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Dante Alighieri ( 1265-1321). An Italian poet of the Middle Ages. He lived in Florence, one of the most important cities in Europe, it was very influential, very powerful and very rich, along with Paris one of the most important cities in Europe. Dante was a Christian.
Dante Alighieri ( 1265-1321) • An Italian poet of the Middle Ages. • He lived in Florence, one of the most important cities in Europe, it was very influential, very powerful and very rich, along with Paris one of the most important cities in Europe. • Dante was a Christian.
Dante has written a lot of important literary works that have all been very influential in Italian literature. This book deals with various aspects of language and literature, although he didn’t quite finish this book. This was the first book which dealt with the idea of a national language, which at the time did not exist.
Dante was the first poet to write an extensive epic poem in what would become the first form of the Italian language, and that is why he has been given the nickname ‘father of the Italian language.
La Divina Commedia • Estimated that the book was written from around 1308-1320. • It is a poem about the journey that Dante as the main character makes through the afterlife. • It is split into three sections, the three realms of the Christian Afterlife; Hell, Purgatory and Heaven. • Dante the character journeys through the realms of the Afterlife and meets various souls. • Dante the author, has carefully placed both real historical figures and mythological figures in all the different realms.
Dante claims to be inspired by the Holy Spirit, God has given him this mission to journey through the afterlife and report back to people on earth and tell them how to live a good life to be able to enter Heaven with God. • In this poem, Dante effectively did the job that God is supposed to do as he makes a judgement one each person, on how they lived their life on earth and whether they deserved eternal salvation or not.
Inferno/Hell “Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate” Abandon all hope, ye who enter here
Not only are the sinners geographically separated, they are also given different kinds of punishments to reflect their sins.
Contrapasso • ‘suffer the opposite’ • It refers to the punishments of the souls in Inferno, by a process of either resembling or contrasting the sin itself. • Sometimes, the contrapasso is extremely similar in nature, but sometimes it is the opposite-a mirror image. Hell either reflects the sin or reverts it.
Canto XXII Sorcerers, False Prophets and Astrologers • What is the job of fortune tellers?
The job of fortune tellers is to look ahead, look into the future. • Dante being a religious man, believed that God is the only one that can foresee the future. • Dante, the author represents this group of people as sinners, in the 8th circle of hell, and when it comes to their punishment, he uses this idea of contrapasso.
On earth these people spent their lives looking forward and now in death, their heads have been turned so they now spend eternity looking behind them.
The sinners of this section are called the neutrals: as in life they were neither good nor bad, very indifferent. • In Hell, their punishment is to follow a flag for eternity, therefore making them follow something, making them choose.
Why is this important? • ‘Contrapasso’, is another way of showing just how revolutionary Dante was, the intricacy of how his mind worked, everything was well structured . • No one before him had attempted something like this on the same sort of scale, and so carefully planned and detailed.