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Technical English. “ Aim” and “goal” are synonymous with objective. Objectives. Create and understand oral messages Comprehend and create written texts. Understand and respect the sociocultural reality associated with the second language. Evaluation criteria for each objective.
“Aim” and “goal” are synonymous with objective Objectives • Create and understand oral messages • Comprehend and create written texts. • Understand and respect the sociocultural reality associated with the second language.
Oral messages • The knowledge and use of different everyday messages related to infant education • Distinguish the main idea as well as the secondary ideas. • The knowledge and use of adequate registers in order to communicate.
Written texts • Comprehend different types of text. • Distinguish the main idea as well as the secondary ideas. • Compose simple messages related to infant education. • Choose the most appropriate vocabulary • The knowledge and use of linkers • Compose an attractive CV and presentation letter.
Sociocultural reality • Recognise the most representative cultural elements • Understand the most representative elements of the job market. • Show respect towards the ideas and traditions of other countries.
Written exam • Oral exam • Homework • Team work (cooperative work) • Attitude • Use of English • “Early bird” oral task
Skill = ability • Aim: To develop the learner’s skills to communicate simple everyday messages related to infant education. • When: from 8.30 to 8.45 • How:five students will have to explain something they have learned during the week in a minute. When the student finishes speaking another student will be asked to retell what has been said.
5 students “Random” means without a specific order. • The students will be chosen in a random way. • If a student has done the task in the previous lesson, it doesn't necessarily mean he or she will not have to do it again in the following class. • Students are strongly advised to be in the class at 8.30.
All the students must • Send to the teacher’s email (iizaga@orueeskola.org) their written compositions. • The deadline being Thursdays (22.00). • The written composition can be: • a writing • An outline (ideas) • An scheme (words)
Evaluation Criteria • The learner has carefully prepared the task • The learner has listened carefully, and she or he can briefly summarize it. • The learner shows respect and interest when the classmate is speaking. • The learner has arrived in time to do the task. • The learner sent her/his composition in time. • The learner takes into account the corrections made by the teacher.
Useful advise • Do not let the task for the last minute. • Use a dictionary (www.wordreference.com) • In order to speak for a minute, you will need at least 10 written lines. • Explaining games or handicrafts might be easier than explaining theories or more complex ideas. • Try to give your opinion (why did you like it?) • If you prepare it with time, you’ll have time to read it at home. Remember you are not allowed to read. • Listening carefully to the classmates might give you ideas about how to structure your task, new useful vocabulary… • Use your body language to help you completing the task. • Try to be coherent. Remember another student will have to summarize your speech.
Let’s try! • In groups of 4 people we are going to TRY to carry out the “Early bird oral task”. • We are going to describe the “musical chairs game”
Possible structure of your task • Beginning: “we are going to describe the musical chairs game” • Describe the things you need to play this game. • Describe the rules: “First ….., when the music stops… Then….”
Testing your level • The following test is only aimed at establishing the class’ level of English. • The student is expected to do it as best as he or she possibly can • The teacher will not take it into account for the final mark. • It contains 3 parts: a reading comprehension, a use of English and a questionnaire.
Questionnaire • When did you start learning English at school? • Have you ever gone to an Academy to learn English? If so, how many years? • Have you got any certificate in English? (B1, B2, C1…) • Have you ever been to an English speaking country? When? For how long? Did you enjoy the experience? • Why do you think learning English is important? • Do you think that having a nice level of English might help you get a job? • Did you like learning English at school? Why? • Would you like to live in an English speaking country for a while? • Would you accept a job related to your studies in an English speaking country? • What features do you think are fundamental to learn a language?