FahimMoledina Management Consultant
About FahimMoledina 1 FahimMoledinais a strategist who enables teams and leaders to succeed and have a strong focus on optimization. He has considerable experience and knowledge in managing change and project management and has led business transformations. 2 As an expert on business process re-engineering, workforce planning and enhancing operations to eliminate waste he has successfully helped multiple companies in meeting their long term goals and strategic plans. 3 Fahimhas extensive knowledge in project management, including agile project management as well as developing lean business processes.
More About FahimMoledina • He is a skilled leader that excels at aligning resources to meet goals and benchmarked metrics. With a focus on building strong relationships with partners, suppliers, and competitors and consistently is able to grow opportunities by leveraging technology and best practices. • FahimMoledinahas a strong change management background and essential skills to integrate teams. In having extensive expertise in leading Finance, Marketing and Communications, and leading other diverse teams he has a keen eye for combining skills of teams to gain efficiencies. extensively lead the development of work methods, business cases, and strategic plans.
Fahim is capable of generating robust strategic and marketing plans, coach executives, assist and lead in any financial aspects and provide general business support including full project and change management plans. • FahimMoledinahas in-depth knowledge of the waste industry, construction, mining, oil, and gas as well as post-secondary education. Having successfully managed multiple projects ranging in size up to 24 months the effort with budgets ranging from $5K to over $50M. Follow FahimMoledina On Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/fahim-moledina/