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WordSkills : Lesson Ten. The Final Voyage . amat (amor) love. amor ous amor (love) ous (full of) en amor en (inside, within) amor (love) amat eur amat (love) eur (one who). apt (ept) fit. Apt i tude apt (fit) tude (state of) Ad apt ad (to) apt (fit) in ept
WordSkills: Lesson Ten The Final Voyage
amat (amor) love • amorous amor (love) ous (full of) • enamor en (inside, within)amor (love) • amateur amat (love) eur (one who)
apt (ept) fit • Aptitude apt (fit) tude (state of) • Adapt ad (to) apt (fit) • inept in (not) ept (fit)
aud hear • audible aud (hear) ible (capable) • audition aud (hear) tion (act of) • auditorium aud (hear) ium (place where)
cid kill • homicide hom (man) cid (kill) • herbicide herb (plant) cid (kill) • regicide reg (king) cid (kill)
cur (curr, curs) run • current curr (run) ent (full of) • concurrent con (together) curr (run) ent (full of) • cursory curs (run) ory (pertaining to)
dox belief • doxology dox (belief) logy (study of) • orthodox ortho (straight, standard) dox (belief) • heterodox hetero (different) dox (belief)
fid faith • confident con (together) fid (faith) ent (full of) • infidel in (not) fid (faith) • perfidious per (thoroughly) fid (faith) ous (full of) [ NOTE: Perfidious means the opposite of what it seems literally. Over time the definition has changed so that today it means “treacherous, untrustworthy.”
ize make, do • sanitize sanitas (healthy) ize (make) • finalize fin (end) ize (make) • hypnotize hypnos (sleep) ize (make)
lith rock • lithograph lith (rock) graph (write) • monolithic mono (one) lith (rock) ic (characteristics of) • neolithic neo (new) lith (rock) ic (characteristics of)
luc light • lucid luc (light) id (related to) • translucent trans (across) luc (light) ent (full of) • Lucifer luc (light) fer (bear)
miss (mit) send • transmit trans (across) mit (send) • emissary e (out) miss (send) ary (related to) • remit re (back) mit (send)
muta change • mutable muta (change) able (capable) • mutation muta (change) tion (act of) • commute com (with) mut (change)
nomen (nomin) name • nominate nomin (name) ate (make, do) • nomenclature nomen (name) calare (call) ure (state of) • nominal nomin (name) al (related to)
ocul eye • binoculars bi (two) ocul (eye) ar (pertaining to) • ocular ocul (eye) ar (pertaining to) • oculometer ocul (eye) meter (measure)
ous full of • glamorous glamor (enchantment) ous (full of) • gluttonous glutton (eat) ous (full of) • infamous in (no) fam (renown) ous (full of)
phon sound • phonics phon (sound) ics (science of) • phonology phon (sound) logy (study of) • microphone micro (small) phon (sound)
psych mind • psychosis psych (mind) sis (state, condition) • psychopath psych (mind) path (disease) • psychiatry psych (mind) iatr (cure, health) y (result of)
sacr (secr) holy • sacred sacr (holy) • sacrifice sacr (holy) fic (make, do) • execrate ex (out) secr (holy) ate (make, cause)- to damn or curse; to denounce [Note: In execrate the “s” in secr is dropped because it is difficult to say “x” and “s” together.]
Secut (sequ) follow • sequence sequ (follow) ence (state, or act of) • consecutive con (together) secut (follow) ive (that which • execute ex (out) secut (follow) [Note: In execute the “s” in secr is dropped because it is difficult to say “x” and “s” together.]
soph wise, clever • sophomore soph (wise) moras (foolish) • philosopher phil (love) soph (wise) er (one who) • sophisticated sophistikos (wise) ate (make, do)
String (strict) bind, draw tightly • astringent a (to) string (bind) ent (that which) • constrict con (together) strict (bind) • restriction re (back) strict (bind, draw) ion (act of)
tele far, distant • telephone tele (distant) phon (sound) • television tele (distant) vis (see) ion (act of) • telepathy tele (distant) path (feeling) y (result of)
urb city • urban urb (city) an (related to) • suburban sub (under) urb (city) an (related to) • urbanity urb (city) an (related to) ity (quality)- refinement, sophistication
Vi (vit, viv) life • viable vi (life) able (capable of) • vitality vi (life) ity (state of, quality) • vivacious viv (life) cious (full of)
zo animal • zoology zo (animal) logy (study) • Protozoa proto (first) zo (animal) • Zoophile zo (animal) phil (love of)