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Air-Ground Data Link - DFS Strategy

Air-Ground Data Link - DFS Strategy. ATN’99 - An International Conference on the Implementation of Aeronautical Datalink 23 September 1999 Speaker: Thomas Belitz, DFS Telecommunications (tbelitz@compuserve.com).

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Air-Ground Data Link - DFS Strategy

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  1. Air-Ground Data Link - DFS Strategy ATN’99 - An International Conference on the Implementation of Aeronautical Datalink 23 September 1999 Speaker: Thomas Belitz, DFS Telecommunications (tbelitz@compuserve.com) FOR PRINTOUTS OF THIS PRESENTATION PLEASE USE THE „PRINT>WITH NOTES“-FEATURE OF MS POWERPOINT.

  2. Air-Ground Data Link - DFS StrategyContents 1. Today‘s Shortcomings 2. Environment 3. Operational Requirements 4. Air-Ground Data Link Media 5. DFS-ATM-Systems/ Processes 6. Implementation Scenario Phase 1 (from 2005) 7. Implementation Scenario Phase 2 (from 2007) 8. Benefits according to Implementation Phases 9. Cost-Benefit Considerations 10. Summary 11. Conclusions

  3. Today‘s Shortcomings • increasing number of aircraft results in • reaching capacity limits on voice frequencies/ frequency shortage • overload of executive controllers • increasing challenge to ensure the safety of flight • voice communication implies potential of misunderstandings • no automated exchange of information between data processing systems in the Air and on the Ground • Airline requirements regarding data link are not satisfied

  4. Environment Relevant Strategies and Programs • Strategies, approved by DFS • ATM 2000+ • EATMS-OCD • EATCHIP-Communications Strategy • Important Programs • FAA- NEXCOM- Program • LINK 2000+ • PIT - PETAL Integration Team • Military Aviation • There was no specific military requirement for ATS-Data Link Services identified yet.

  5. D-ATIS (INDAL) D-DCL (INDAL) D-OTIS, D-RVR, D-SIGMET CAP, SAP PPD, (ADS) FLIPCY others DCL, CIC, ACM, (COTRAC) Operational RequirementsData Link Services - specific to DFS D-FIS CPDLC ADAP others 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 year

  6. Air-Ground Data Link MediaAssumption of Availabilities Alternative Media

  7. DFS-ATM-Systems/ProcessesPotential in Performance-Enhancementsresulting from the introduction of Data Link Services

  8. INDAL (D-ATIS, D-DCL) CPDLC (DCL, CIC- none time critical) DFIS (D-OTIS, D-SIGMET) ADAP (CAP, SAP) FLIPCY ACARS Alternative Media(Selection of complementary media by 2001) VDL M2 primary datalink A/G-Mediea Mode S Com SATCOM, complementary datalink System adaptations Implementation Scenario Phase 1 (from 2005)Non-Time Critical Services DL-Services ATM-Systems 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 year

  9. CPDLC(CIC-time critical), ADAP(PPD, ADS), DFIS(D-RVR), others ACARS Alternative Media(Selection by 2001) • VDL M2 primary link (non-time critical services only) Mode S Com, complementary link SATCOM, complementary link Alternative Media(Selection by 2002) VDL M3 VDL M4 System adaptations Implementation Scenario Phase 2 (from 2007)Time Critical Services DL-Services A/G-Link Media ATM-Systems 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 year

  10. Benefits according to implementation phases

  11. Cost-Benefit ConsiderationsRequirement driven Capacity Plan Traffic Growth Data Link Introduction „Do Nothing“-Alternative EAM 04 P1 Program RVSM VAFORIT 1 Mode S ES

  12. Cost-Benefit Considerationstill in progress • DFS is a contributor to the ongoing Link 2000+ CBA. • The objective is to conduct a European-wide analysis. • The uncertainty* of early conducted cost estimations with particular focus to DFS was very high. Therefore, the introduction of Data Link Services** could notbe justified by economic reasons only.* At the moment of already conducted estimations there were very few reliable sources of monetary information regarding costs and benefits.** There was no individual investigation particular to singular data link services.

  13. Summary (1) • Future ATM-concepts depend on Air-Ground Data Link Services. • Air- Ground data communications is a major component of the„ATM Strategy for 2000+“. • The benefits of Air-Ground Data Link Services were demonstrated in the framework of PHARE and during the PETAL Life Trials. • The continued use of today's operational environment will result in further frequency shortages. • The cost/ benefit-ratio could not be finally calculated. There are a lot of currently unknown factors in the equation. This leaves the risk, that the figure will not justify the need.  The introduction of Air-Ground Data Link Services could not only be justified by a cost/ benefit-analysis.

  14. Summary (2) • The migration from ACARS to VDL M2 as the next generation AOC- Data Link media seems to be decided by the Airlines and the Service Providers (SITA/ ARINC). • Service Providers already decided on installation and operation of VDL M2 Ground- Infrastructure. • Airspace capacity shortages are expected when Data Link Services are not introduced before 2006. • DFS customers are requesting Data Link Services today, in order to receive enhanced and improved overall quality of ATC Services.

  15. Conclusions (1)Data Link Services There is a strategic requirement to introduce Air- Ground Data Link services within DFS controlled airspace. Therefore DFS introduces Air-Ground Data Link Services in a phased approach: Phase 0 (starting 1999): Initial Data Link Applications (Result of the Projects INDAL- DATIS and -DDCL) Phase 1 (starting 2005): non- time critical Data Link Services depending on operational requirements: Phase 2 (starting 2007): time critical Data Link Services

  16. Conclusions (2)Data Link Services • Data Link Services (main categories only) • Phase 1 (starting 2005): non- time critical Services • CPDLC (DCL, CIC- non time critical) • ADAP (CAP, SAP) • D-FIS (D-OTIS, D-SIGMET) • other Services (e.g. FLIPCY) • additional Phase 2 Services (optional starting 2007): time critical Services • CPDLC (CIC-time critical) • ADAP (PPD, ADS) • D-FIS (D-RVR) • other Services.

  17. Conclusion (3)Air-Ground Data Link Media • Non- time critical ATS Data Link- messages will use VDL M2 (medium timeframe, starting 2005) • The need for and the type of a “complementary Data- Link Media” (in addition to VDL M2) needs to be investigated and decided till 2001.In the light of the DFS- decision on Mode S Enhanced Surveillance, SSR Mode S communications will get special attention. • The operational requirement for the use of time critical ATS- Data Link- messages - and if so the type of the media - needs to be defined till 2002.

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