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Information Sharing Strategic Vision. Mr. Steve Pitcher, YC-3 (GS-15) Chief, Information Sharing Branch Joint Chiefs of Staff J65C. StrategicVision. An integrated global network that enables us to share the right information at the right time so warfighters can act before the enemy acts.
Information Sharing Strategic Vision Mr. Steve Pitcher, YC-3 (GS-15) Chief, Information Sharing Branch Joint Chiefs of Staff J65C
StrategicVision An integrated global network that enables us to share the right information at the right time so warfighters can act before the enemy acts Mission Planning w/Closest Allies Mission Execution w/All Mission Partners Integration of currently certifiable IA and mitigating processes can enable near term fielding of operationally relevant mission planning with our closest Allies, and effective mission execution with ALL of our Mission Partners NOTE: Closest Allies for a given COI are not always traditional 4…
Mission Partner Assured IS Roadmap Physical Separation 2008-2010 Hybrid Separation 2010-2012 Logical Separation 2013-2016 PR 09 POM 10 2012 Funds ENTERPRISE CENTRIC PARTIAL ENTERPRISE CENTRIC COCOM/COI CENTRIC DOD External Collaboration Non-Classified Net Std, Dev, Test NCES AIS Enables: NECC -> APEX CENTRIX Consolidation at DECCs CCER at DECCs Complete CENTRIX Converging (incl. Bilats & Interagency) Role Based Access CFE, ISAF, CNFC, CENTRIX- J / K, Bi-lats… OBJECTIVE SYSTEM Info Sharing I-Plan CCER Assess Tech, Dev, Test Enterprise Gateways ICI GRIFFIN / ICI Enterprise CDS CDS Baseline MNIS/AIS AOA MSN Partner IS Conops Tools for marking/release SOA NECC & NCES Integrated Data Storage Crypto Binding IA Metadata MNIS GIG-IA Iterative fielding of technologies as they mature and are certifiable, provides improved operational capability at lower overall cost
Leveraging CWID “Venues” & CFBLNet for Pre-Deployment NATO CWID Canada CWID UK CWID “US” COALITION CWID HS/HD CFBLNet Infrastructure - for demonstrations, exercises and training (incl. pre-deployment) In a funding constrained environment…leveraging other capability is key Must define “Coalition Interoperability Assessment Criteria” start Information Assurance Maturity assessments early, and synchronize assessments (e.g., CWID, Empire Challenge, Combined Endeavor, JUICE, DICE,…)
Some Things Just Need to be Simpler! SELECT ONE IF AUTHORIZED SELECT APPROPRIATE MARKINGS FOR CLASSIFICATION CAVEATS and RELEASABLE TO To be replaced by CUI FOUO Law Enforcement Sensitive Contract Sensitive SCI … Etc. NATO AUS/CAN/GBR/NZ AUS/CAN/GBR Australia Canada Germany Japan Korea New Zealand Saudi Arabia United Kingdom … Etc. X UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET TOP SECRET x CAPCO Write for Release -- Default Just-In-Time Policy & Training x X NOTE: Intelligence Organization Use -- ONLY NOFORN (methods, sources, nuclear) ORCON … Etc. For additional information and training on appropriate use of caveats, release and disclosure policy, FDO ROE, and waiver process go to www.classification_answers.mil, or contact your local FDO at (COCOM FDOs contact list with phone/e-mail)
Summary • Need to creatively integrate certifiable technology, with mitigating processes to allow near term fielding of operationally relevant capability • Warfighters demand trusted, credible and timely IS • COI Allies for Mission Planning not always the same… • Iterative operational improvements…on path to objective • In a funding constrained environment…CFBLNet ur friend! • Some things just need to be simpler…need standards Lots of Moving Parts -- Must Synchronize to be Successful 100% Certain None of Us has 100% of the Answers!
Ally … NIPRNET JWICS Ally C Ally B Ally A US-SIPR CDS CDS CDS CDS CDS CDS CDS CDS CDS US Only Perishable 5 Eyes w/C2 & I Apps Bi-Lat Notional MP IS Architecture “Most Trusted Partner” Reachback to Similarly Classified & Protected National Network GRIFFIN CFE partner National HQ to HQ Connection to SIPR • Identity/Access Mgnt • IA Metadata • Attack Sensing & • Warning MNIS CENTRIX Cross Enclave Req MNFI US to US Sharing of Releasable Info Reduced Risk All Others MP COP, Input ... GCTF 5 Eyes Only Perishable … Unclassified Operational Networks Foreign State Local NGOs Converge physically separated coalition warfighting networks to provide a common suite of information services to all Mission Partners with controlled access to C2/Intell applications on a common network -- based on country trust and user role
Mission Planning Suite “A” Or Suite “B” Crypto Tactical Forces Ally A Ally B Ally … JWICS NIPRNET Tactical Forces Mission Execution Suite “B” Crypto Tactical Forces Tactical Forces US-SIPR JISSC A, B & … CDS CDS CDS CDS CDS CDS Notional Integration of JISSC & Suite A/B for Tactical Edge “Most Trusted Partner” Reachback to Similarly Classified & Protected National Network • Identity Management • IA Metadata • Attack Sensing & • Warning US to US Sharing of Releasable Info Reduced Risk Unclassified Operational Networks Foreign State Local NGOs Mission Planning requires a greater protection mechanisms to allow for reach back to the “WHY”, Mission Execution requires the sharing of the “WHAT” and the “WHEN”
Improved Assessment Process • CWID Services Integration Laboratory • Standardized evaluation across all CWID trials • Conformity and compliance with DOD defined criteria and specification • Data collection, compilation, and analysis to support CWID decision makers • Development of Robust “Coalition” Interoperability and Access Assessment Criteria • Current assessment criteria based on “Joint” standards • Can’t wait for others -- “drafting best effort” assessment criteria for use in CWID coalition environment -- Tech & IA Maturity Levels • Working with JITC, JSIC, JFCOM, DISA, NSA, … • Synchronization with Empire Challenge, JUICE, DICE, Combined Endeavor, …
Positive Developments NSA STEP Analysis: Identified several capabilities to support CCER CWID 08: Initial assessment identified several promising tech and at least one set that appears to achieve most if not all of CCER GCCS-I3: Migrating to Secure Sybase GCTF Intelligence DB: INSCOM plan to migrate to Secure Enterprise DataVault (Oracle 10G) by 2010 CENTRIXS-M: In FY10 Navy begins fielding workstation convergence to leverage CCER enterprise services TNE Backend:Certified PL4 network environment - Oct 2008 AF ISR and other large user base TNE Frontend:Completed PL4 assessment - May 2009 Includes MS Office products on desktop Tadpole: deployable Sun Server $900 laptop thin clients, Type 1 wireless “Perfect Storm” of technology, policy and process changes merging in FY10 to achieve CCER. 11
Other Mission Partner IS Efforts • Objective MNIS – AoA; depends on SOA, GIG-IA & Net-Centric capability • Single Transport Infrastructure (CCER’s CMIL.MIL and ExternalNetIS) • Role/Attribute Based Access for ‘COI on the Fly’ (CCER, MNIS/AIS, …) • Integrated Secure Data Storage (NSA Jericho, DIA MDDS, Oracle 10G, …) • GIG Enterprise Services (NECC/NCES, DECC Consolidation, GIG-IA, …) • Other CC/S/A Efforts (ACE, CENTRIXS-M, CANES, BlueSpace, Oracle 10G, TSol8, MLWeb, CD-CIE, DTW 4.1, MI2, CISA, OB1, …) • Enterprise Cross Domain Access Solutions (UCDMO Initiatives) • Coalition Warfighter Interoperability Demonstration (CWID) • Combined Federated Battle Lab Net (CFBLNet) • Griffin (National HQ connectivity) – COP, Web, Chat, … ICI • Multinational Interoperability Council (MIC) - WAN • DoD/IC Information Sharing (ISS, IS I-Plan, PM-ISE) • Commercial Suite B Crypto • UCDMO defining standard CDS assessment criteria, processes, … Lots of Moving Parts -- Must Synchronize to be Successful 100% Certain None of Us has 100% of the Answers!