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Today’s Agenda 12/2/2013

Today’s Agenda 12/2/2013. Bellwork Reading Christmas Carol Vocabulary Read Stave 1 Stave 1 Questions. Christmas Carol Vocabulary. 1.) jovial- cheerful, jolly, merry, hearty in spirit. 2.) novella- a short novel. Longer than a short story, shorter than a novel.

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Today’s Agenda 12/2/2013

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  1. Today’s Agenda 12/2/2013 Bellwork Reading Christmas Carol Vocabulary Read Stave 1 Stave 1 Questions

  2. Christmas Carol Vocabulary • 1.) jovial- cheerful, jolly, merry, hearty in spirit. • 2.) novella- a short novel. Longer than a short story, shorter than a novel. • 3.) stave- a verse or stanza of a song, as in a Christmas “carol.” • 4.) holly- the foliage and berries used for decoration during the Christmas season, evergreen plants with sharp leaves and berries. • 5.) tightfisted- stingy, unwilling to share.

  3. Today’s Agenda 12/3/2013 • Book Fair Visit • Finish Reading Stave 1 • Christmas Carol Vocabulary • Stave 1 Questions

  4. 6.) executor- a person named in a deceased person’s will that is asked to carry out the provisions of that will, they usually inherit all of the dead’s belongings. • 7.) apparition- a ghost or spirit, a phantom • 8.) philanthropy- the love of humankind, caring and giving to the needy, giving to charity, helping those less fortunate because it is the right thing to do. • 9.) dowerless- describes a woman who brings no material possessions to a marriage, no gifts from the woman’s parents as an offering. • 10.) ubiquitous- being found everywhere, always present. • 11.) humbug- false, nonsense, a slang term meaning that you are in disagreement or not approving.

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