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5. Date Variables. Visual Basic for Applications. 5. Objectives. In this tutorial, you will learn how to: Reserve a Date variable Use an assignment statement to assign a value to a Date variable Assign the VBA Date, Time, and Now functions to a Date variable
5 Date Variables Visual Basic for Applications
5 Objectives • In this tutorial, you will learn how to: • Reserve a Date variable • Use an assignment statement to assign a value to a Date variable • Assign the VBA Date, Time, and Now functions to a Date variable • Control the appearance of dates and times using the Format function • Perform calculations using Date variables
5 Objectives • In this tutorial, you will learn how to: • Convert a string to a Date data type using the DateValue and TimeValue functions • Refer to the active cell in Excel • Use the Range object’s Offset property in Excel • Preview and print a document in Word • Refer to a control on an Access form • Create a custom toolbar in Access
5 Concept Lesson:Date Variables • You will learn how to reserve a procedure-level Date variable, which is a variable that can store date and time information • You can use the Static statement to create a procedure-level variable that retains its value when the procedure in which it is declared ends
5 Reserving a Procedure-level Date Variable • When creating a Date variable, datatype is always the keyword Date • Date variables are automatically initialized to the number 0 • The dtm ID indicates that the variable is aDate variable, which can store date andtime information • After using the Dim statement to both reserve and initialize a Date variable, you can use an assignment statement to assign a different value to the variable
5 Examples of Dim Statements that Reserve Date Variables
5 Using an Assignment Statement to Assign a Value to a Date Variable • A date literal constant can be a date (such as #January 7, 2003# and #12/31/2002#), or it can be a time (such as #11:05:00 AM# and #7:30:07 PM#) • Date literal constants also can include both a date and a time
5 Using an Assignment Statement to Assign a Value to a Date Variable • In addition to assigning date literal constants to Date variables, you also can assign the value returned by VBA’s Date, Time, and Now functions
5 Using VBA’s Date, Time,and Now Functions • VBA’s Date function returns the system date, which is the date maintained by your computer’s internal clock • VBA’s Time function returns the system time, which is the time maintained by your computer’s internal clock • VBA’s Now function returns both the system date and time • The AssignDisplayDate procedure first reserves three Date variables named dtmDurDate, dtmCurTime, and dtmCurDateTime
5 AssignDisplayDate Procedure
5 Message Box Displayed by the AssignDisplayDate Procedure
5 Using the Format Function • You can use the VBA Format function to control the appearance of dates and times • The syntax of the Format function is Format(Expression:=expression, Format:=format) • In the syntax, expression specifies the number, date, time, or string whose appearance you want to format, and format is the name of a predefined VBA format
5 Help Screen Showing the VBA Predefined Date/Time Formats
5 Examples of Using the Format Function to Control the Display of Dates and Times
5 Using Dates andTimes in Calculations • At times, you may need to include datesand times in the calculations performedby a procedure • VBA provides two functions called DateAdd and DateDiff that you can use to perform calculations involving dates and times • The DateAdd function allows you to add a specified time interval to a date or time, and it returns the new date or time
5 Valid Settings forthe Interval Argument
5 Examples of theDateAdd Function
5 Using Dates andTimes in Calculations • The DateDiff function allows you to determine the time interval that occurs between two dates • Unlike the DateAdd function, which returns either a future or past date or time, the DateDiff function returns an integer that represents the number of time intervals between two specified dates or times
5 Examples of theDateDiff Function
5 Converting Strings to Dates • Before using a string that represents a dateor time in a calculation, you should use either the VBA DateValue function or the TimeValue function to convert the string to a date ortime, respectively • The syntax of the DateValue function is DateValue(Date:=stringExpression), where stringExpression represents a valid date ranging from January 1, 100 throughDecember 31, 9999 • The DateValue function returns the date equivalent of the stringExpression argument
5 Converting Strings to Dates • The syntax of the TimeValue function is TimeValue(Time:=stringExpression), where stringExpression represents a valid time ranging from 0:00:00 (12:00:00 AM) through 23:59:59 (11:59:59 PM) • The TimeValue function returns the time equivalent of the stringExpression argument
5 Examples of Using the DateValue and TimeValue Functions to Convert Strings to Dates and Times
5 Summary To reserve a procedure-level Date variable: • Use the Dim statement. The syntax of the Dim statement is Dim variablename As datatype • When reserving a Date variable, datatype is always the keyword Date • Variable names must begin with a letter and they can contain only letters, numbers, and the underscore (_) To assign a value to a variable: • Use an assignment statement in the following syntax: variablename = value
5 Summary To access the current system date and time: • Use the VBA Date, Time, and Now functions To control the appearance of dates and times: • Use the VBA function, the syntax of which is Format(Expression:=expression, Format:=format) To add a specified time interval to a date or time, and then return the new date or time: • Use the VBA DateAdd function
5 Summary To calculate the number of time intervals between two specified dates or times: • Use the VBA DateDiff function To convert a string to a Date data type: • Use the DateValue function to return the date equivalent of a string • Use the TimeValue function to return the time equivalent of a string
5 Excel Lesson:Creating the CalcHoursMacro Procedure • To open Martin’s workbookand view thecode template for the CalcHours procedure, use the steps on pages 287 and 288 of the textbook
5 Pseudocode for theCalcHours Procedure
5 Creating the CalcHoursMacro Procedure • To begin coding the CalcHours procedure, use the steps on pages 290 and 291 ofthe textbook
5 Partially CompletedCalcHours Procedure
5 The Offset Property • You can use a Range object’s Offset property to refer to a cell located a certain number of rows or columns away from the range itself • The syntax of the Offset property is rangeObject.Offset([rowOffset] [,columnOffset]) • You use a positive rowOffset to refer to rows found below the rangeObject, and you use a negative rowOffset to refer to rows abovethe rangeObject • To use the Offset property to complete the CalcHours procedure, use the steps on pages 292 to 294 of the textbook
5 Illustration of the Offset Property
5 Completed CalcHoursMacro Procedure
5 The Offset Property • To test the CalcHours procedure, use the steps on pages 294 and 295of the textbook
5 Word Lesson:Coding the PrintInvitation Procedure • Begin by opening the document and viewing the code template for the PrintInvitation procedure, which has already been inserted into a module • To open Pat’s document and view the code template for the PrintInvitation procedure, use the steps on pages 301 and 302 of the textbook
5 Invitation Document
5 Pseudocode for the PrintInvitation Procedure
5 Coding thePrintInvitation Procedure • To begin coding the PrintInvitation procedure, use the steps on pages 303 to 305 of the textbook
5 Printing a Document • You can use the Document object’s PrintPreview method to preview a document on the screen before printing it, and you can use the Document object’s PrintOut method to print the document on the printer • The syntax of the PrintPreview method is documentObject.PrintPreview • The syntax of the PrintOut method is documentObject.PrintOut, which prints one copy of the entire documentObject
5 Printing a Document • The PrintOut method’s full syntax contains many optional arguments that give you greater control over the printing of the document • To complete and test the PrintInvitation procedure, use the steps on pages 305 to 308 of the textbook
5 The Dinner Macro Toolbar
5 Invitation Document Shown in Print Preview
5 Access Lesson:Creating theAssignDates Procedure • Begin by opening the database and viewing the ProjectsForm form • Then open the Visual Basic Editor and view the code template for the AssignDates procedure • Use the steps on pages 312 and 313 of the textbook to open the database, view the form, and then view the AssignDates procedure in the Visual Basic Editor
5 Pseudocode for theAssignDates Procedure
5 Creating theAssignDates Procedure • To code the AssignDates procedure, use the steps on pages 314 to 316 of the textbook
5 Referring to a Control on a Form • Each of the text boxes on a form is considered a Control object in VBA, and each belongs to the Form object’s Controls collection • You can use the formObject.Controls(controlName) syntax to refer to a control on a form • In the syntax, controlName is the name of the control and is enclosed in quotation marks • To complete the AssignDates procedure, use the steps on pages 316 and 317 of the textbook
5 Completed AssignDates Procedure
5 Creating a Custom Toolbar and Button • Rather than running a macro from the Database window, you can give a user access to the macro by adding a button to either one of Office 2000’s existing toolbars, or you can create your own toolbar and add it there • To create a custom toolbar, and thenadd to it a button that represents amacro, use the steps on pages 317 to 320 of the textbook
5 Projects Toolbar Addedto the Database
5 AssignDatesMacro Macro Being Dragged to the Projects Toolbar
5 Location of CompletedProjects Toolbar