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Midterm Prepping It does you good. Timeline : Origins of Sustainability · Why should we study Sustainability in era’s? · What do dates on a linear timeline tell us, how or how are they not useful? · What is the Tragedy of the Commons, and does it affect our Tribal Lands, how so?
Midterm Prepping It does you good
Timeline: Origins of Sustainability · Why should we study Sustainability in era’s? · What do dates on a linear timeline tell us, how or how are they not useful? · What is the Tragedy of the Commons, and does it affect our Tribal Lands, how so? · What is Frontierism? · The first population studies done in relation to total population and demand/use of natural resources. · Who defines, and where, geographically, is sustainability defined.
2003, First Living Organisms Era’s of Earths History Why is climate change such a big deal? Afterall, Earth is at it’s coolest, right? * 2008, Paul Connelly
Tragedy of the Commons Frontierism 2011, Enhanced Reason 2012, Resonance Solution to Avoid T-o-C Change our values Change the way we live Q: Who are those who practice frontierism? A: Those who are without attachment and have disregard of their impacts on their exploitive actions. What about Indigenous People? finite Anthropogenic carrying capacity How can we capitalize on this?
Theis 1.1, 1.2, & 1.5 · Is there such a thing as International Compliance when thinking about Sustainability related issues? If so why is this a good idea, if not should this be considered and why or why not? · What is considered sustainable development? Create a list of at least 5 examples of sustainable development. Are we all on the same page?
Sustainability Paradigm INTERDEPENDCY 2012, Theis • Economic interests define the framework for making decisions, the flow of financial capital, and the facilitation of commerce, including the knowledge, skills, competences and other attributes embodied in individuals that are relevant to economic activity • Environmental aspects recognize the diversity and interdependence within living systems, the goods and services produced by the world’s ecosystems, and the impacts of human wastes • Socio-political refers to interactions between institutions/firms and people, functions expressive of human values, aspirations and well-being, ethical issues, and decision-making that depends upon collective action. The report sees these three elements as part of a highly integrated and cohesively interacting, if perhaps poorly understood, system.
Theis 4.2 · Why do we study Land Use Change in the field of sustainability? How does it contribute to the overall work of sustainability? · Describe the cycles of carbon, water, and nitrogen. How do we, humans offset/affect each cycle, give 3 examples for each cycle. Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. THE KEY IS MODERATION.
Theis10.8 · Are, or can ethics of sustainability be geographic specific? Give 2 examples. If they are geographic specific, and that is a desirable pursuit, what is the benefit to all humans? · What do we aim to accomplish in a common ethic of sustainability?
Theis 3.4 · The world’s climate has been constantly changing throughout time, what is different in the last 30-50 years, or is it different then climate change related weather from 1300-1400 A.D.? · When evaluating temperature increase and the time frame when temperature increases occur what is considered a significant increase, why is it significant, and within what kind of a timeframe? What are the consequences of significant increase in a short amount of time? · What is the Global Mean Temperature, how is it calculated, and why should we pay attention? · What is long wave and short wave radiant energy, how does it contribute to climate change, and where does it primarily come from?
State of the Climate · When was the Greenhouse effect, or the gasses associated with the Greenhouse effect officially linked to climate change? Why is this date important in regards to understanding the bigger picture of climate change? · Should Climate Change be addressed in policy here in the U.S.? If so how, if not why not? · List 3 weather related events that have been tied to climate change. How do we know there is a link? · Creating awareness in the general public of climate change is key to being successful in the transition to sustainable development, how do we accomplish this?
Theis9.3 · How can we, as individuals or society, measure if we are living sustainably? List some basic tools that are available to common citizens. · Are the tools to measure if you are indeed living sustainably accurate? What are the downfalls? · Evaluate the Multi-Criteria Assessment: what can you add to it, and why do your suggestions make sense? · What is the major challenge to measuring sustainable living?
Amazon Oil & Achuar People · List 4 societal/cultural impacts that oil production has on Indigenous peoples, and how do these oil bombs in Indigenous communities force adaptation and mitigation conversations? · If your community was presented with an opportunity to negotiate/develop oil & oil leases in your communities what would be your first course of action if you were a tribal leader? · Is there anything you would like to know about oil extraction, and/or negotiations? Why would you like to know, what purpose does you knowing of these process serve Indigenous communities?
Thoughts to Bear in Mind When Taking the Midterm • Am I only using historical information or statistical data only for the purposes of supporting my essay? • Have I evaluated this topic in an environmental, social, and economic aspect? Is it even possible that this topic ties into all these paradigms? • Have I used relative keywords, used over the few weeks, that will bring my idea/writing together? • Do Indigenous people have ties with what I am writing about? If they don’t have a voice, suggest one…if possible. • Can another individual pick up my paper and be able to understand my writing?