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Certainly Mom UNION OF WOMEN MEMBERS’ ASSOCIATIONS OF HERAKLION PREFECTURE Heraklion Crete, 23-24 July 2013. Overview of existing situation - Support Services for women victims of domestic violence in Greece (National Level)
Overview of existing situation - Support Services for women victims of domestic violence in Greece (National Level) • Presentation of the Union of Women Members’ Associations of Heraklion Prefecture • Implementation of actions and added value of CERTAINLY MOM Project for the Union
Women's Status in Greece • Only 48.9% of women aged between 15 and 64 are employed and the situation has worsened due to crisis • The unemployment rate for women is 15.7% , 9.7% for men (June 2010) and has dramatically increased (approx. 25%) • Women are paid 78% of men's salaries • The degradation of household incomes (due to crisis) inflicted more single parented families • Only 17.3% of Greek Parliamentarians are women • Domestic violence is overwhelmingly exercised by men against women • Forty victims of domestic violence murdered over the last three years
Support Services for women victims of domestic violence in Greece General Secretariat for Gender Equality (GSGE) (http://www.isotita.gr/en/), an independent statutory body, is Greece’s primary state agency responsible for matters relating to domestic violence. Coordinates actions of local entities at national level (public & private bodies) on domestic violence dissemination and prevention activities Operates two “Consultation Centers for Violence against Women” in Athens and Piraeus. Supervises branches of the Research Centre for Gender Equality (KETHI) in Athens, Thessaloniki, Patra, Heraklion and Volos Goal: Substantive Gender Equality 2010 – 2013 http://www.isotita.gr/en/var/uploads/HOME%20PAGE/NATIONAL_PROGRAMME_GENDER_EQUALITY_2010_2013.pdf
35 Counseling Centers and other structures provide shelter and other forms of assistance to victims of domestic violence in various locations throughout Greece • One national women’s helpline (Helpline 15900) with services to women survivors of violence, free of charge, 24 hours/seven days a week operated by the General Secretariat for Gender Equality • Another free of charge 24 hours national helpline 197, operated by the National Centre for Social Solidarityand available for all citizens with all kinds of problems • One regional helpline operated by NGOs, providing special service to women survivors of violence • Further four regional helplines are addressing various issues
National aims and objectives • The development and operation of : • a National SOS Helpline • 15 GSGE's Counseling Centers (existing and new) • 25 new Counseling Centers for Violence against Women in different Municipalities of Greece • 19 Shelters for abused women and their children in different Municipalities of Greece • the 2 Shelters of the National Centre for Social Solidarity in Athens and Thessaloniki
The improvement of institutions, (actions and legal intervention on Gender Mainstreaming), • The expansion & integration of network of counseling centers (35) • The adaptation of gender equality issues in order to satisfy specific market needs (promotion of third sector of economy, women entrepreneurship ) • Civil society (NGO’s) need to reply to the “current social reality” (on gender issues), so as to organize effective “self -help communities” at local level
HISTORY A Dream that came true… In our city, a "handful" of sensitized women - of the Union of Women Members’ Associations of Heraklion Prefecture – being aware of the size of the problem of violence, as well as its insufficient approach, aimed at the foundation of a Shelter where assaulted women and children could find comfort. The materialization of this dream was possible four years later, when the basic problems had been solved, including the acquisition of a home and the securing of guests' nourishment, through the offers of the Municipality of Heraklion and Venizeleion Peripheral Hospital. Today, the Union is a Voluntary, Non Governmental Organization, that supports this "life’s project", which started in summer of year 2000. Staffed by expert personnel and volunteers, it offers a network of services that aim at helping violence victims, when they are in crisis or under high emotional stress. Being confident that the State will hear the sob of a society that awaits to find justification, hoping that there will be no more “gray zones” in people’s consciences, we will continue as a voluntary team to try, using every possible strength, to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of our fellow beings in need. THE PRESIDENT PAHIADAKI MARY Mrs. Pahiadaki Mary, awarded by the President of Greece, Karolos Papoulias
UNION OF WOMEN MEMBERS’ ASSOCIATIONS OF HERAKLION PREFECTURE “SHELTER FOR THE ABUSED WOMEN AND CHILDREN” “HOUSE OF ANGELS” -S.O.S. LINE 801-11-16000 • Established in 2000 at Heraklion, Crete • Non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) and a certified social service provider • Consists of 70 members • Recognized by the National General Secretariat for Gender Equality • Official social partner of Heraklion Municipality and of Crete regional administration • Its actions are spread all over the Heraklion Prefecture and the island of Crete
Aims of the Union • To promote gender issues at local level • To offer hope and comfort to women and their children at times of risk and despair • To upgrade and protect the position of women in society • To enhance the role of women-mothers in the family • To support human rights and promote social culture
Our Dream The creation of the HOUSE OF ANGELS, which is in building phase, is an organized structure for the direct and holistic approach of children (accommodation & protection) of 0-6 years old, who have been abandoned by their parents and are neglected. It is an innovative goal, since there is a lack of a framework for support and dealing with such incidents in Heraklion
Ongoing Projects • S.O.S Helpline for abused women (801-11-16000) • Counseling Center for abused women • Shelter for abused women and children • Actions for woman abuse prevention and protection • Participation in European Projects • Website: www.kakopoiisi.gr
HOPE LINE …to receive and offer help S.O.S Line - «Line of Hope», 801-11-16000, functions in a daily basis from 9.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m., free of charge, covering whole Crete and the surrounding islands Women-victims or their relatives have the chance to receive information, regarding the existence and operation of the Shelter, the Counseling Center and, what is more, for the actions they can undertake in order to deal with violence
Counseling Center • Provides assistance through qualified personnel to disadvantaged groups via personal interviews, psychological support and legal advisory • Informs women of the existence of the Shelter, of the opportunity of hospitality when in crisis and of the various services being provided • Offers practical training to young students of social sciences and the humanities • Trains volunteers social scientists to help victims of violence and be closely acquainted with the Union’s work and philosophy
Shelter for abused women and children • Hospitality and protection (sleep, clothing, transport expenses inside or outside Crete, if necessary) to abused women and children of all social classes, of different cultures and educational levels • Medical and clinical support • Psychological support & counseling (psychologists / social workers) • Qualified experts’ advisory, specialized in legal issues on violence • Labor Market integration support
TARGET GROUP Abused women and children, ethnic minorities, immigrant women, homeless, single parent families mainly headed by a woman, isolated elderly people Profile: 250 women/year, (18-45), most of them are married mothers, unemployed, of lower education
METHODOLOGY OF WORK Our organization adopts a holistic, non-discriminatory approach to vulnerable groups and provides specialized support that involves care actions and preventive measures
CONDUCTORS/OPERATORS • Qualified, trained & appropriately skilled personnel & volunteers: • Graduates of advanced degree programs often in humanitarian sciences (psychologists, sociologists), pedagogical & educational sciences, medicine, legal science, social work, engineering & communications • Well-traveled & multilingual, having worked, lived, or studied in international destinations • Highly motivated, often volunteering for long periods, or voluntarily working in harsh conditions • Dedicated to the people they are serving & to their NGO
Actions for woman abuse prevention and protection
Consultation partners with the General Secretariat for Gender Equality Continuous dialogue with the Ministries of Justice, Health, Labor and other authorities with questions and proposals on gender violence Organization of awareness raising lectures for students (of secondary, technical, higher education), associations, schools, hospitals, police stations, local authorities
Attendance at congresses, conferences and meetings dealing with gender violence as a social phenomenon and human rights Organization of events and placing notices in the press every 25th of November (International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women) and at the International Women’s and Mother’s Day Book signing on abuse or issues regarding Women and Culture Organization of charity events aiming to raise funds in support for abused women and children
Information, Charity, Recreation Events Seminars, Conferences
Information, Charity, Recreation Events Mother’s Day
Information, Charity, Recreation Events Charity Bazaars
Information, Charity, Recreation Events Presentations of Concerts, Movies Reviews, Events for Children
Information, Charity, Recreation Events Charity Games
“Galini” Our Monthly Magazine A means of disseminating information on various topics regarding gender, culture, environment and social awareness issues among those involved in vocational training, the social partners, policy-makers and citizens In the context of fighting discrimination of disadvantaged people, and for their better access to our services and activities, it recently includes a column specially designed for blind and partially sighted people
Our brochure on domestic violence and abuse of women offers information on domestic violence, its definition, who it affects, risk factors, how to recognize it, how you can help someone involved in this and contact details for support services • Our brochure on the services provided by our “Shelter for abused women and children” and “The House of Angels” offers information on our mission and the various ways that we use to help survivors of violence and other vulnerable groups
Participation in European Projects 1. “Violence through Children’s Eyes” 2. “Mediation in the Family for the Repression of Violence” (Municipality of Gazi) 3. “Mediation in the Family for the Repression of Violence” (Municipality of Moires) 4. “Confrontation Centre of Cultural Differences in Primary Education” “Live Again” - Informative Campaign aiming to the sensibilization of public opinion and also women-citizens from third countries regarding the confrontation of trafficking, intra-familial violence and sexual harassment
“Commun-AID-Increasing the capacity of domestic workers of different origins to respond to sexual violence through community-based interventions”, whose overall aim is to increase the capacity of migrant domestic workers to respond to sexual violence through developing and testing community-based interventions
“Social Structures Addressing Poverty in the Municipality of Heraklion”, which aims at the strengthening and social inclusion of socially vulnerable groups
“Local Cooperation for Social Integration”, Development Partnership “Social Net”, aiming at the effective integration of 100 people of vulnerably socially groups in work
Training for volunteers to help and support abused immigrant women • It includes meetings once a week with the Union’s qualified personnel, with the following themes: • Violence against immigrant women and its specific features • Violence against immigrant women as a judicial question • Police work and immigrant women • Its purpose: • Help volunteers identify collective goals and ways of achieving them, Address and prevent difficulties resulting from multiple forms of discrimination faced by immigrant women, Provide constant updating of knowledge and professional skills for the assistance of immigrant victims in advocating with local law enforcement and local prosecutors to obtain certifications, in gathering important documents that may be useful in their immigration application, in becoming motivated and aware of the potential which they possess within themselves, in their active inclusion, mainly through labor market access and access to services
EU Grundtvig Learning Partnership “CERTAINLY MOM” http://www.certainlymom.com/
Actions • Transnational meeting in each partner’s country, preparation of an agenda proposal and organizing the practical aspects of the seminar • Managing, monitoring, coordination, co-coordination of the project • Tool for online management of shared folders (Dropbox) • Development of the project’s website • Data collection of best practices relating to the support offered to women victims of violence and innovative tools of intervention on behalf of persons in difficulty, with particular attention to those developed in an intercultural context (written presentations) • Individual interviews with women • Workshops • Monitoring and evaluation plan activities • Dissemination activities ιn the participating organizations, in the local community, in the wider lifelong learning community (creation and management of communication tools) • Reports for dissemination and evaluation activities by each country (text updates of the progress of the project)
Tools • Psycho-social counseling and therapy (individual and group level) • Case studies (screening- monitoring-managing-treating) • Risk assessment and measurement tool (statistics) • Researches • Workshops • Legal status description, legal assistance provided • “Blue Card” procedure (collaboration with police and local entities) • Awareness raising campaigns • Services provided for women victims of domestic violence (with emphasis on migrant women) at local and national level • Participation in similar projects that deal with prevention and combating of domestic violence
Outcomes • Summary document which collects information and best practices related to the support offered to women victims of violence in each local context • Interim report in each partner country • Summary documents which collect: • Information and best practices relating to the support offered to women victims of violence in each local context and innovative tools for interventions in favor of persons in difficulty • Proposals for the transfer of good practices, tools and methodologies identified to the specific context of accompaniment of women victims of domestic violence, with specific focus on migrant women • CD ROM final product gathering the products (two summary documents and proposals for transfer to accompaniment of women victims of domestic violence) • Final Report
Dissemination Activities • Local magazine • Activities at local, national and lifelong-learning community level • Press release • Correspondence with local actors and General Secretariat for Gender Equality • Volunteers training – Information • Leaflets & DVD
LEVEL: Own organization: Magazine COUNTRY: Greece WHAT FOR? PURPOSE: Promotion of the project, in order to increase the visibility of its activities TO WHOM? TARGET GROUP: Region of Crete and surrounding islands: local entities (public organizations – municipalities, regional authority) & its social service departments, members, subscribers, friendsoftheUnion WHAT? CONTENT: Project’s description with reference to the meetings in Pavia and Liege HOW? METHOD: HardCopy & ElectronicFormat WHEN? TIMING: January 2012 EXPECTED RESULTS & IMPACT: Disseminationoftheprojectfortheimprovementofallrelevantstakeholdersinformation, promotionofculture & civilization FILE WITH PROOF OF RESULT: Galini 2012, 33: 26
LEVEL: Own organization: Website COUNTRY: Greece WHAT FOR? PURPOSE: Promotion & Disseminationofthe Project TO WHOM? TARGET GROUP: Variousaudiences (members & friendsoftheUnion, current & formervictimsofdomesticviolence & theirdependents, victimservicesproviders, overallcommunity) WHAT? CONTENT: Detaileddescriptionoftheproject & itstargets (general & specific), analysisofeachtransnationalmeeting, outcomesofthepartnership, logos & photos HOW? METHOD: WebsiteLink WHEN? TIMING: April 2012- December 2012 EXPECTED RESULTS & IMPACT: Disseminationoftheproject, educationandawarenessondomesticviolence & relatedissues FILE WITH PROOF OF RESULT: http://www.kakopoiisi.gr/index.php?page=news2&id=15
LEVEL: Local activities:Websites & Portals COUNTRY: Greece WHAT FOR? PURPOSE: Promotion & Disseminationofthe Project TO WHOM? TARGET GROUP: Variousaudiences (members & friendsoftheUnion, current & formervictimsofdomesticviolence & theirdependents, victimservicesproviders, overallcommunity) WHAT? CONTENT: Detaileddescriptionoftheproject & itstargets (general & specific), analysisofeachtransnationalmeeting, outcomesofthepartnership, logos & photos HOW? METHOD: Websites WHEN? TIMING: April 2012- December 2012 EXPECTED RESULTS & IMPACT: Disseminationoftheproject, educationandawarenessondomesticviolence & relatedissues
FILE WITH PROOF OF RESULT: https://twitter.com/KSENONAS/status/219780472622948352/photo/1 , https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.386898471367502.89074.217146648342686&type=1 , http://www.cretalive.gr/new/98753/crete/Diethnis_sunergasia_gia_tis_gunaikes_thumata_endooikogeneiakis_bias , http://neakriti.gr/DefaultENC.aspx?page=flip&Working=0&DocID=952940 , http://www.newsnow.gr/article/147448/diethnis-synergasia-apo-ta-gynaikeia-somateia-irakleiou-gia-tis-gynaikes-thymata-endooikogeneiakis-vias.html , http://www.onair24.gr/news/category/1/content/58751 , http://www.prismanews.gr/index.php/crete/item/12158-diethnhs-synergasia-gia-tis-kakopoihmenes-gynaikes , http://www.flashnews.gr/page.ashx?pid=3&aid=81957&cid=312 , http://tro-ma-ktiko.blogspot.gr/2012/07/blog-post_5452.html , http://irakliotikosteki.blogspot.gr/2012/07/blog-post_2836.html , http://www.patris.gr/articles/224974