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Psycholinguistic aspects of interlanguage

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Psycholinguistic aspects of interlanguage

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  1. 此簡報可能會牽涉到聽眾的討論活動,也就是所謂的執行項目。因此在進行簡報時﹐可充份利用 PowerPoint 來記錄這些執行項目: • 於投影片放映狀態按下滑鼠右鍵 • 選取〔會議記錄簿〕 • 選取〔執行項目〕標籤 • 將出現的意見都記錄於此 • 按下〔確定〕以結束此對話方塊 • 在簡報進行到最後時﹐PowerPoint將會自動的建立一個執行項目投影片﹐並將你所記錄的內容顯示在該投影片上 Psycholinguistic aspects of interlanguage Second language acquisition SLA

  2. L1 Transfer

  3. L1 transfer SLA

  4. Types of transfer SLA

  5. How does transfer affect L2 speakers? Certain L2 forms or structures are heavily or rarely used. SLA

  6. Contrastive analysis (behaviourist view) SLA

  7. Problematic predictions: Differences do not always result in learning difficulty. SLA

  8. Mentalist view • To play down the role of L1 • Few errors are the result of L1 transfer SLA

  9. Cognitive view • To reconceptualize transfer within (Larry Selinker) SLA

  10. Cognitive view:To reconceptualize transfer within (Larry Selinker) SLA

  11. SLA

  12. Learners’ perception of L1 • Learners have perceptions regarding the linguistic structure of L1. • They treat some as potentially transferable and others as potentially non-transferable. • Hij brak zijn been. • ‘He broke his leg.’ • Het ondergrondese verset werd gebroken. • ‘The underground resistance was broken.’ SLA

  13. Stage of development • As L2 proficiency develops, learners may try to use some linguistic structures that accord with L1 norms. • Evident in invitation, refusal, etc. • Proficient Japanese English speakers use high degree of formality required in Japanese SLA

  14. What follows? • Interlanguage development cannot constitute a restructuring continuum • L2 does not come from L1, and L2 does not replace L1. • Learners construct their interim rules (i.e. interlanguage) SLA

  15. The role of consciousness SLA

  16. Learning vs. acquisition • Two independent systems • learned knowledge cannot be converted into acquired knowledge. SLA

  17. intentionality vs. attention SLA

  18. Consciousness (2) • Implicit vs. explicit knowledge • Are learners capable of learning explicit knowledge? • Yes • No • May explicit knowledge help learners develop implicit knowledge? SLA

  19. SLA

  20. Computing as playing piano • http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources_ftp/client_ftp/ks2/music/piano/

  21. Serial processing Information is processed one at a time in a certain sequence.

  22. SLA

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