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Welcome! 1. Classroom Daily Schedule 2. “Bits and Pieces” (a little bit of everything!) 3. Stewartsboro’s Essential 10 4. House Talk 5. Lunch (10:45-11:15) 6. Snacks 7. Birthday Treats 8. Homework 9. Agendas 10. Co-Curricular Areas 11. Grading Scale
Welcome! 1. Classroom Daily Schedule 2. “Bits and Pieces” (a little bit of everything!) 3. Stewartsboro’s Essential 10 4. House Talk 5. Lunch (10:45-11:15) 6. Snacks 7. Birthday Treats 8. Homework 9. Agendas 10. Co-Curricular Areas 11. Grading Scale 12. Communication (headje@rcschools.net) 13. Field Trips and Chaperones
Daily Class Schedule 7:15-7:30 Arrival 7:30-7:45 Morning Meeting 7:45-8:30 Math 8:30-9:15 Co-Curricular 9:15-10:05 Math Rotations 10:05-10:45 Math Intervention 10:45-11:15 Lunch 11:25-12:05 ELA Intervention 12:05-12:25 Recess 12:25-2:10 Integrated Reading 2:30 Dismissal
“Bits and Pieces” 1. Send notes when your child is absent. 2. Send notes when your child’s transportation changes. 3. Visitors must check in at the front desk. 4. Classroom Volunteers - if you are coming to volunteer, please let me know in advance! 5. Medication must be checked in at the office. 6. Lunch money can be paid directly to the cafeteria, or online by going to www. Mealpayplus.com 7. No outside (restaurant-type) food or sodas are allowed in the cafeteria.
Snacks Do we eat snack? Yes, but it is a working snack. You may send a healthy snack to help them focus and stay on task. You may also send a bottle of water. Students will not be allowed to drink juice or sodas in class. They also will not be allowed to eat snacks that make messy fingers such as Cheetos or Hot Takis.
Birthday Treats! • It helps (lots!) if you let me know in advance. • MUST be “Store Bought”, and still in the original package. • Please send enough for 18 kids. • Please make them easy to distribute! • Wet wipes or paper towels are GREAT!!
Homework • Students should read for 20 minutes EVERY night. • Students should study multiplication facts EVERY night. • Other homework may be sent as needed.
Agendas • Any notes from me will be in here. • Behavior marks will be noted in agendas. • Assigned detention notes will be stapled in here. • Please initial nightly.
Behavior Codes you might see in the agendas: DP – Disrespect to People DT – Disrespect to Things T – Talking at inappropriate times H – Horseplaying FD – Failure to Follow Directions M – Missing Materials
Discipline Procedures There are two levels of behaviors- Minor Behaviors and Major Behaviors. .Minor behaviors will be addressed and handled by the teachers,. Teachers will use the following steps: • Visual Reminders / Student Conferences • Alternate Lunch Locations • After School Detention Major behaviors will always be referred to the office to be handled by administration. These more serious offenses will result in the student immediately being sent to the office, regardless of the number of behavior violations previously earned during that week. See pages 12-13 in student agenda for more information.
Co-Curricular Areas We will rotate to a different Co-Curricular class each day A – PE (tennis shoes!) B – Art C–Music 1 D – Art E –PE (tennis shoes!) F – Library G – Music 2 H – S.E.L.F (social emotional learning fundamentals)
Third Grade Grading Scale: A = 93-100 B = 85-92 C = 75-84 D = 70-74 F = 0-69 I = Incomplete All A’s = Principal’s List! All A’s & B’s = Honor Roll! (must have at least one A!)
Communication: #1 – email! headje@rcschools.net #2 – class dojo #3 – notes in agendas / binders #4 - phone calls (904-6705)
Field Trips and Chaperones We will take 2 field trips this year! Parents are always invited to join us! We will take one trip in the fall, and one in the spring. Children will need to wear our classroom shirts on each field trip (for safety reasons). Parents that join us on our trips will need to make transportation arrangements. Per county policy, only students and teachers may ride county buses. You will need to make childcare arrangements for little brothers and sisters.
Thanks for coming in tonight! Please don’t hesitate to let me know any time you have questions or concerns!! Have a great night!