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Chaudfontaine Newsletter. Newsletter 10 – January 2013. Legal developments : European Union. European Parliament – Resolution European Parliament first reading on the Commission proposal to amend Regulation 428/2009 (delegated acts): fundamental review of catch-all clause provisions
Chaudfontaine Newsletter Newsletter 10 – January 2013
Legaldevelopments: European Union European Parliament – Resolution European Parliament first reading on the Commission proposal to amend Regulation 428/2009 (delegated acts): fundamental review of catch-all clause provisions At the plenary session of 23 October 2012, The European Parliament has adopted its position on the Commission proposal to amend Regulation (EC) 428/2009 setting up a Community regime for the control of exports, transfer, brokering and transit of dual-use items.It has notably adopted amending proposals to articles 4 (catch-all) and 8 (public security and human rights considerations). Available : http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-%2f%2fEP%2f%2fTEXT%2bTA%2bP7-TA-2012-0383%2b0%2bDOC%2bXML%2bV0%2f%2fEN&language=EN Comment: http://local.droit.ulg.ac.be/jcms/service/index.php?serv=49
Council Decision Strengtheningof the embargo against Iran by the EU The embargo against Iran has been reinforced by the Council Decision 2012/635/CFSP to include graphite, raw or semi-finished metals as aluminum and steel. A new article 4.e) has been added to this end and the Article 10 adds provisions aimed at submitting to prior authorisation transactions with Iranian banks. The lists of prohibited items and technologies have been published in the Official Journal, 22 December 2012. Source : http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2012:282:0058:0069:EN:PDF ; Comment: http://local.droit.ulg.ac.be/jcms/service/index.php?serv=49.
Council Decision New decision on arms export outreach (2012/711/CFSP) Based on an assessment of the results achieved by the implementation of Council Decision 2009/1012CFSP and on the evolving needs of the beneficiary countries, the Council decided to support the continuation of outreach activities in the area of arms export controls with the adoption of Council Decision 2012/711/CFSP of 19 November 2012 and to allocate 1,86 million Euros to this purpose. Source : http://eeas.europa.eu/non-proliferation-and-disarmament/arms-export-control/index_en.htm
Legaldevelopments: International Wassenaar Arrangement Meeting, 11-12 December 2012 – outcomes Export controls were strengthened in a number of areas including spacecraft and passive counter-surveillance equipment of mobile telecommunications. In addition certain relaxations were introduced for gas turbine engines and machine tools, and the cryptography note was revised. Participating States have also decided to conduct a comprehensive and systematic review of the Wassenaar Lists to ensure their continued relevance. Furthermore, the Secretariat has issued, in January 2013 the compilation of the “Wassenaar Arrangements Basic Documents 2013”. Available : http://www.wassenaar.org/ (“Latest Additions”)
MTCR Plenary meeting, 24 October 2012 – outcomes The MTCR issued a press statement at the occasion of its 25th anniversary, celebrated during its plenary session held in Germany. Available : http://www.mtcr.info/english/press.html Australia Australia has adopted its new Defence Trade Controls Act 2012 (N° 153, 2012) Available : http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/cth/num_act/dtca2012207/ United States BIS publishes final rule on “Addition of Certain Persons to the Entity List”, 29 November 2012 Available : http://www.bis.doc.gov/pagetwo.html
Studies and More: Articles, Reports, Links EU Outreach: Monthly Newsletter of the project Cooperation in export control of dual-use goods, by the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA, Germany), Available: http://www.eu-outreach.info/eu_outreach/index.html Generalities: Nuclear Export Control(website), by Andrea Viski Latest news about export control in the nuclear area from international press. Available: http://www.nuclearexportcontrols.blogspot.se/ Andrea Stricker, “United States Prosecutes U.S.-Based Smuggler Working for Iran ”, Institute for Science and International Security, 26 October 2012 Available: http://isis-online.org/isis-reports/detail/united-states-prosecutes-u.s.-based-smuggler-working-for-iran/
Lina Grip, “The Role of the European Union Delivering Resolution 1540 Implementation Assistance”, Non Proliferation Paper, n°22, October 2012, 18p. Available: http://www.nonproliferation.eu/ Ian. J. Stewart, “Antiproliferation: Tackling Proliferation by Engaging the Private Sector”, Harvard Kennedy School, Discussion Paper, n°2012-15, November 2012, 32p. Available: http://belfercenter.hks.harvard.edu/publication/22460/antiproliferation.html
Members’ works: ESU Technical note: “The EU trade control of dual use items and adoption of restrictive measures against Syria, Iran and North Korea”, Quentin Michel, October 2012, 6p. This note describes the principle of the trade of sensitive items with countries for which the European Union adopted specific trade restriction measures. Available: http://local.droit.ulg.ac.be/jcms/service/index.php?serv=49&cat=3 Sara Depauw, “The European Union’s Involvement in Negotiating an Arms Trade Treaty”, Non Proliferation Paper, n°23, December 2012, 16p. Available: http://www.nonproliferation.eu/
News: Statement by the OPCW on Syria Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, 7 December 2012 Available: http://www.opcw.org/news/article/statement-by-the-opcw-on-syria/ “Former Managing Director of PPG Paints Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Sentenced to a Year in Prison for Conspiring to Illegally Export High-Performance Coatings to Nuclear Reactor in Pakistan” U.S. Department of Justice, press release, 20 December, 2012 Available: http://www.bis.doc.gov/index.htm
“IranianCorporation, OfficersAccused of IllegallyExporting More Than $30 Million in Goodsfrom U.S. to Iran“ U.S. Department of Justice, press release, 19 December 2012 Available: http://www.bis.doc.gov/index.htm “Export Control ReformLevels the Playing Field for Small American Exporter“, Export Control Reform Blog, 5 November 2012 Available: http://export.gov/ECR/
Ashley. J. Tellis, “A New Friendship: U.S.-India Relations”, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 29 November 2012 Available: http://carnegieendowment.org/globalten/?fa=50147 “Australia to Export Uranium to India?”, UPI, 16 October 2012 Available: http://www.upi.com/Business_News/Energy-Resources/2012/10/16/Australia-to-export-uranium-to-India/UPI-53551350404722/ Yogesh Joshi, “Paying Dividends: The US-India Nuclear Deal Four Years on”, The Diplomat, 28 December 2012 Available: http://thediplomat.com/2012/12/28/americas-strategic-bet-on-india-is-paying-off/
Jessica C. Varnum, “U.S. Nuclear Cooperation as Nonproliferation: Reforms, or the Devil You Know?”, Nuclear Threat Initiative NTI.org, Issue Brief, 27 November 2012 This paper analyses the role of the European Union (EU) in delivering United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 implementation assistance in the framework of its external non-proliferation policy and cooperation programmes. Available: http://www.nonproliferation.eu/ “Inde-Australie : vers un futur accord de coopération nucléaire”, Observatoire de la non prolifération, n°72, novembre 2012, p.4. (in french) Available: www.cesim.fr
Events: 27-30 May 2013, Bruges, Belgium: ESARDA annual meeting - Symposium 2013 Information: http://esarda.jrc.ec.europa.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=70&Itemid=238