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PSYC 338 CROSS-CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY Trimester II, 2006. Introduction to Online-Survey Self- & Peer-Evaluation Intercultural Communication Competence Inventory Bernd Kupka, M.S. (University of Otago) Andr é Everett, Ph.D. (University of Otago) Exercise - Part 1. Purpose of the Study.
PSYC 338 CROSS-CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGYTrimester II,2006 Introduction to Online-Survey Self- & Peer-Evaluation Intercultural Communication Competence Inventory Bernd Kupka, M.S. (University of Otago) André Everett, Ph.D. (University of Otago) Exercise - Part 1
Purpose of the Study • Development of a Reliable & Valid Instrument to Measure (Changes in) the Intercultural Communication Competence of Students & Expatriates Who Go to Different Countries on Exchange or International Assignments • Questionnaire Serves to Assist Development of Relevant, Tailor-Made, & Cost-Efficient Intercultural Training Programs for the Two Target Groups (Expats, Students)
Method & Design of the Study • Questionnaire for Self- & Peer-Evaluation • 10 Dimensions of Intercultural Communication Competence plus Background Info (Particularly in 1st Test-Round) • Test – Re-Test Design • Test Assesses Current ICC Strength & Deficiencies in Participant & Discloses Training Needs • Re-Test (Mostly Same Questions) Measures Learning Effect & Improvements/Still Existing Gaps/Further Need of Training
Why Self- & Peer-Surveys? • Self-Evaluations Reflect Only One/Sender’s Perspective (Outward from Student/Expatriate) Incomplete Picture of Reality • Peer-Evaluations Reflect Second/Receiver’s Perspective (How is it Perceived by Host-Country Students/Workforce) More Complete Reflection of Reality • Difference Between Self- & Peer-Evaluation Reflects Pressing Intercultural Training Needs
How to Participate in the Study? • Pair Up With a Person You Know Quite Well • If You Can’t Find Anybody in this Course to Do the ICCI With, Get to Know Somebody Over a Cup of Coffee or Take a Walk Find Out Their Student ID • Get Online, Go to Blackboard & Click on the Link for the Self-Evaluation & Complete It (Shouldn’t Take More Than 25 min) • Do the Peer-Evaluation Online by Yourself & NOT in the Presence of Your Peer • If You Have Any Questions, Contact ME via Email (bkupka@business.otago.ac.nz)
What is measured? • Demographic Data • Foreign Language Competence • Perception of Cultural Distance • Cultural Self-Awareness • Knowledge • Skills • Motivation • Appropriateness • Effectiveness • Contextual Relationships • Cultural Affinity • Social Desirability Bias
Victoria University - Intercultural Communication Competence Inventory - Self-Evaluation 1 1) This research project has been approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Otago with the Approval Number 05/180. If you choose to participate in this project, your data will be treated with absolute confidentiality and care. Please enter your student ID. This will be used exclusively to allocate your responses to your class participation points and to your match and vice versa. Once your data has been completed and verified your personal ID will be replaced in such a way that the information you provide cannot be traced back to you. If you click on "Next Page" you will participate in this project and give the research team permission to use your data confidentially and carefully. Thank you for your kind participation.
Victoria University - Intercultural Communication Competence Inventory Self-Evaluation 1 This section (consisting of background questions) will only be included in the first round of assessments. Thank you for completing each question as you believe best represents your situation. 2) Age: 3) Gender 0 0 4) Country of birth: 5) Nationality: 6) Country in which you lived the longest before the age of 15: 7) Ethnicity: Which languages do you speak at what level? In the following questions, please choose a level for each language you speak from the corresponding pull-down menus. Please ignore those languages that are irrelevant to you. 8) Afrikaans? 9) Arabic?
Victoria University - Intercultural Communication Competence Inventory Self-Evaluation 1 Please respond VERY THOUGHTFULLY and CRITICALLY to each statement based on how you feel at this point in your life. Click on the number that corresponds with your answer. There is no right or wrong answer - JUST BE HONEST. Thank you for your kind cooperation. The following questions ask you about your perception of differences between your home and other cultures. Statements that appear in a blue color from now on repeat statements that have been made shortly before but have a different aspect to them at the end. 29) I think my home culture is very different from foreign cultures regarding daily customs that must be followed. strongly disagree disagree disagree more than agree agree more than disagree agree strongly agree don't know 30) I think my home culture is very different from foreign cultures regarding general living conditions. strongly disagree disagree disagree more than agree agree more than disagree agree strongly agree don't know 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Self-Eval Link to the URL http://comsurvey.isom.auckland.ac.nz/ss/wsb.dll/chocolate6/VICPSYC338-SelfEval-Test-06II.htm Or http://tinyurl.com/jtkan Both Links Take You to the Same Locations!
Victoria University - Intercultural Communication Competence Inventory Peer-Evaluation 1) This research project has been approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Otago with the Approval Number 05/180. If you choose to participate in this project, your data will be treated with absolute confidentiality and care. Please enter your student ID. This will be used exclusively to allocate your responses to your class participation points, to your match and vice versa. Once your data has been completed and verified your personal ID will be replaced in such a way that the information you provide cannot be traced back to you. If you click on "Next Page" you will participate in this project and give the research team permission to use your data confidentially and carefully. Thank you for your kind participation. 2) Please enter the ID number for your peer (the person whom you are evaluating). You obtain this number directly from your peer.
Peer-Eval Link to the URL http://comsurvey.isom.auckland.ac.nz/ss/wsb.dll/chocolate6/VICPSYC338-PeerEval-Test-06II.htm Or http://tinyurl.com/fnxla Both Links Take You to the Same Locations!
Results & Submission Dates? • Research Team (Dr. André Everett & M.S. Bernd Kupka) Will Deliver Results After the Re-Test • Submit Your Evaluations at the Latest by 31. July Tutorial 1 03. August Tutorial 2 04. August Tutorial 3 • Contact info: Bernd Kupka (Ph.D. Student & Author) bkupka@business.otago.ac.nz Thank You for Your Kind Cooperation!!!