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Big Sandy Community and Technical College Quality Enhancement Plan

Big Sandy Community and Technical College Quality Enhancement Plan. Improving Student Engagement and Success Through Support for Learners. Did you know…. Big Sandy Community and Technical College was once 2 colleges. .

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Big Sandy Community and Technical College Quality Enhancement Plan

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  1. Big Sandy Community and Technical College Quality Enhancement Plan

  2. Improving Student Engagement and Success Through Support for Learners

  3. Did you know… • Big Sandy Community and Technical College was once 2 colleges. • Mayo Technical College and Prestonsburg Community College were consolidated in 2003. • There are 249 full-time employees at Big Sandy Community and Technical College. • There are 115 full-time faculty and 134 full-time staff. • 26 BSCTC employees are husband and wife teams.

  4. Did you know… • Employee ages range from 23 to 69. • 20 employees have doctorates and 90 have master’s degrees. • 57 employees have bachelor’s degrees and 32 have associate degrees. • All technical faculty have significant occupational experiences and industry certifications.

  5. Did you know… • BSCTC has four campuses: Prestonsburg, Pikeville, Mayo (Paintsville), and Hager Hill. • BSCTC offers over 100 degree, diploma and certificate programs. • 4637 students were enrolled in classes in Fall 2006.

  6. Did you know… • 54 % of BSCTC students are female. • 46 % of BSCTC students are male. • Average age of BSCTC students is 29.4 years old.

  7. For every 100 Kentucky 9th graders: • 62 graduate from high school. • 38 enter college. • 25 are still enrolled in sophomore year. • 15 graduate with a four-year degree in 6 years.

  8. Did you know… • Kentucky’s adult population (ages 19-54) is about 2 million. Of that 2 million, 1.34 million do not have a baccalaureate degree. Of that group only 14% are seriously considering further education. Many residents do not believe they can afford or fit additional education or workforce training into already complicated lives.

  9. Did you know… • Finances are the major barrier to pursuing postsecondary education. • 68 % of employed adults feel they have no opportunity for advancement. • 1/3 of the adults without a baccalaureate degree would consider further postsecondary education online.

  10. Did you know… • Most BSCTC students • Come from our five-county service area . • Have developmental needs in one or more subjects . • Show the greatest need is in the mathematics content area.

  11. Did you know… • In 2004, there were 52 public high school graduates in Paintsville Independent Schools. • The graduation rate was 88.1 %. • The in-state college going rate was 64.8%. • 33.3 % of those entering Kentucky colleges required developmental mathematics.

  12. Did you know… • In 2004, there were 73 public high school graduates in Pikeville Independent Schools. • The graduation rate was 91.3 %. • The in-state college going rate was 87.8%. • 33.3 % of those entering Kentucky colleges required developmental mathematics.

  13. Did you know… • In 2004, there were 362 public high school graduates in Floyd County. • The graduation rate was 75.4%. • The in-state college going rate was 51.3%. 65% of those entering Kentucky colleges required developmental mathematics.

  14. Did you know… • In 2004, there were 202 high school graduates from Johnson County . • The high school graduation rate was 82.1%. • The in-state college going rate was 41.9%. • 49.3% of those entering Kentucky colleges required developmental mathematics.

  15. Did you know… • In 2004, there were 129 high school graduates from Magoffin County . • The high school graduation rate was 76.3%. • The in-state college going rate was 41.3%. • 68.1% of those entering Kentucky colleges required developmental mathematics.

  16. Did you know… • In 2004, there were 133 high school graduates from Martin County . • The high school graduation rate was 80.6%. • The in-state college going rate was 35.9%. 68.1% of those entering Kentucky colleges required developmental mathematics.

  17. Did you know… • In 2004, there were 594 high school graduates from Pike County . • The high school graduation rate was 81.6%. • The in-state college going rate was 54.7%. • 45.2% of those entering Kentucky colleges required developmental mathematics.

  18. Did you know… • During the 2006-2007 academic year, 1,427 COMPASS placement tests were given. • Of that number, over 70 % scored at or below the developmental level. • Out of 787 students enrolled in developmental mathematic courses, only 48 % (379) students achieved passing grades.

  19. Did you know… • Over 60% of students who graduated in May 2005 had been enrolled in developmental courses. The percentage of developmental students passing their first college level math course was 65.2 % for Fall 2003 to Fall 2005. This is better than those students who have not taken developmental mathematics. CCSSE data for Spring 2007 reported 54% of full-time students surveyed indicated a need for developmental math course work.

  20. Did you know… The Fall 2004 to Fall 2005 retention rate was 52.14 %. In Fall 2005, 74.2 % of entering students lived in a household with a yearly income less than $25,000. In Fall 2005, 83 % of students received financial aid.

  21. Did you know… • In Fall 2005, 58.2 % of entering students identified themselves as the first person to enroll in college in their immediate family. Probation figures for Spring 2006 were 320 and for Fall 2006 the total was 403.

  22. Did you know… • For the Fall 2006 semester, 386 (23 %) students out of a total enrollment of 1,695 full-time students were listed with undecided as a major. Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) data for Spring 2007 reports 25.9 % of full-time surveyed students indicated they rarely or never use academic advising services.

  23. Did you know… • Spring 2007 CCSSE data reports 18.8 % of students use the CER. Spring 2007 CCSSE data reports 9.1 % often use career counseling services.

  24. Did you know… • In 2005, student grade point averages dropped to 2.2 on a 4.0 scale-the lowest in all KCTCS Colleges.

  25. And you all know… SHIFThappens

  26. What should we do?

  27. Did you know… • Committees and subcommittees met monthly and bi-monthly for 12 months. • Writing committee meetings were held at least 3 times per week for 5 months. • 270 employees, students and community members were involved. • The focus was on student success and student engagement. • The result was the QEP.

  28. Did you know… The Overall Goal for the QEP is to • Acclimate students to the college environment and support their persistence through the achievement of their established goals by implementing policies to address: • Transitional (Developmental) programs • Secondary educational level • Postsecondary educational level • Advising • First-Year Experience

  29. Did you know…The Transitional Programs (developmental) goal has two parts • Secondary - High School Partnerships •  Curricula will be aligned. • A mentoring program between faculties will be initiated. • Pre-tests and Post-tests will be administered. • College sponsored workshops will be offered in the secondary schools. • The local P-16 Council has endorsed this activity as a project for the council. • This activity fits perfectly with a system-wide initiative to improve college and workforce readiness.

  30. Transitional Programs (developmental) • Post-secondary –to address the individualized needs of students enrolled in developmental courses. • Identify students with borderline placement scores. • Implement the use of the diagnostic component of the placement test for students identified with borderline placement scores. • Create opportunities for individualized or small group instruction. • Explore other best practices to improve student success.

  31. Did you know…The second major goal for the QEP is Advising • To develop and implement improved advising services that increase the student’s ability to identify, select, and execute an academic plan. • Develop policies and procedures to assist students in academic planning and career exploration through a new Center for Student Engagement. • Establish procedures for systematic monitoring of student progress.

  32. Did you Know…New and Improved Advising will • Ensure all students have an appropriate assigned advisor. • Refer undecided students to the Career and Transfer Services Center. • Provide training and workshops in advising best practices. • Post current academic programs requirements on the college website. • Identify probation students. • Notify advisors of students who have probationary status. • Schedule advising meetings with advisees. • Refer students to appropriate resources when warranted.

  33. Did you know…

  34. The third major goal for the QEP is related to the First-Year Experience • To implement a first-year experience program that will engage students and establish connections to learner support services throughout their college career. • To move the first-year experience beyond merely an introduction to college course. Under the Center for Student Engagement, this program will be expanded to include the coordination of numerous activities utilized to promote interaction among students, faculty, and staff.

  35. Did you know…

  36. The QEP will involve and impact the entire college • A Center for Student Engagement will be established and will serve as a vehicle for delivery of many of the improvement actions. • Over an eight-year period of time, across all campus locations, we expect to: • Attract more local students who are ready for college level mathematics. • Improve the success of those students who need developmental math after entering BSCTC. • Engage many more students and improve student success. • See greater levels of student learning. • Experience increased retention rates. • Improve graduation rates. • Have more students who transfer to four-year colleges and achieve success.

  37. Did you know… The Genesis Project requires the commitment of ALL

  38. We Know You Will Support • The Genesis Project—our chance for a • new beginning. • Improving Student Engagement and Success Through Support for Learners.

  39. Big Sandy Community and Technical College Quality Enhancement Plan

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