 perform significantly better (11 less) • Reading – only 5 0f 30 perform significantly better (11 less)
But … • There is a gap between the highest and lowest scorers in Science. • Compared to other countries, socio-economic status is a major determinant of attainment, • Scottish students have neutral feelings about their abilities ….. • ….and do not express a high level of interest in science.
Globalisation (Mortimore, 2001) • International comparisons show effects of – motivating staff, focusing on T&L, enhancing the physical environment, changing the culture of the school. However, while many similar strategies used, the different context meant similar actions did not always produce similar results. • Improvements must fit the grain of society; indiscriminate borrowing from other cultures may not achieve the desired results; there is no ‘quick fix’ for school improvement; change has to be carried out by the school itself.
successful learners • with • enthusiasm and motivation for learning • determination to reach high standards of achievement • openness to new thinking and ideas • and able to • use literacy, communication and numeracy skills • use technology for learning • think creatively and independently • learn independently and as part of a group • make reasoned evaluations • link and apply different kinds of learning in • new situations • confident individuals • with • self respect • a sense of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing • secure values and beliefs • ambition • and able to • relate to others and manage themselves • pursue a healthy and active lifestyle • be self aware • develop and communicate their own beliefs • and view of the world • live as independently as they can • assess risk and take informed decisions • achieve success in different areas of activity To enable all young people to become • responsible citizens • with • respect for others • commitment to participate responsibly in • political, economic, social and cultural life • and able to • develop knowledge and understanding of • the world and Scotland’s place in it • understand different beliefs and cultures • make informed choices and decisions • evaluate environmental, scientific and • technological issues • develop informed, ethical views of complex • issues • effective contributors • with • an enterprising attitude • resilience • self-reliance • and able to • communicate in different ways and in • different settings • work in partnership and in teams • take the initiative and lead • apply critical thinking in new contexts • create and develop • solve problems
Pupil Gains? What do we mean by pupil/student gains? What different dimensions can be identified to pupil gains? How much importance should we attribute to each of these? Which can we realistically expect an “effective” teacher to facilitate the development of? What opportunities and challenges does the Curriculum for Excellence present with respect to the development of the dimensions identified? How should such “gains” be identified/evaluated/measured?
References Hey/McBer (2000) Research into Teacher Effectiveness A Model of Teacher Effectiveness. Research Report 216. A Report for the Department of Education and Employment. Norwich, HMSO. Muijs, D., Campbell, J., Kyriakides, L., and Robinson, W. (2005) Making the Case for Differentiated Teacher Effectiveness: An Overview of Research in Four Key Areas. School Effectiveness and School Improvement Vol. 16, No. 1, March 2005, pp. 51 – 70 Harris, D.N., and Rutledge, S.A. (2007) Models and Predictors of Teacher Effectiveness: A Review of the Literature with Lessons from (and for) Other Occupations. Teacher Quality Research Report