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Health promotion, disease prevention and risk reduction in the USVI: State of the science and practice

Health promotion, disease prevention and risk reduction in the USVI: State of the science and practice. Current science and practice specific to health promotion, disease prevention and risk reduction in the USVI World Health Organizations Reports Health, United States Healthy USVI 2010

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Health promotion, disease prevention and risk reduction in the USVI: State of the science and practice

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  1. Health promotion, disease prevention and risk reduction in the USVI: State of the science and practice

  2. Current science and practice specific to health promotion, disease prevention and risk reduction in the USVI • World Health Organizations Reports • Health, United States • Healthy USVI 2010 • BRFSS

  3. Health care coverage, USVI

  4. Heavy drinking, USVI

  5. Binge drinking, USVI

  6. Smokers, USVI

  7. Overweight, USVI

  8. Fruit and vegetables , USVI

  9. Any exercise in the past month, USVI

  10. Mammogram within past 2 years, USVI

  11. Pap test within last 3 years, USVI

  12. PSA screening in past 2 years, USVI

  13. Blood stool test in past 2 years, USVI

  14. Ever had sigmoidoscopy, USVI

  15. USVI Health Concerns and Priorities:Healthy USVI, 2010

  16. Current Science • Health of individuals and groups within the United States Virgin Islands • Review of the Science • Scientific/Scholarly Peer-reviewed Publications • Pubmed • Caribbean (23,065) • Caribbean and nursing (1,1018) • Caribbean, nursing and Virgin Islands (19)

  17. Current Science • Health of individuals and groups within the United States Virgin Islands • Practice of health care providers in the USVI • Caribbean, nursing and Virgin Islands (19) • Promoting breast health among women in the USVI (Underwood, et al.) • Reducing disparities in breast health (Ramsay-Johnson) • Caring for patients with cancer (Stepien) • Infant feeding in West Indian women (Corbett) • Culture, low key and discreet (Caiger) • Responding to nature disasters (Normandin)

  18. Recommendations for future research Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. • What is known? • What do we need to know? • How do we begin? • What can I do to expand and strengthen the body of science? • What can I do to improve practice?

  19. Research Exemplar Reporting highlights of community education and community outreach

  20. Assessing needs and concerns of communities and groups • Drafting clinical vignettes and case reports • Expert opinion regarding clinical practice • Retrospective program evaluation •  Post-program evaluation • Retrospective pre-test post-test • Other 

  21. Disseminating scholarly outcomes of efforts undertaken to reduce disparities in the United States Virgin Islands

  22. Food for thought • Dissemination of outcomes for lay and scientific review • Case reports, clinical vignettes • Scientific review • Research reports • Educational innovations • Program evaluation • Community education

  23. Yes you can!!!

  24. Food for thought • Committing your thoughts to paper or disk • Writing the vision • Outlining your thoughts • Refining the draft • Submitting the narrative for review

  25. Start where you are Arthur Ashe

  26. Journals, Magazines, Newsletters, and Other Publications to Consider

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