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CASE STUDY. 서 화 정 ㈜아이티캠프. Case 1 – Guinness brewery (1). Began operations in 18 th century Ireland. Part of an international vendor of spirits and beverage with operations in 50 countries. Value and success are measured by complex criteria.
CASE STUDY 서 화 정 ㈜아이티캠프
Case 1 – Guinness brewery (1) Began operations in 18th century Ireland. Part of an international vendor of spirits and beverage with operations in 50 countries. Value and success are measured by complex criteria Taking an innovative approach to help its global workforce.
Case 1 – Guinness brewery (2) Grand Metropolitan PLC Guinness PLC Diageo PLC Launched a company-wide program called “managing for value”(MFV) in an effort to establish a business culture that helped each unit to identify and invest in activities that would create value for the company and its shareholders.
Case 1 – Guinness brewery (3) In late 1999, Guinness needed to create a course for its workforce. By actually seeing the “big picture” of different company operations and how they affected each other, employees could relate their own choices to the company’s overall value to its investors. “Knowledge maps” detailed illustrations that serve as roadmaps to subject matter and which participants navigate in the course of a facilitated session
Case 1 – Guinness brewery (4) “Why Shareholders Matter” showed who shareholder and lenders are, what options they have for investment, how they measure the success of an investment and what happens when those expectations aren’t met. First map “How Economic Profit Works” introduced concepts such as capital, after-tax profit and the impact of business decisions on profit, as well as value creation and its relation to economic profit. Second map “Applying MFV to Guinness’s Value Chain” detailed look at the various components of Guinness’s business, from manufacturing to marketing to support services and how each affected the others. It also sought to highlight the importance of understanding consumer tastes as a key to higher profitability. Third map
Case 2 – NIKON EUROPE (1) • Customers simply have a natural-language dialogue with Deskartes(in English, French or German). • This mimics a human conversation, with one important difference-Deskartes has more knowledge about digital photography and Nikon’s products than any individual ever could!
Case 2 – NIKON EUROPE (2) “There’s more to tell because our products are more complex.” <David Ward, manager of Nikon’s European> One-to-one telephone help HTML page Deskartes Difficult extract the right answer from the ever-growing information Same question needs to be answered repeatedly
Case 2 – NIKON EUROPE (3) Reply is used to adjust the ranking of solutions next time Asked whether the solution helped User Knowing what your customers and prospects want to know about digital photography Learn through Deskartes Nikon Developing new products and improving customer service.
Case 3 – INFORMED DIRECT (1) Deskartes, the knowledge management solution, is at the heart of a new call center that provides detailed information on pharmaceutical drugs to doctors, pharmacists and patients. Some UK pharmaceutical companies recently surveyed by Activity Benchmarking reported getting 20,000 or more calls per annum. It was a significant, non-core workload and there was no effective standard for this data. The response customers received varied according to Who answered the phone.
Case 3 – INFORMED DIRECT (2) “Our thinking was that we’d have to use a relational database and populate it manually with question and answers. The real nightmare was how best to get everything verified and approved the potential consequences of a transcription error, such as entering 200milligrams rather than 200 micrograms, for example, were too horrible to contemplate” “With minimal human intervention, Deskartes can take text information and structure it in such a way that it can be used to answer queries” How Descartes Changed the Business Plan? The decision was made to place Deskartes at the heart of the business and the ₤150,000 which was on the business plan for database development was cut by more than 50%.
Case 4 –삼성전기 (1) 지식경영의 목표 조직 핵심역량 강화 경영전략 지원 기업가치 극대화 “삼성전기의 지식경영은 KMS를 중심에 두고 ERP 기반의 SCM 및 CRM, 그리고 전략적 기업자원 관리, 즉 SEM까지 연결된 개념으로 가고 있다. 물론 지식경영 추진팀에서 계속적인 지식경영 프로젝트를 매니지먼트 할 수 잇는 각종 프로그램을 개발해 제공함으로써 성공의 초석이 되도록 애쓰고 있다.”
Case 4 –삼성전기 (2) 삼성전기의 지식경영 프로그램 어학/정보화 자격제도, 독서이수제도, 연구논문경진대회, My Tutor제도 학습 글로벌 비전 선포 및 공유, 신지식인상 제정 운영, 부서 지식 자산화 제도/문화 임원회의 자료 공유, 사내 기획방송 연재. 주기적 지식지수 조사, 중간관리자 특별교육 리더십 업적/능력 평가형 고과제도, 연봉제 및 파격적 보상, 지식 마일리지 제도, 부서 경쟁력 평가 평가/보상 전세계 사업장의 일관된 ERP, 제안관리 시스템, 고객감동 시스템, PMS(프로젝트관리: 6시그마) 정보시스템
Case 4 –삼성전기 (3) • @ 지식경영 분위기 확산 방법 • 1. 부서별 홈페이지 구축 • - 총 51개부서의 자율적 구축, 연 2회의 사내경진대회, 통합 검색엔진 탑재 • 지식 올림피아드 • - 지식경영의 전사적 관심 유발, 지식창출 및 공유의 마인드 향상 • 사내 전문가 제도 • - 지식인증제, 전사적 차원의 Skill Inventory화, 조직학습문화 유도 • 지식 마일리지 • - 지식등록 / 조회에 따른 지식점수화, 개인 노하우 자발적 등록 동기부여 • 신지식인 운동 • - 파격적 포상(연 52억원), 사업부별 분기별 선발, 전사 이벤트
Case 5 –삼성 에버랜드 @지식경영이란? 총체적인 변화전략으로 고객의 관점에서 모든 사고와 말하는 방법을 바꾸고 변화시켜 업무에 있어서 최고의 전문가로 거듭나게 하고 고객만족을 위한 가치를 창출하며 궁극적으로 개인 / 조직 / 기업의 경쟁력을 확보하는 경영활동 고객만족 지식경영 지식경영 추진전략 e - KISS 인재육성 지식경영 공유화 창출의 지식경영