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The Federation of Aluminium Consumers in Europe (FACE) is the voice of Europe’s aluminium consumers. Trade, Industry, Energy, Competition, Raw materials, Technology, Standardization, Research, Innovation.
Face Aluminium Website: http://face-aluminium.com/ The Federation of Aluminium Consumers in Europe (FACE) is the voice of Europe’s aluminium consumers. Trade, Industry, Energy, Competition, Raw materials, Technology, Standardization, Research, Innovation.
Sustainability Aluminium offers solutions to many of Europe’s sustainability challenges; most importantly it can enable its low-carbon, resource-efficient agenda and support long-lasting growth and a more competitive EU economy. • Energy and GHG emissions Since 1990, the aluminium industry in Europe has reduced its CO2 emissions by more than 50% and PFCs emissions by 90%. The goal is to further reduce industrial energy consumption by 10% per tonne of aluminium produced or transformed. Energy efficiency is a driver of competitiveness in our sector, as electricity accounts for up to 40% of the costs of primary smelters in Europe. As base-load consumers, aluminium smelters assist the balancing of the grid and the use of renewable energy sources.
Responsible Materials And Sourcing Aluminium producers are committed to source raw materials responsibly, from an environmental, economic and social perspective, promoting traceability best practices. Aluminium is produced out of a mineral ore, bauxite. 90% of the world’s bauxite reserves are concentrated in tropical and sub-tropical regions, therefor our industry imports into Europe key raw materials for the primary and downstream segments. It contributes directly to improve the available sourcing and traceability standards – through the direct involvement of some our members in the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative and the International Council of Mining and Metals - and will develop core criteria for sustainable raw materials sourcing which will apply to the whole sector. • Recycling Aluminium is infinitely recyclable. Irrespective of how many times it is reprocessed and re-used, it remains fundamentally unchanged. Recycling aluminium uses only 5% of the energy needed for primary production. Greater recycling also reduces energy consumption and lowers greenhouse gas emissions. This makes aluminium an essential component of a Circular Economy. As part of the European Commission’s new Circular Economy strategy our industry is committed to assisting in the phasing out of landfilling of recyclable waste. We are developing market-specific recycling action plans, starting with the packaging, automotive and buildings sectors.
Social Aspects The European aluminium industry is committed to being a progressive and inclusive industry. The health and safety of our workers are our members’ top priority and the industry is continuously striving to eliminate industrial accidents. Ongoing investments in safety, prevention and training programmes delivered a 79% reduction in Total Recordable Incident* rate.
About the Federation of Aluminium Consumers in Europe - FACE • With a membership comprised of many of the top aluminium downstream stakeholders, the Federation of Aluminium Consumers in Europe (FACE)is the voice of Europe’s aluminium consumers. Since its founding in May 1999, FACE has advocated for a fair playing field for the continent’s downstream aluminium as well as promoting the versatile metal by showcasing its economic, social, and environmental virtues. • Based in Brescia, Italy, the association boasts a membership of almost three dozen companies, organizations, and associations hailing from seven different European countries, plus two additional observer members from outside Europe. • FACE was founded with five objectives: • Achievement of fair trade in primary aluminium and aluminium products across all markets and in all countries.
Promotion of aluminium and aluminium products as a superior choice due to its significant economic, social, and environmental advantages. • Continual assessment and evaluation of new and emerging technology for the production, semi-fabrication, trade, and use of aluminium. • Stimulating demand for aluminium by reducing the cost of primary aluminium. • Increase membership in the federation. • FACE zealously promotes a positive image of the downstream aluminium sector via outreach to the press and education for the public, and provides a forum for sharing of technological expertise, best practices, economic and statistical data and analyses, and other information of interest and benefit to the European downstream aluminium sector.
Since its inception, FACE has spearheaded several lobbying efforts on behalf of the downstream aluminium sector. Among FACE’s biggest victories came early on in its existence. Prior to its formation, few of Europe’s citizens were aware of the onerous 6-percent duty levied on imports of aluminium. In order to combat this, FACE took the initiative – changing perceptions, establishing dialogues, educating decision makers, and presenting well-researched and convincing arguments on behalf of the industry as a whole. • In short, FACE acted as the missing piece, filling the gap between aluminium consumers and Europe’s policymakers. Once the groundwork was laid, the path to victory was assured. Having pled its case to Europe’s governments, FACE initiated Europe’s first-ever tariff quota request, which led shortly after to the duty to be cut in half, but only upon unalloyed aluminium. • Far from resting upon its laurels, FACE still has much work to do to reach the goal of a duty-free European aluminium market. The Federation continues to expand its activities by drawing the international spotlight to Europe’s aluminium trade. From marketing, trade shows, conferences, and various Internet portals, FACE will continue to advocate for Europe’s aluminium sector, with the goal of reducing governmental and economic obstacles for the industry to zero.