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ROBOT MUSEUM. By: Myke Dutkiewicz Daisy Krycian Megan McCallister. Toddler. 1.It adapts to the terrain. 2.It mimics they way humans walk. 3.Tought itself to walk under 20 minutes. Roach. 1.Micmics a cockroach . 2.An antenna that alerts obstacles . 3.To disable remove battery. Denise.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ROBOT MUSEUM By: Myke Dutkiewicz Daisy Krycian Megan McCallister

  2. Toddler 1.It adapts to the terrain. 2.It mimics they way humans walk. 3.Tought itself to walk under 20 minutes .

  3. Roach 1.Micmics a cockroach . 2.An antenna that alerts obstacles . 3.To disable remove battery.

  4. Denise • Tall as an average woman. • Walks like a human. • Swings arms for balance .

  5. Roomba • Avoids obstacles. • Vacuums floor. • Over 6 million sold .

  6. Aibo • Sees by using cameras. • Recognizes spoken commands. • Made by Sony.

  7. Resource Page • http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2005/robotoddler.html • http://www.livescience.com/6896-roach-robot-feels.html • http://www.livescience.com/160-robots-walk-humans.html • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roomba • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIBO

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