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RURAL MARKETING STRATEGIES Product Price Promotion Physical
Marketing Mix • Is a crucial element of any marketing plan as it offers marketers a mix of product, services and prices, utilizes a promotion mix of advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing and personal selling to reach the target customers through distribution of channels
Tools and Challenges • The basic marketing mix tools 4Ps remains the same in both urban and rural markets, but the challenges of 4As varies
Contd… • Availability : availability of products Eg: FMCG Company HLL (Coca- Cola) has a strong distribution system, auto rickshaw, bullock carts. LG- company depot supplies, twice a week to distributors –has 45 area offices and 59 rural office • Affordability : with low disposable income , products need to be affordable. Eg: Godrej – Cinthol, Fairglow. Videocon’s washer without dryer launched specifically for the rural market, Cost Rs 3000/-
Contd… • Acceptability : Gain acceptability for the product. Need to offer products that suit the rural market. LG Electronics – Sampoorna sold 100,000 sets in the first year. Coca cola provides low cost ice boxes, that is a tin box for new outlets and a thermo Cole box for seasonal outlets. • Awareness : advertising media- television, movies, music. HLL relies on companies media Godrej for soap products
PRODUCT STRATEGIES • a company plan for marketing its products • Product Strategies • New Product Designs • Sturdy Products • Brand Name • Small Unit Packing • Low Priced Packing
Components of Product Personality 2. Brand Name 3. The Package • Core of the product • Basic constituent • associated features viz. Design, Quality, Size Color, Odors Performance Safety 5.Sales After Service 4. Warranty
1. The core of the Product: Mysore Sandal Soap – combination of luxury & tradition 2. Brand name: Name, Term, Symbol or Design or a combination of them which is intended to identify goods and services of seller and to differentiate with competitors.
Types of Brands Types Examples 1. Nationality Branded Products Lifebuoy, Lux, Ponds, Nirma, Colgate 2. Regional Branded Products Nanjangud Tooth Powder in Karnataka, Ponvandu in TN 3. Locally manufactured Rice, Oil, Food grains, Jaggery & Unbranded products 4. Imitation products Lite boy (Life buoy), Polons (Ponds) Narima (Nirma), Friends & Lovely (Fair & Lovely) 5. Store / Distributors brand SVC Coffee, Bakery products, Mothi Bread etc.
3.The Package: • General group of activities in the planning of a product. These activities concentrate on formulating a design of the package and producing an appropriate and attractive container or wrapper for a product. • 4. Product Warranty: • An obligation of the producer and seller to stand behind the product and assure the buyer that he will derive certain services and satisfaction from the product. • An assurance of the Quality, Service and Performance.
5.Service after sales : • For smooth maintenance and repairs at low charges as well as quick availability of spare parts and accessories at reasonable rates. • Important selling point helping the customer to take a quick decision to purchase costly durable goods.
Issues to be resolved in Product plan • Product line • Product mix • Packaging • Labeling • Branding • Service after Sales
PRODUCT CONCEPTS & CLASSIFICATION 1.Based on tangibility : tangible , intangible 2.Based on purpose : consumption, production 3.Based on functional life : Consumables, Durables 4. Based on habits : Convenience goods Shopping goods, Specialty goods
PRODUCT CONCEPTS & CLASSIFICATION 5. Based on price &quality: Mass product, Premium product 6. Based on product development : Innovations, Imitations 7. Based on brand hierarchy level : Global Brand : Pepsi, Coke National brand : Godrej, Tata Regional brand : Sun TV Channel Local brands: surya masale, Joy chips Unbranded products: oil, food grains Commodities: Tamarind, cloves, fish
1 Based on tangibility. Tangible goods -- products Intangible goods --services Examples: Product : Soft drinks, office furniture, houses etc, Services : Repairs, construction services, legal services
4. Based on habits : a. convenience b. shopping c. specialty
Concept of Product strategy Long range competitive plan involving decisions on products, product line and product mix to make proper utilization of resources and achieve marketing goals
Significance • Achieves product- market fit • Encourages innovativeness • Provides competitive edge • Makes better use of resources
Scope • Decisions at three levels Level Strategy • Product mix Width extension- new product line Length extension – new product items Depth extension – new product variants • Product line Stretching – upward, downward Line pruning –line modernization • Product item Quality, features, design, brand Augmentations
Contd… 2. Product line Line pruning : product lines lend to lengthen over time like rational grounds or emotional reasons. Both case dead wood will accumulate. It has to be taken out at periodical reviews. Pruning may be done when • It is identified that dead wood is depressing profits • It is found that the production capacity is limited and cannot handle all the existing products
Contd… • Line Modernization When technological developments change the products This is to be considered when Timing: Conversion readiness from old to new Competitors moves Profitability levels Approach : when the change be total or a part
Contd… 3. Product Item • Core product development (need product relationships) • Tangible product development Quality- durability, capacity, efficiency, economy, reliability Features – rational, problem solving, fancy, emotional Design - arrangements of parts Style - appearance and function Packaging Branding • Augmented product development
Contd… • Packaging Primary package : to hold the product Secondary package : to hold the primary package : cardboard box Shipping package : carry the products from one place to another
Contd… • Three levels of appeal by packages
Contd… • Branding • Brand concept • Branding policy: To brand or not to brand Sponsorship Naming • Branding the need
Contd… Branding arguments for and against For : • Identify helps processing • Image gives competitive advantage • Personality convinces consumers • Equity enhances value Against • Investment- returns doubtful • Image and personality an emotional nonsense • Brand equity- sensible but not new
Contd… • Brand sponsoring • Manufacturer brand • Distributor band • Brand identity Name what • Each product to give brand name individuals with company name: Ponda dream flower talc individuals without company name: Cinthol, Lifebuoy • Family brand name: Raymonds - Raymonds for textiles and Park avenue for shirts, shoes • Associated brand name Usha - fans, sewing machine Name how? • Easy to use, understand, distinguish
Contd… • Augmented Product : needs of consumers Components of an offer
Strategies for marketers • Identity strategies • Commodity strategies vegetables, oil, steels • Branding strategies brook bond’s red label tea, LG Sampoorna • Customer value strategies • Mass product strategies – Maharaja appliances Ltd, Rajdoot 223 • Premium product strategies – Fair &Lovely, Surf • Innovation strategies • Rural urban strategies - Bajar electricals, Appollo hospital servicing in rural • Special for rural – Nyle Shampoo, Titan watches
Strategies for marketers • Quality strategies • Quality improvement strategies –TVS 50 48 cc to 49.9 cc • Spurious goods strategies – Lifebuoy-Love boy • Packaging strategies – Affordability, usage, storability, small, combi packs • Brand strategies • Brand extension strategies – New Cinthol • Multi band strategy – HLL Soaps- Lifebuoy, Lux • Co-branding strategy – IBM and Compaq buys Intel chip and advertise as ‘Intel’ inside • Brand image/ equity management – Onida, Lux