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Session 3: Some Data Operations

Session 3: Some Data Operations. The Swiss Credit Card Data: Bagging The Stormer Viscometer Data: Non-linear Regression, Bootstrap Confidence Intervals. Swiss Credit Card Data. Main response: Does this customer own a credit card?

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Session 3: Some Data Operations

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  1. Session 3: Some Data Operations The Swiss Credit Card Data: Bagging The Stormer Viscometer Data: Non-linear Regression, Bootstrap Confidence Intervals

  2. Swiss Credit Card Data • Main response: Does this customer own a credit card? • Predictors: various personal details (age, sex, language, ...) and account use behaviour • Problem: Build a predictor for credit card ownership • Strategies: • Logistic regression with stepwise variable selection, penalized by BIC • Trees • Trees with discrete bagging • Trees with smooth bagging

  3. Split data into "train" and "test" sets SwissCC <- read.csv("SwissCC.csv") ### set seed set.seed(300424) ### k <- nrow(SwissCC) isp <- sample(k, floor(0.4*k)) CCTrain <- SwissCC[isp, ] CCTest <- SwissCC[-isp, ] require(ASOP) Save(SwissCC, CCTrain, CCTest, isp)

  4. Stepwise Logistic Regression ### try a logistic regression CCLR <- glm(credit_card_owner ~ 1, binomial, CCTrain) ### construct an upper list as a formula m <- match("credit_card_owner", names(CCTrain)) form <- as.formula(paste("~", paste(names(CCTrain)[-m], collapse = "+"))) require(MASS) sCCLR <- stepAIC(CCLR, scope = list(lower = ~1, upper = form), trace = FALSE, k = log(nrow(CCTrain)))

  5. Trees ##### trees require(rpart) CCTM <- rpart(credit_card_owner ~ ., CCTrain) plotcp(CCTM) # other checks possibly... ### Constructing the formula explicitly m <- match("credit_card_owner", names(SwissCC)) others <- names(SwissCC)[-m] plusGroup <- function(nam) if(length(nam) == 1) as.name(nam) else call("+", Recall(nam[-length(nam)]), as.name(nam[length(nam)])) form <- call("~", as.name("credit_card_owner"), plusGroup(others))

  6. Bagging • Two versions, 'discrete' and 'bayesian' ('smooth') • Discrete bagging: • Construct a forest of trees got from ordinary bootstrap samples of the training data • Bayesian bootstrap bagging: • Construct a forest of trees got by randomly weighting the entries of the training data, with Gamma(1,1) (i.e. exponential) weights. • Predict the class for each tree in the forest • Declare the simple majority vote the predictor

  7. #### bagged trees baggedRPart <- function(object, style = c("discrete", "bayesian"), data = eval.parent(object$call$data), nbags = 100, seed = 130244) { style <- match.arg(style) set.seed(seed) k <- nrow(data) bag <- structure(list(), randomSeed = seed) switch(style, discrete = for(i in 1:nbags) bag[[i]] <- update(object, data = data[sample(k, rep = TRUE), ]), bayesian = for(i in 1:nbags) bag[[i]] <- update(object, weights = rexp(k)) ) oldClass(bag) <- "baggedRPart" bag }

  8. Notes • Would work with any model object that allows updating with new data sets or new weights • Examples: nls(), tree(), glm(), ... • A more general function would return an object with some information on the class of the primary object in the inheritance train • e.g. oldClass(val) <- c("bagged", paste("bagged", class(object), sep = ".")) • Thepackage 'ipred' has a more general bagging() function that constructs the initial object itself

  9. Prediction from the forest of bags predict.baggedRPart <- function(object, newdata, ...) { preds <- lapply(object, predict, newdata, type = "class") preds <- do.call("cbind", lapply(preds, as.character)) preds <- apply(preds, 1, function(x) { tx <- table(x) names(tx)[which(tx == max(tx))[1]] }) names(preds) <- names(object) preds }

  10. Notes • For a more general function, the predict method would be dispatched on the inherited class e.g. • bagged.rpart, bagged.tree, bagged.glm, &c • With glm, there may be no advantage in bagging if the same model is used every time • May need to bag the variable selection as well and the calculation could get very extensive!

  11. Recording the results and checking ############# some tests bdCCTM <- baggedRPart(CCTM) bbCCTM <- baggedRPart(CCTM, style = "b") CCTest <- transform(CCTest, psCCLR = ifelse(predict(sCCLR, CCTest, type = "response") > 0.5, "yes", "no"), pCCTM = predict(CCTM, CCTest, type = "class"), pbdCCTM = predict(bdCCTM, CCTest), pbbCCTM = predict(bbCCTM, CCTest))

  12. Confusion, confusion, confusion ... ### look at the confusion matrices confusion <- function(f1, f2) { tab <- table(f1, f2) names(dimnames(tab)) <- c(deparse(substitute(f1)), deparse(substitute(f2))) oldClass(tab) <- "confusion" tab } errorRate <- function(confusion) 1 - sum(diag(confusion))/sum(confusion) print.confusion <- function(x, ...) { x <- unclass(x) NextMethod("print", x) cat("Error rate: ", format(100*round(errorRate(x), 4)), "%\n") invisible(x) }

  13. The final showdown with(CCTest, { print(confusion(credit_card_owner, psCCLR)) print(confusion(credit_card_owner, pCCTM)) print(confusion(credit_card_owner, pbdCCTM)) print(confusion(credit_card_owner, pbbCCTM)) invisible() })

  14. psCCLR credit_card_owner no yes No 484 96 Yes 67 604 Error rate: 13.03 % pCCTM credit_card_owner No Yes No 455 125 Yes 45 626 Error rate: 13.59 % pbdCCTM credit_card_owner No Yes No 478 102 Yes 47 624 Error rate: 11.91 % pbbCCTM credit_card_owner No Yes No 478 102 Yes 51 620 Error rate: 12.23 %

  15. Comments • Not a very convincing demonstration, but bagging usually does show some improvement • With a continuous response, the predictions are averaged over the forest • Bagging has been shown to benefit only models with substantial non-linearity, so will not work much on linear models, eg • randomForest is a package that further develops the bagging idea • gbm is a 'gradient boosting method' package that uses a more systematic approach.

  16. Non-linear regression: self starting models • Stormer data • Time = b * Viscosity/(Wt – g) • 'b' and 'g' unknown parameters • initial values: • Wt * Time = b * Viscosity + g * Time • statistically nonsense, but worth using as a starting procedure

  17. An initial look at the model library(MASS) b <- coef(lm(Wt*Time ~ Viscosity + Time - 1, stormer)) names(b) <- c("beta", "theta") b beta theta 28.875541 2.843728 storm.1 <- nls(Time ~ beta*Viscosity/(Wt - theta), stormer, start = b, trace = T) 885.3645 : 28.875541 2.843728 825.1098 : 29.393464 2.233276 825.0514 : 29.401327 2.218226 825.0514 : 29.401257 2.218274 summary(storm.1)

  18. Encapsulating it in a self-starter storm.init <- function(mCall, data, LHS) { v <- eval(mCall[["V"]], data) ## links below w <- eval(mCall[["W"]], data) ## links below t <- eval(LHS, data) ## links below b <- lsfit(cbind(v, t), t * w, int = F)$coef names(b) <- mCall[c("b", "t")] b } NLSstormer <- selfStart( ~ b*V/(W-t), storm.init, c("b","t"))

  19. Checking the procedure > args(NLSstormer) function (V, W, b, t) NULL > tst <- nls(Time ~ NLSstormer(Viscosity, Wt, beta, theta), stormer, trace = T) 885.3645 : 28.875541 2.843728 825.1098 : 29.393464 2.233276 825.0514 : 29.401327 2.218226 825.0514 : 29.401257 2.218274 >

  20. Confidence intervals • Three strategies: • Normal theory: beta-hat +/- 2 sd. • Bootstrap re-sampling of the centred residuals • Bayesian bootstrap weighting of the observations • From the summary: Parameters: Estimate Std. Error beta 29.4013 0.9155 theta 2.2183 0.6655

  21. Bootstrapping the residuals > tst$call$trace <- NULL > B <- matrix(NA, 500, 2) > r <- resid(tst) > r <- r - mean(r) # mean correct > f <- stormer$Time - r > for(i in 1:500) { v <- f + sample(r, rep = T) B[i, ] <- try(coef(update(tst, v ~ .))) } > cbind(Coef = colMeans(B), SD = sd(B)) Coef SD [1,] 30.050890 0.8115827 [2,] 1.981724 0.5903946

  22. Smooth bootstrap re-sampling > n <- nrow(stormer) > B <- matrix(NA, 1000, 2) > for(i in 1:1000) B[i, ] <- try(coef(update(tst, weights = rexp(n)))) > cbind(Coef = colMeans(B), SD = sd(B)) Coef SD [1,] 29.367936 0.5709821 [2,] 2.252755 0.5811193

  23. Final remarks • Bootstrap methods appear to give reasonable standard errors for the non-linear parameter, but not the linear • The model may not in fact 'fit' very well • An alternative to for-loops would be to use unrolled loops in a batch run – details on request...!

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