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Environmentally Friendly Alternative Fuels - Critical to Aviations Future

Environmentally Friendly Alternative Fuels - Critical to Aviations Future. Future of Aviation Advisory Committee (FAAC) Subcommittee on the Environment August 10, 2010 Richard L. Altman Executive Director, Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative (CAAFI).

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Environmentally Friendly Alternative Fuels - Critical to Aviations Future

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  1. Environmentally Friendly Alternative Fuels - Critical to Aviations Future • Future of Aviation Advisory Committee (FAAC) • Subcommittee on the Environment • August 10, 2010 • Richard L. Altman • Executive Director, • Commercial Aviation Alternative • Fuels Initiative (CAAFI) www.caafi.org

  2. Aviation Biofuels – Multi-year History CAAFI Formed 2006 “(The) U.S. aviation industry is eager for an entirely new fuel dynamic and will be an enthusiastic purchaser “ ……..Letter dated 1/16/09 to President Elect Obama

  3. New Sustainable Dynamic Economic Need F 30 25 20 15 10 U.S. Consumption Total Imports 70% Million bbl per day 63% 5 U.S. Production 2005 1975 1985 1995 2005 2015 0 Gasoline Jet < 10% Diesel Improve Fuel Fraction Enhance Supply Security Reduce Crack Spread

  4. New Sustainable Dynamic Environment Need Air Quality Reduce PM 2.5 Global Climate Contain CO2 Growth

  5. CAAFI - Who We Are Aerospace Industries Association Air Transport Association Airports Council International – North America 14 Aircraft, engine, subsystem OEM’s 21 Airlines, Exec Jets, Military, airport orgs. 8 Universities, FAA Center of Excellence Federal Aviation Administration 17 government agencies / labs 4 Oil service providers 3 International Finance 45 fuel producers 15 Think Tanks, Consultants 350 Sponsors/Stakeholders From All Continents * Actual attendance at 9/30/09 meeting 230 people, 125 entities

  6. CAAFI/FAA Leveraging Government Partners • COMMERCIAL AVIATION • 10X USAF fuel market • Multi-year procurement and hedging fuel purchasing • oversight of certification via ASTM • Concentrated Airport Distribution (80% of fuel to 35 locations) • Single global environmental framework via ICAO (U.N.) – FAA is U.S. Representative • R&D Resources via NASA, FAA (CLEEN), Many Commercial teams • DOD/USAF • Self contained development, certification, procurement. • R&D Fuels research assets at via AFRL • Initial Fit for Purpose testing via AFRL • Section -526 LCA compliance with DOE • Certification for Synfuel via Mil Spec • Initial purchases of synfuels to verify production Scale up.

  7. CAAFI – How We Operate Facilitate Maximum Opportunity “Flow-up” Focus and Communicate Requirements “Flow Down” Deploy Develop DISTRIBUTORS / FBO’S FUEL PRODUCERS FEEDSTOCK SUPPLIERS

  8. 2009 Aviation Achievements • First Major Aviation Fuel Qualification in 20 Years passed – ASTM D7566! • Four flight programs of Biofuels • ICAO Accepted Best Practices - Fuel Readiness Level risk management. - CO2 LCA Analysis Principles • Four Commercial projects formed Winner 2010 Air Transport World Joseph S. Murphy Award for Industry Service!

  9. 2010 Off to Excellent Start • Hydrotreated Renewable Jet (HRJ/ Bio-SPK) tracking to 12/10 ASTM Approvals (Jan. - June) • White House recognition of Aviation as lead customer for Biofuels (Feb.) • FAA/DESC “Single Fuel Buyer” Alliance (March) • Greatly expanding the scope of potential supplier discussions (April, May) • First Quantitative Jet Fuel Carbon LCA (PARTNER) leads aviation centric impact quantification (May) • “Farm to Fly” with USDA announced (July) • “One Buyer” United Aviation Exhibit at Farnborough Air Show (July)

  10. Going Forward Approach/Challenges • Accelerate Development and Certification • Mechanisms for Rapid Deployment and Quality Assurance • Environmental Certainty and Crediting (Carbon and PM2.5) • International Harmonization and Cooperation Camelina Rotation Crop Fiberized Sweet Sorghum

  11. Accelerated Development / Certificaton • In Process • Execute Fuel Readiness with USDA/DOE/DOD to one roadmap • Increase Number of processes and feedstocks qualified • Implement “Feedstock Readiness Risk Management (FERL) to Match Fuel Readiness Issue / Challenges Current FAA Advanced Fuel Programs is one year Congressional Plus up

  12. CAAFI Certification Timing Targets and Status

  13. Rapid Deployment / Quality Assured • In Process: • Initial MOU’s, intent to execute Purchase agreements, signed • Many Success Models Being Pursued at State Level • “Top Down” regional studies (“farm to fly”), tools development • Quality Assurance targeted with Congressional “Plus-up” • Issues/Challenges • Financial Support inadequate: • - One year funding of $1/gallon introductory credit • - 80% Loan guarantees for production facilities • - 5 year max. purchase agreements for government buyer • Quality Program multi-year to assure success.

  14. Multiple Success Models (most promising) California* Florida ** Georgia Hawaii** Illinois** Michigan** Minnesota** Mississippi* Ohio** New York** North Carolina North Dakota** Pennsylvania** Oklahoma Tennessee** Texas** Washington* * airline/producer agreements ** study proposals or Pilot Plants

  15. Planning & Tools Developments • Tool Suite Available or in process • ACRP 02-07 Fuel Cost /benefit (complete) • ACRP 02-18 Airport / Supply chain handbook • ACRP 02-23 PM 2.5 Airport Priorities • Carbon Neutral Growth Scenario Analysis • Next Gen Insertion Optimization Tool • Projects to Begin Soon • “Farm to Fly” Regional Top Down analysis • ACRP Multi-Modal Assessment project • USAF / CAAFI “Biofuels Summit II” with USDA with USDA regions. • Feedstock Readiness Level Risk Management Construct under USDA / FAA MOU

  16. Environmental Certainty / Crediting • In Process • DOE / USAF carbon LCA (sec -526) Compliance Model (with FAA/EPA) • PARTNER (MIT) / FAA Aviation Specific Carbon Life Cycle Analysis • Air Quality PM 2.5 measurement and analysis process gains • Examination of Verification Process candidates • Issues and Challenges • Crediting benefits fo Purchaser under co-mingling • How will Renewable Index Number process be applied in RFS-2? • Slow development of Aviation specific Particle modeling tool • Will Aviation Specific Issues have priority at EPA (we’re 2% of GHG)?

  17. “Ground to Wake” Carbon LCA Executed by DOE / USAF with FAA/MIT and EPA Aviation Specific LCA

  18. Compatible International Planning • In Process • EC Interchange and Contributions with CAAFI Teams • Leverating strong Independent Partner Assets with E.C. • Specific proposals for areas of cooperation • Broad Participation in the Roundtable on Sustainable Fuels, Air Transport Action Group (ATAG) • Issues and Challenges • Taxes (ETS) vs. Environmental friendly fuel incentives • Renewable quotas vs. carbon neutral growth • U.S. Cooperative model difficult to emulate owing to member state differences in EC • “Opportunity cost”, time penalties EC/US negotiations

  19. Europe/U.S. Have Strong Partner Assets • Industry Partnerships – e.g. CFMI, IAE, P&W/MTU • Significant standing (FAA/EU) dialogue • EU / CAAFI program links now • Shared contractors/processes • Similar approach to ICAO (U.N.) (2009 common goals/methods )

  20. Environment Friendly Aviation Fuels? • Aviation Positioned on “Cutting Edge” to be high visibility“First Mover” • Pathways / roadmaps to success established /recognized • Challenges / Remedies well understood • U.S. CAAFI Public / Private Coalition global model

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