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ACT LOCAL 2013. Jaxon Kordoban Kindergarten class of 2013 Sra. Melendez and Mrs. Holditch. Helping the Animals.

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  1. ACT LOCAL 2013 Jaxon Kordoban Kindergarten class of 2013 Sra. Melendez and Mrs. Holditch

  2. Helping the Animals • My project was about raising money to help the animals at Operation Kindness. Operation Kindess is a safe place for unwanted animals to go until a nice family adopts them. Both of our dogs are adopted, so I decided to raise money by doing chores for donations that would go directly to Operation Kindness so that they can buy food, treats, medicine, and cleaning supplies for the animals.

  3. Chore #1 My first chore was to water my neighbor Mr. Pat’s new grass he put down. Mr. Pat donated $25 for the animals!

  4. More chores! My next set of chores was at home. Mrs. Jonika sent a BIG donation of $100 !!! I emptied all of the trash cans in the house, helped my mommy wash clothes and sort laundry!

  5. This is me doing laundry!

  6. I did chores at home like put the trash out in the big trash cans

  7. AND… I did chores at Miss Lisa’s house and even picked up Legos at my friend Finn’s house! I raised $30 for the animals from Miss Lisa and Mrs. Demia!

  8. More chores!

  9. Welcome to Operation Kindness!

  10. We made it! All chores complete!

  11. Time to turn in the money I raised!

  12. The people at Operation Kindness were so thankful! They even asked me to take a picture for their book!

  13. Certificate of Donation! $175 for the animals!

  14. It felt AWESOME to raise money to help the cute animals like Chopper!

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