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Carbon Composites e.V. (CCeV). The Competence Network. December 4 th , 2013. The CCeV Network. CCeV - An association of companies and research institutions Our focus - The application of high-performance fibre composites. Organised as an association Founded in 2007 Based in Augsburg
Carbon Composites e.V. (CCeV) The Competence Network December 4th, 2013
The CCeV Network CCeV - An association of companies and research institutions Our focus - The application of high-performance fibre composites • Organisedas an association • Founded in 2007 • Based in Augsburg • Financedbymembershipfees • The leading CarbonComposites Network in the German-speaking world CCeV short presentation
The CCeV Network DACH-Region Geographical distribution of members = Research Institution = Industry CCeV short presentation
Regional Departments Cluster Department DACH Area:Specialist Departments Togetherwith TUDALIT e.V. = Research Institution = Industry CCeV short presentation
Sectors System companies Aerospace Automotive construction and traffic engineering Engineering and plant construction Building industry Defence technology Medical technology Energy technology Suppliers Fibres, semi-finished products,ancillary materials, coatings Assemblies, components Tooling machines, processing systems,equipment, plants Software and services (e.g. engineering, factory planning) Bildnachweis: Airbus, ALIEN-Projektteam, KUKA CCeV short presentation
CCeV’s service spectrum Productfields Fibre-reinforcedplastics Ceramic Composites Fibre-reinforcedconcrete Network Activities Technical workinggroups Sharedstandsattradefairs Events Joint projects Education, further training, promotion of young talents FunctionoftheAssociation Cooperation with national and international networks Market information / public relations / marketing / lobby work Further development of the processing infrastructure CCeV short presentation
CCeV‘s activitiesTechnical working groups - fiber-reinforced plastics Objectives Pre-competitivecooperation Technical information from internal and external contributors Initiation ofprojects Informal informationflowamongstparticipants Use of meetings for bilateral and multilateral talks and agreements (“trade fair effect”)
CCeV‘s activitiesTechnical working groups - fiber-reinforced plastics … Material … Process AG Materialien AG Herstellverfahren AG Automatisierung AG Garne und Textilien UAG Herstellprozess-Simulation AG Thermoplaste AG RTM Next Steps AG Biocomposites AG Werkzeug- und Formenbau AG Faserbewährte Kunststoffe im Bauwesen … Finishing AG Faserverstärkung im Bauwesen AG Bearbeitung … Design & Characterisation UAG Absaugtechniken & Schutzmaßnahmen AG Engineering AG Oberflächenbeh., Beschichtung, Lackierung UAG Composite Fatigue UAG Roadmap OBL AG Multi-Material-Design … Cross Section Issues AG Klebetechnik AG Kostenschätzung AG Smart Structures AG Normung und Standardisierung AG Roadmap CFK AG Werkstoff- und Bauteileprüfung AG Umweltaspekte AG Werkstoffmod./Berechn. im Bauwesen
Activities of the entire associationCooperation with networks • Cooperationwithnetworks • AFBW – Allianz Faserbasierter Werkstoffe BW • AVK – Industrievereinigung Verstärkte Kunststoffe • CFK Valley Stade • Cluster Nanotechnologie der Bayerischen Cluster-Initiative • Cluster Neue Werkstoffe der Bayerischen Cluster-Initiative • Süddeutsches Kunststoff-Zentrum • Leichtbau-Cluster der Hochschule Landshut • TUDALIT e.V. • VDMA Forum Composites Technology • Additionally, cooperation agreements exist between different departments of CCeV and regional networks. CCeV short presentation
Members CCeV short presentation