Macaws & Toucans By 2A
Macaws Macaws live in the tropical rainforest. Macaws wingspan is up to four feet. Macaws fly in flocks of 10-30. Macaws are very smart birds. Baby macaws have wrinkled skin and no fathers. In one month they grow tiny feathers called down. Baby chicks that learn to fly are called fledglings. There are over 300 species of macaws. Macaws weigh up to 2 pounds. Macaws lay 2 eggs a year. Macaws are easy to tame. Macaws predators are hawks, snakes and cats. Macaws lay round white eggs. Macaws are 33 inches long. By Lucca
macaws Macaws live in the tropical rainforest. They are the biggest parrots in the world. There are over 300 species of parrots. They are the smartest birds in the parrot family. They can live up to 40-60 years. Baby chicks that learn how to fly are called fledglings. by Catherine
Macaws Macaws are beautiful birds and the smartest parrot of them all! They are easy to tame too. The macaw’s wingspan is 4 feet wide. They live up to 40-60 years. In one month they grow tiny feathers called down. By Niko Tucker
Macaws Macaws live in the tropical rainforest. Macaws are the biggest parrots. There are 300 species of parrots. They are the smartest bird. They are easy to tame. Their life span is 40 to 60 years. Hyacinth macaws have a wingspan of 4 feet. By Keeley
Macaws Macaws are found in the tropical rainforest. Macaws are the smartest birds in the parrot family. The mate for life. Scarlet macaws lay round, white eggs. They eat fruit and nuts. Babies have wrinkled skin and no feathers. In one month, they grow tiny feathers called down. Mary Hussey
Macaws JOE Macaws can be as long as 33 inches. Macaws lay round white eggs. Macaws live in the tropical rainforest. They live in flocks of 10-30 parrots. There are over 300 species of parrots. They are the biggest parrots. Babies have wrinkled skin an no feathers.
Macaws Macaws are found in the tropical rainforest of Central and South America. From head to toe, they measure 33 inches long. The macaws live in trees near rivers. Babies have wrinkled skin and no feathers. They live up to 40-60 years old. By Isabelle T.
Macaws Macaws are found in South American rainforest. Babies have wrinkled skin and no feathers. Macaws weigh over two pounds. Macaws are the smartest parrots in the world. Their wingspan is four feet long. Scarlet macaws lay round white eggs. They live in flocks up to 10-30. Macy
MACAWS The macaws lives in the tropical rainforest. Macaws lay two eggs a year. The macaws hooked beak is strong enough to crack nuts. The mommy and the daddy macaw are nesting from January through April. And the baby bird is called a nestling. The babies are born with no feathers and wrinkled skin. By Trinity Poltrack
Macaws Macaws live in the tropical rainforest. It is the biggest parrot and weighs over two pounds. Macaws can be as long as thirty-three inches. Macaws live in flocks of 10-30! They have a lifespan of 40-60 years. Macaws are the smartest birds on Earth. Macaws are very interesting birds. Hanley Marek
Macaws Holly Snyder Macaws beaks can break nuts and seeds. Macaws live in flocks of 10-30. Macaws lay up to tow eggs per year. They prefer to mate for life. They can weigh over two pounds.
Macaws Macaws are found in the tropical rainforest. They are the largest parrots in the world. There are over 300 species of parrots throughout the world. From their beak to tail they can be as long as 33 inches and they can weigh over 2 pounds. Adults lay 2 eggs a year. The lifespan is 40-60 years. Babies have wrinkled skin an no feathers. They are very smart birds. Molly
Macaws Macaws live in rainforests of Central and South America. Macaws live in flocks of 10-30. Macaws predators are hawks, snakes and cats. They are easy to tame. Their wingspan is 4 feet long. Scarlet macaws lay round, white eggs. Hudson
macaws Macaws live in the tropical rainforest of Central and South America. Babies have wrinkled skin and no feathers. Predators are hawks, snakes, and big cats. The macaws lifespan is 40-60 years. They are the smartest bird. Baby chicks tat learn to fly are called fledglings. In one month, they grow tiny feathers called down. They are easy to tame. casey
Macaws Macaws live in the tropical rainforest. They are the biggest parrots in the world. They are the smartest birds. There are 300 species of parrots. They live up to 40-60 years. They live in flocks of 10-30 birds. Baby chicks that learn to fly are called fledglings. In one month, they grow tiny feathers called down. Babies have wrinkled skin and no feathers. Alexis
Toucans Toucans live in Central and South America. A toucan’s diet is fruit, insects, lizards, and young birds. They make their nest in tree holes. They live in flocks of 6. They live up to 20 years. They take turns sitting on the nest. Thomas
Toucans Toucans are found in Central and South America. They have huge bills. The biggest toucan is the toco toucan. It is about twenty five inches long. Toucans make their nests in the holes of trees. They live in flocks of six birds. Toucans can live up to twenty years old. Connor
TOUCANS Toucans are found in Central America and South America. Its bill looks heavy but its light because it has air pockets. They make their nests in holes of trees. The biggest toucan is the Toco. It is about twenty-five inches long. Cary
Toucans DAVID Toucans have very large bills. They eat fruit, insects, lizards, and baby birds. They also make there nest in holes of trees. They live in Central and South America.
TOUCANS Toucans are found in Central and South America. Their bills can break walnuts. They play catch with their food. The smallest toucan is 13 to 14 inches long. The biggest toucan is 25 to 64 inches long. CHRISTIAN
toucans Gabe A toucan is a beautiful bird. It will live to about 20 years. A toucan’s beak is hollow. It’s beak is 5 to 7 inches long. A toucan is found in the Central and South American rainforest. A toucan will eat a baby bird, fruit, and insects. A male and female bird will take turns sitting on their eggs. Toucans live in flocks of 6. Toucans make their nest in holes of trees. Toucans are 25 inches or 64 centimeters tall. A toucan has a magnificent colored beak. A toucan has a group of white feathers under it’s throat.
Toucans Toucans live in Central and South America. Their bill is hollow. They live in flocks of 6 birds. They eat fruit, insects, lizards, and young birds. They make their nests in the holes of trees. Its lifespan is up to 20 years. Delaney
Toucans Toucans are found in the Central and South American rainforest. It has a huge bill. It has a colorful bill. The biggest toucan is the toco toucan. The lifespan is up to 20 years. The toucans live in flock up to 6 birds. They eat fruit, insects, lizards and baby birds. Cormac
toucans By Danny Cecil Toucans live in rain forests. They have a very brightly colored bill. Their bills looks heavy but it’s quite light. They use their colorful bill to draw the attention of their mates. Toucans are about 25 inches. Their lifespan is up to 20 years.
Toucans Emma Type Toucans live in Central and South America. Toucans have a huge bill. When a boy or girl likes one another they throw fruit to who they like. Toucans have light bills. Toucans have hard bills to open nuts.
Toucans A toucan is found in the Central and South American rain forests. Their bright colored bill to draw attention to their mates. They use their bill to play catch with their food. They eat fruit, insects, lizards, and young birds. They live in flocks of six birds. The babies are born in holes of the trees. A baby is born with very few feathers. They live up to 20 years. Bridget
toucans Toucans live in rainforests of Central and South America. It has a brightly colored bill. They are 25 inches long. The toucan’s bill is light. The toucan has a very large bill. The toucan’s lifespan is up to 20 years. Toucans make their nests in the holes of trees. Toucans live in flocks of 6 birds. Ellie Fermo
Toucans Toucans live in Central and South America. They also have a brightly colored bill. Toucans are 25 inches (64 centimeters) long. Toucans make their nests in the holes of trees. They also have a hollow bill. Allison
TOUCANS The toucan lives in the Central and South American rainforest. The toucan’s lifespan is up to 20 years. The biggest toucan is 25 inches and 64 centimeters long. A toucan’s bill is hollow. Both male and female take turns sitting on the nest. Toucans eat fruit, insects, lizards and young birds. Toucans make their nests in holes of trees. Toucans live in flocks of 6 birds. Toucans have large colorful bills. MOLLY BUNKER
Toucans Toucans are found in Central and South America . Toucans have huge bills and the bills are very bright .The bill colors are black blue brown green red white yellow or a mix of colors. The biggest toucan is the Toco. Caroline