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FORO NACIONAL DE CANCER NATIONAL CANCER FORUM CHILE. AN EXERCISE IN CANCER POLICY BUILDING 2013-2015 Professor Jorge Jiménez MD MPH. CANCER IN CHILE KEY ISSUES. 22.000 annual deaths Interesting and effective interventions but lack of a national cancer policy
CANCER IN CHILEKEY ISSUES • 22.000 annualdeaths • Interesting and effectiveinterventionsbutlack of a nationalcancerpolicy • Inequityis a fact.Mortalityis 40-50 times higher in lowincome and vulnerable populations • Estimation of directcosts up to USD 2100 million a year. Indirect YLL up to 3000 million.
ISSUES IN CANCER 2014 • Mostchileansknow and declare thatcanceris a severedisease (94%) and manyhaverelativesornearpersonswithcancer (71%) Survey FNC June 2013. • Highprevalence of riskbehaviour. 40% smoke,25% obesity,18% alcohol abuse • OnlyoneNationalCancer Centre in Santiago • Little financialresources, charity and research
NATIONAL CANCER FORUM:2013-2015 • Participatorymodelforpolicybuilding • Gathers civil society, authorities,politicians, patients, academics, experts in a forum. • SixWorkNodes of thenetwork • Original researchneeded and promoted • Difussion of basicconcepts and prevention • Publicawarenesson cáncer • VERY COMPLICATED AND DIFICULT EXERCISE
FUNDS, PROJECTS, MONEY 2001-2007 B/A= 10,6% CANCER= 24% total deaths
AVISA, AVD, AVPM Y Mortalidad por Subgrupos de Causa, 2004, Chile
Tasa de mortalidad por todos los tipos de cáncerajustada por edad según nivel educacional por 1.000 hab. Mujeres 2000-2010 Índice Ning/Sup
Tasa de mortalidad por todos los tipos de cáncer ajustada por edad según nivel educacional por 1.000 hab. Hombres 2000-2010 Índice Ning/Sup
PERCEPCIÓN DE GRAVEDAD DEL CÁNCER (Encuesta FNC-MORI 2013) En una escala de 1 a 10, donde 1 es que “el cáncer es algo de muy poca gravedad” y 10 “el cáncer es de alta gravedad”, dónde cree Ud que se ubica el cáncer?
Conoce algún familiar o amigo que tiene o ha tenido cáncer (%) ¿Conoce a algún amigo o familiar que tenga o haya tenido cáncer en los últimos 2 años?
Se ha realizado exámenes para pesquisar cáncer según NSE, grupo de 41 a 60 años de edad (%) Durante los últimos tres años, ¿Ud. se ha realizado algún examen para pesquisar o detectar algún tipo de cáncer? como por ej. PAP, mamografía, examen para la próstata, chequeo médico general
NATIONAL CANCER POLICY PROPOSAL • Legislation: General CancerLaw • NationalCancerAgencyinsidetheNationalCancerInstitute • Regional Cancer Centres • A NationalCancer Plan including: • ParticipatoryClinicalGuidelines • Emphasis in cancerprevention; • StrengtheningPublic-Privatecollaboration • Human Capital in cancer • Supportresearch in basica, clinical and publichealthcancerissues. • AnnualreportsonCancerSituation in Chile
CANCER POLICY PROPOSAL • To build a National Inter-sector Citenzen Council to promote cáncer policies. • Taxincreaseson cáncer relatedproducts • Legal taxexemptions to promotedonation and philantropy
INTEGRAL CANCER CARE • StrengthentheNationalCancerInstitute to thehighestlevel • Create Regional CancerInstitutesforimprovingcare, research and human capital formation in a decentralisedmode. • Establish a policyfor Human Resourceformationincludingresearchers and caregivers • Design and put in action a Case Manager Program to increaseequity and effectiveness in cáncer care. • PolicyforCancerDrugs in order to improve Access and equity
PREVENTION AND EARLY DETECTION • Design and implement a wideapproach cáncer preventionprogramwitheducation, environment, civil society and othersectors. • Focusedonprovenriskfactorstobacco, obesity, alcohol, sedentarism and other • Implement and expandinterventions to prevent and detect cáncer such as • Mamografía (cáncer de mama) • Infección VPH (cáncer cervicouterino) • Erradicación de Helicobacter Pylori (cáncer gástrico) • Colecistectomía preventiva (cáncer de vesícula) • Prueba de sangre oculta en heces / colonoscopía (cáncer colorrectal) • Examen de próstata (cáncer de próstata) • Expandthe use of HPV vaccine in thefemaleschoolgirlsstarted in 2014
CANCER RESEARCH POLICY • Finance and implement cáncer research and careinfrastructuresuch as • Tumor Bank • CancerRegistries • Substantialincrease of cáncer researchfunding in Chile,especiallyforprevalenttypes. • Promote cáncer resarchnetworksviafundingmeetings and interactionswithpublicresources.
CIVIL SOCIETY AND P/P PARTNERSHIPS • Supportpatients and familiesorganizations. • Facilitatedonations and philantropy • Support cáncer prevention at thework place via Social Responsibilitystrategies
SOCIAL COMMUNICATION • Annualawarenesscampaign to improveknowledge and healthybehaviour • Improvecommunicatorslevel of knowledgevia training continously . • Create a Cancer News Agency • Monitor cáncer in thenews to improvetheevidencebasedcommunications.
Dr. Jorge Jiménez de la JaraChairpersonForo Nacional de Cáncer, Chile jjimenez@med.puc.clwww.foronacionaldecancer.cl