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AgriSeta AFS for the year ended 31 March 2013

AgriSeta AFS for the year ended 31 March 2013. Audit Opinion. Auditor-General issued an Unqualified Audit Report Financial Statements are not materially misstated Opinion is not given on Performance Information

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AgriSeta AFS for the year ended 31 March 2013

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Presentation Transcript

  1. AgriSeta AFS for the year ended 31 March 2013 AGM presentation 18 Sep 2013

  2. Audit Opinion Auditor-General issued an Unqualified Audit Report • Financial Statements are not materially misstated • Opinion is not given on Performance Information • Improvement from last year as there was a material adjustment with regards to commitments AGM presentation 18 Sep 2013

  3. Employers info – March 2013 • R18,355 (2012:18,108) registered employers • 5,068 (2012: 4,818) employers paying SDL levy - Total levies received R223,1M (2012:R206,1M) Applications received by 30 June 2012 (for 2013): • WSP’s =1,835 (2012: 1,755) • Total amount paid towards Mandatory Grants –R99.9M (2012: R87.9M)–Payout is 72% AGM presentation 18 Sep 2013

  4. Levy Growth AGM presentation 15 Sep 2010

  5. Levies Analysis AGM presentation 15 Sep 2010

  6. Project Grant Expenditure March 2013 • Total project spend: R104.0M (2012:R89.8M) 16% increase • Top 10 projects on spending 71% of total Project Expenditure

  7. Statement of Financial Performance March 2013 AGM presentation 18 Sep 2013

  8. Statement of Financial Performance March 2013

  9. Statement of Financial Position March 2013 AGM presentation 18 Sep 2013

  10. Statement of Financial Position March 2013 AGM presentation 18 Sep 2013

  11. Discretionary Reserve Allocation of Discretionary Reserves AGM presentation 18 Sep 2013

  12. Cash Flow Statement –Summary March 2013

  13. Conclusion • Questions?

  14. Conclusion Thank You

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