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Pushdown automata (PDAs). The automata that accept context-free languages are called pushdown automata (PDAs). They are essentially just NFAs equipped with a stack-based memory. Compared with NFAs, they have two extra components.
Pushdown automata (PDAs). • The automata that accept context-free languages are called pushdownautomata (PDAs). • They are essentially just NFAs equipped with a stack-based memory. • Compared with NFAs, they have two extra components. • That is, a PDA has 7 components, conventionally called Q, S, G, d, q0, z, and F.
Components of a PDA • Q, S, d, q0, and F play the same role as they do in NFAs. • G is the stack alphabet • The special symbol zmarks the bottom of the stack. • The transition function d needs to say how each move of the PDA affects the stack.
Transition function of a PDA • The (nondeterministic) transition function d maps Q x (SU {l}) x G to the set of finite subsets of Q x G*. • That is, its input is a state, an input symbol (or l), and the top symbol of the stack. • Its output gives a choice of state and symbol. • For any choice (q,g), the PDA is to move to state q and replace the top stack symbol by g • Stacks can’t empty until computation ends
A PDA example • A PDA accepting the nonempty even length palindromes {wwR | w ε{a,b}+} could work by • pushing input symbols onto the stack, until it guesses that it’s at the middle of the string, • then moving to a popping state without consuming an input symbol, • then reading input symbols and popping matching stack symbols until the stack is emptied • If anything goes wrong, the computation halts without reaching an accepting state.
Nondeterminism and PDAs • Note that nondeterminism is essential to the example above • the PDA can't deterministically find the middle of the input string by reading it from left to right • A PDA working as described above is treated on pp. 181-2 of Linz • There q0 is the pushing state, q1 is the popping state, and q2 is an accepting state
Transitions for our sample PDA • Pushing cases: • d(q0, e, z) = {(q0, ez)} for e ε {0,1} • d(q0, e, f) = {(q0, ef)} for e ε {0,1}, f ε {0,1} • Transition to popping: • d(q0, l, e) = {(q1, e)} for e ε {0,1} • Popping and accepting: • d(q1, e, e) = {(q1, l)} for e ε {0,1} • d(q1, l, z) = {(q2, z)}
PDA computations • The progress of a computation may be described by listing the current state, remaining input, and stack contents. • So an accepting computation for the PDA above for the string abbbba may be written (q0, abbbba, z) ├ (q0, bbbba, az) ├ (q0, bbba, baz) ├ (q0,bba, bbaz) ├ (q1, bba, bbaz) ├ (q1, ba, baz) ├ (q1, a, az) ├ (q1, l, z) ├ (q2, l, z)
Instantaneous descriptions (IDs) • Note that in the above example, the stack contents are written with the top to the left. • Also in the example, the symbol ├ plays the role of the => symbol in CFG derivations. • Once it’s defined in terms of d, we may define acceptance in terms of the transitive closure of ├. • A useful name for the ordered triple of (state, remaining input, stack contents) is instantaneous description, or ID.
PDA computations • Note that the initial ID in a computation is always (q0, x, z), where x is the input string. • The relation ├ on IDs is defined as follows: • We have (q, aw, Xb) ├(p, w, ab) iff (p, a) ε d (q, a, X) • where a=l or a εT
PDA computations and acceptance • The (reflexive) transitive closure ├* of the ├ relation then represents a sequence of 0 or more legal moves. • The PDA accepts x iff there is a sequence of legal moves from the initial configuration to an accepting configuration, or equivalently • (q0, x, z) |*- (qf, l, a), for some qfε F and aεG*. • Finally, for a PDA P, L(P) is defined as {x | P accepts x}.
From CFGs to PDAs • For any CFG, there is an equivalent PDA • Theorem 7.1 of Linz shows how to construct the PDA for CFGs in Greibach Normal Form • The GNF assumption isn’t needed • In either case, only one state q1 is needed in addition to the start state q0 and a final state q2
From CFGs to PDAs • The state q0 simply pushes S without reading an input symbol, and moves to q1. • If z appears at the top of the stack in state q1, q2 is entered without reading input • For every terminal symbol b, there’s a transition (q1, l) εd(q1, b,b) • For every grammar rule A →g, there’s a transition (q1, g) εd(q1 , l,A)
From PDAs to CFGs • Could constructing a CFG equivalent to a given PDA just reverse the above steps? • That is, should a move that replaces A by BC on the stack correspond to a rule A → BC ? • The answer is yes, and the same proof steps (in reverse) still work • except for several complications
From PDAs to CFGs -- issues • We have to start the RHS with whatever terminal symbol the PDA move consumes • The PDA’s goal is to get to a final state, not empty the stack (cf. Linz, point #1, p. 190) • The CFG, like the PDA, needs to ensure that the state where the popping of B ends is the state where the popping of C begins • and similarly for a longer RHS • cf. Linz, point #2, p. 190
From PDAs to CFGs – handling the issues • We’ll deal with the stack vs. state issue (Linz’s #1) after describing our CFG’s form • In any case, we also need to ensure • that B starts popping in the destination state of the PDA move • that A and C stop popping in the same state • and similarly for longer RHS’s (Linz’s #2) • So we add two state components to each nonterminal
From PDAs to CFGs – detail • Our new CFGs thus have nonterminals (in addition to S) of the form [q,A,p] • where A is a stack symbol and p and q are states • For a PDA with n states, the move (p, g) ε d(q, a, A) corresponds to nk rules if |g| = k • If g = g1g2g3…gk , each rule has the form • [q,A,rk] → a[p,g1,r1] [r1,g2,r2 ] [r2,g3,r3]…a[q,gk,rk] • But for popping moves, p appears on the LHS • That is, the move (p,l) ε d(q, a, A) gives only the rule • [q,A,p] → a
PDAs to CFGs – an example • Suppose we modify the sample PDA above (from Linz, pp. 180-1) so that its last move is • d(q1, l, z) = {(q2, l)} • Then the PDA achieves a final state iff it achieves an empty stack • And we don’t need the extra states and stack symbol when converting to a CFG.
PDAs to CFGs – an example • For the modified PDA, our CFG has a single S-rule S → [q0,z,q2] • since we can use the old start & final states • The two families of pushing moves give rules [q0,z,r2] → e[q0,e,r1] [r1,z,r2 ] for e ε {0,1}; r1,r2 εQ [q0,f,r2] → e[q0,e,r1] [r1,f,r2 ] for e,f ε {0,1}; r1,r2 εQ • The family of transition moves give rules [q0,e,r1] → [q1,e,r1] for e ε {0,1}; r1 εQ
PDAs to CFGs – end of sample construction • The family of popping moves gives rules [q1,e,q1] → e for e ε {0,1} • The new move gives the rule [q1,z,q2] →l • So we get 1+18+36+6+2+1 rules in all • but most will disappear after simplification • this large reduction after simplification is very common
Simplifying the new CFG • The symbols generating strings of T* are • at level 1: [q1,0,q1] [q1,1,q1] , [q1,z,q2] • at level 2: [q0,0,q1] [q0,1,q1] • at level 3: [q0,z,q2] • at level 4: S
Further simplifying the new CFG • We are left with the rules • S → [q0,z,q2] • [q1,0,q1] → 0, [q1,1,q1] → 1, [q1,z,q2] →l • [q0,0,q1] → [q1,0,q1] • → 0[q0,0,q1] [q1,0,q1] | 1[q0,1,q1][q1,0,q1] • [q0,1,q1] → [q1,1,q1] • → 0[q0,0,q1] [q1,1,q1] | 1[q0,1,q1][q1,1,q1] • [q0,z,q2] → 0 [q0,0,q1] [q1,z,q2] | 1[q0,1,q1] [q1,z,q2]
Final simplification of the new CFG • A little substitution gives the rules • S → 0 [q0,0,q1] | 1 [q0,1,q1] • [q0,0,q1] → 0 | 0 [q0,0,q1] 0 | 1 [q0,1,q1] 0 • [q0,1,q1] → 1 | 0 [q0,0,q1] 1 | 1 [q0,1,q1] 1 • Using Z for [q0,0,q1] and W for [q0,1,q1] gives • S → 0Z | 1W • Z → 0 | 0Z0 | 1W0 • W → 1 | 0Z1 | 1W1
Deterministic PDAs • A deterministic PDA (DPDA) is a PDA where • each value of d is a set of size at most 1, and • for no b,c, and q are d (q,l,b) and d(q,c,b) both nonempty • Some CFLs cannot be recognized by DPDAs • (e.g., {wwr | w l {0,1}*}). • A deterministic CFL (DCFL) is a language accepted by some DPDA, • so the DCFLs are a proper subset of the CFLs.
Regular languages as DCFLs • All regular languages can be recognized by DPDAs (whose stacks always contain only z, and whose moves mimic moves of a DFA). • So every regular language is a DCFL.
DCFLs and ambiguity • All DCFLs have unambiguous grammars • our PDA to CFG construction gives one when given a DPDA. • CFLs with unambiguous grammars needn’t be DCFLs – e.g., {wwr | w l {0,1}*} • with rules S → 0S0 | 1S1 | l
Closure properties for CFLs. • CFLs are closed under union, concatenation, and Kleene closure. • We’ve seen the proof when observing that all regular languages are CFLs • Recall that it involves creating new rules of the form • S → S1 | S2, S → S1S2, or S → l | S1S
Using CFL closure properties • For example, the languages below are CFLs • {0m1n2n | m,n>0} and {0m1m2n | m,n>0} • The first is {0m | m>0} ∙ {1n2n | n>0} • The second is {0m1m | m>0} ∙ {2n | n>0}. • But the intersection of these two CFLs is {0n1n2n | n>0}, which isn’t a CFL. • So the class of CFLs is not closed under intersection
Nonclosure under complementation • Suppose that the class of CFLs was closed under complementation. • Then it would be closed under intersection, just as for regular languages. • So the class of CFLs isn't closed under intersection • But the intersection of a CFL and a regular language is always a CFL. • This is shown as Theorem 8.5 of Linz
Intersecting CFLs with regular languages • The intuition is that a DFA and a PDA may be run in parallel • just as we did for two DFAs, by using the Cartesian product of the sets of states • This won't work for two PDAs • since we can't sensibly define the Cartesian product of two stacks. • But if there is only one PDA, then we can simply use its stack with no problem.
Decision algorithms for CFGs • To check whether L(G) is empty for a CFG G • we merely check whether S generates a string of terminals • To check whether L(G) is infinite for a CFG G • eliminate useless symbols, l-productions, and unit productions from G to get a new CFG G' • then determine whether any variable is nontrivially reachable from itself in G'. • This is equivalent to determining whether there is a cycle in a dependency graph
A sample CFG generating an infinite language • Consider the CFG G with rules below, where we ignore rules for Det, N, V, P • S → NP VP • NP → Det N | Det N PP • VP → V NP • PP → P NP • Since there’s a cycle involving NP and PP, L(G) is infinite • That is, NP =*> Det N P NP • where Det, N, and P generate nontrivial strings
Nonexistence of decision algorithms • For some questions about CFGs, there is no possible solution algorithm! • for example, there’s no algorithm for determining whether two CFGs generate the same language • Showing how to justify such a claim is a major goal of the rest of the course
The pumping lemma for CFLs • CFLs have an analog of the pumping lemma. • Its statement is slightly more complicated than for regular languages. • The basic idea is again simple • every sufficiently deep parse tree must have a long path, and thus a repeated symbol.
Deriving the pumping lemma for CFLs • Suppose a CFG G has m variables. • We may assume that G is in CNF (we won’t care whether l ε L(G). • If a parse tree has height greater than m, then it must have a path with more than m nonleaves. • Among the lowest m+1 nonleaves must be two that correspond to the same variable A.
Repeated variables on a path • If the higher node is Ahi and the lower one Alo • then the yield of Aj is a substring of the yield of Ai. • Let w be the yield of Alo and vwx that of Ahi. • Let uvwxy be the yield of the entire tree. • Since G is context free, we may replace the tree rooted at Alo by a copy of the tree rooted at Ahi.
The ability to pump • The yield of the new tree will be uv2wx2y. • We may repeat the process to get trees that yield uviwxiy for any i>0. • We may also replace the tree rooted at Ahi by the tree rooted at Alo to get a tree yielding uwy. • So for any nonzero i, uviwxiy is in L(G). • That is, z = uvwxy may be pumped • but slightly differently than for DFAs.
Making the pumped part short • Here, it is vwx whose length we will bound. • Since G is in CNF, a parse tree of height at most m has yield of length at most 2m-1 • For n = 2m, any string z of length at least n has a path of length greater than m • z can be pumped, • |vwx| <= n, • and vwx is a proper superstring of w. • We get a new pumping lemma (Linz, Th. 8.1)
Using the pumping lemma for CFLs. • Suppose that the language L = {0j1j2j | j>=0} is a CFL. • If we choose z = 0n1n2n in the pumping lemma for CFLs, then vwx must contain at most two distinct symbols. • Therefore uwy contains more of the third symbol than of one of the other two symbols, and is thus not in L. • So L can't be a CFL.