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Coca Cola a natural Born Killer??

Coca Cola a natural Born Killer??. By: Cecilia Hurtado Andrea Ladrón de Guevara . C oca Colas racial issues .

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Coca Cola a natural Born Killer??

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  1. Coca Cola a natural Born Killer?? By: Cecilia Hurtado Andrea Ladrón de Guevara

  2. Coca Colas racial issues • April 1999 the largest settlement ever in a racial discrimination case, the Coca-Cola Company agreed yesterday to pay more than $156 million to resolve a federal lawsuit brought by black employees.

  3. Black People • Black employees were put at the bottom of the pay scale, averaging $26,000 a year less than white workers. • In a 1995 report they complained about an atmosphere in which they felt ''humiliated, ignored, overlooked or unacknowledged.''

  4. The Panel • Coke is a company that operates in nearly 200 countries. • The panel is charged with ensuring that Coke's record of paying and promoting all minority workers and women improves

  5. Racial Problems • When a Coke official visited Asia this spring, Chinese reporters hounded him about the company's racial problems, driving home the point that a global company operating in roughly 200 countries can ill-afford to develop a reputation for intolerance.

  6. PaymentDifferences • In 1990 at interviews, Coke officials did not deny that black employees had often been paid less than they should have or failed to get the promotions they deserved.

  7. Racism • In the company's defense, they said workers throughout the company, regardless of gender or race, had similar experiences. • The Coke lawsuit illustrates a shift in the battle over race in the American workplace.

  8. HealthConcerns • Drinks contained pesticides that posed health risks. Soft drink manufacturers have denied the charges. • CSE director, SunitaNarain, has criticised the government for failing to set up purity standards for soft drinks • The government says it will look into the matter but only after receiving an official complaint.

  9. ALEC's role • ALEC is an organization that help the corporations to have a better and convenient relationship with the government. • American Legislative Exchange Council, a conservative group that has been pushing the Crown Cork bill in state legislatures across the nation since 2006.

  10. ALEC • ALEC, founded almost four decades ago by the father of the modern conservative movement, Paul Weyrich, includes about 2,000 state legislators as well as 300 companies, such as: ExxonMobil, Coca-Cola and Wal-Mart Stores, according to group officials and documents.

  11. Coke told to close Indian plant • Environmentalissues • Coca Cola has long faced protests from the villagers who accused the US company of depleting local groundwater. • Thousands of protesters gathered near manufacturing plants of the two firms and demanded that they stop production on concerns over groundwater depletion.

  12. Bibliography • http://www.nytimes.com/2000/11/17/business/coca-cola-settles-racial-bias-case.html?scp=6&sq=coca%20cola%20wages&st=Search • http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/02/09/AR2010020903797.html • http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/4167606.stm

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