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Final Assessment. Aims of the assessment process. To enable you to write and submit an account of your project/s which demonstrates your ability to act with credibility as a headteacher , demonstrating how you achieved the two tasks. Task 1.
Aims of the assessment process • To enable you to write and submit an account of your project/s which demonstrates your ability to act with credibility as a headteacher, demonstrating how you achieved the two tasks.
Task 1 • Lead change programme at whole-school level, lasting at least 2 terms, to improve pupil progress and attainment. • Present the plan to the Governing board prior to implementation and gather their feedback. • Submit a written account of the project to the provider for assessment, which aims to evidence the criteria indicated. This should cover the design, implementation and evaluation of the programme. • Submit supporting documents/material as evidence where indicated below. Supporting evidence must be concise and directly related to the candidate’s project and corresponding assessment criterion. • Not exceed a total word count of 4,000, excluding supporting documents or annexes
Task 2 – See Task 2 guidance • Undertake a placement in a contrasting school (for example, by performance, pupil profile, geography etc.), lasting at least 9 working days. • Research the placement school’s current and/or projected resource and capability challenges, and design an action plan to address these. • Present the plan to the placement school’s governing board and gather their feedback. • Submit a written account of the project to the provider for assessment, which aims to evidence the criteria indicated • Submit supporting documents/material as evidence where indicated below. Supporting evidence must be concise and directly related to the candidate’s project and corresponding assessment criterion. • Not exceed a total word count of 2,500, excluding supporting documents or annexes
Final Assessment documentation • NPQH Content and assessment framework • NPQH Final Assessment Handbook for participants • NPQH Final Assessment submission form for both task 1 and 2 • General submission advice • Task 2 submission advice • Guidance on recording presentations All these documents are available on the Inspiring Leaders portal – NPQH/Assessment
Technical Checks • Exceed the required wordcount – or less than 75% of word count • Do not include all the required supporting documents • Appendices of excessive length or number • Written in a small typeface which is not easily readable • Do not follow the assessment and submission guidance • Written in such a way that assessment is difficult • For Task 1 do not specify the 10 minutes of the recording for the assessor to focus on • Use an undated submission form or one more than 12 months old • Have not included a word count • Do not include scanned signatures
What about the other documents I have to include? At NPQH this includes: • Pupil performance data • Sponsor comments • Presentation recording and feedback • Communications/ stakeholder engagement strategy • Curriculum-led budget You may also attach other documents as appendices. Up to a maximum of two.
Leading with Impact – Presentation recording and feedback and Comms/Stakeholder engagement strategy
Communications/ stakeholder engagement plan The plan on the next page is not an exemplar, but is used to challenge assessors during their training. • Is it sufficient in its identification of good communication? • Does it adequately identify and plan for the engagement of stakeholders? • Are the strategies identified likely to have a good impact on outcomes? • Do the actions described for engagement and communication support increased pupil progress and attainment?
NPQH S and I (Strategy and Improvement)Ref : NPQH FA submission form Key question: How have you collaborated with the governing board to draw up plans to improve pupil progress and attainment, which take into account changes taking place in the school, an analysis of data, and ideas for the effective leadership of change drawn from your own research?