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Building and Sustaining a Multi-Tiered System of Supports : The Wichita Way. Virginia Department of Education March 1, 2011. Senge in Fullan, 2010. Fullan has shown that real change is possible but only by taking a truly systematic approach.
Building and Sustaining a Multi-Tiered System of Supports: The Wichita Way Virginia Department of Education March 1, 2011
Senge in Fullan, 2010 Fullan has shown that real change is possible but only by taking a truly systematic approach.
Mobilizing the sort of cooperative Whole-System effort Fullan proposes: 1. We must believe that real change is possible. -Transforming the fatalism that currently afflicts far too many starts with a conviction that change is possible with a clear framework and practical tools for engagement and moving forward. 2. We must imagine a vision for school that is far more compelling than fixing a broken system. Fullan, 2010
The System Big Ideas for Whole-System Reform All children can learn A small number of key priorities Resolute leadership/stay on message Collective capacity Strategies with precision Intelligent accountability All means all Fullan, 2010
Elements of a Successful Reform A small number of ambitious goals A guiding coalition at the top High standards and expectations Collective capacity building with a focus on instruction Individual capacity building linked to instruction Mobilizing the data as a strategy for improvement Intervention in a nonpunitive manner Being vigilant about “distractors” Being transparent, relentless, and increasingly challenging Fullan, 2010
Making All Systems Go Fullan, 2010 Resolute Leadership Intelligent Accountability Collective Capacity Individual Capacity Moral purpose/High Expectations These five components represent a complex resource, one that compounds and multiplies its effect through interrelated use.
Michael Fullan • Unless you align • school, • district, • state, and • national agendas, • innovation within schools cannot be sustained.
MTSS Steering Team There is no such thing as a dysfunctional organization, because every organization is perfectly aligned to achieve the results it currently gets. --Jeff Lawrence September 2, 2009
The Strategic Plan MTSS is the WORK! • Vision • Strategic Plan • Support and Direction from the District
MTSS District Leadership Team • Began in Fall 2009 • 22 Member Team • Work based on The Strategic Plan • Work measured by the MTSS Innovation Configuration Matrix
PRINCIPLES(Beliefs, Work, Objectives, Action Plans) Fullan Paschal: “The Change Sandwich” INNOVATIONS(that fit within the principles)
MTSS Steering TeamSeptember 29 Let us put our minds together and see what life we can make for our children. -Sitting Bull
Inviting Collaborative Partners • Stevan Kukic: Strategic Reform • James Baker: Academic Structuring and Implementation • Robert Pipik: Performance Management • Randy Sprick: Positive Behavior Supports • George Batsche: Leadership and RtI
Defining District Non-Negotiables • The culture of PLC is embraced, expected, and supported at the school and district level as operationalized by the MTSS innovation configuration matrix. • District level standard protocols, in the areas of academic and behavior assessment, curriculum, intervention, instruction, and operations are established, implemented and supported with fidelity. • The focus of Professional Development is expecting and supporting fidelity of implementation. • Results-driven leadership is expected and supported.
The Plan Evolves • Defined Six Cohorts of Feeder Schools • 3 Cohorts: Behavior Focus • 3 Cohorts: Academic Focus • Flipping Focus
Other System Considerations • Reorganization • Comprehensive Assessment System • Systems of Support for All • Implementation with Fidelity • System of Data-Driven Decision Making
Reorganization • Functioning in a • Data-driven accountability system • Time of reduced financial resources • Dimension of one delivery system that’s sole focus is student learning
System of Data-Driven Decision Making • Performance Management System • Facility Stat • School Stat
At no time in history has there been a more powerful need for a new vision of the purpose of education…No institution has a more crucial role to play in the historic changes coming than school because no institution has greater potential to impact how society changes over the long term. How we educate our children shapes the future, because they in turn will be the ones who create that future. The growing gap between what they need to be able to understand (such as alternative cultures and social-technological-ecological systems) and to do (such as work collaboratively to solve complex interdependent problems) and what we have traditionally taught is the primary reason so many young people find school less and less relevant for their lives. And they are right. Peter Senge
We treat urgency like a performance-enhancing drug,as if calling for speed will hasten change, despite the evidence that authentic transformation requires more time than we ever imagined.Peter Block
Innovation Configuration Matrix Leadership and Empowerment Assessment Curriculum Instruction Data-based Decision Making Integration and Sustainability Overall
Innovation Configuration Matrix • Staff Survey on Survey Monkey (2600+) • District Leadership Team Activity (17)
Where are we now? Professional Development Implementation of the Plan Focus Areas for Spring 2011 Anchoring BOE Objectives Identifying Grade Level Benchmarks Wichita Problem-Solving Model Wichita “Brand” Monitoring and Accountability
Relationship between collaborative goal setting, board alignment, allocation of resources, and nonnegotiable goals for achievement and instruction Nonnegotiable Goals For Achievement Nonnegotiable Goals For Instruction Collaborative Goal Setting Board Alignment Allocation of Resources Marzano and Waters, 2009
Building Non-Negotiables with Steve Practicing consensus building
Wichita Public Schools: District Level Non-Negotiables The concept of PLC is embraced, expected, and supported at the school and district level as operationalized by the MTSS innovation configuration. District level standard protocols, in the areas of academic and behavior assessment, curriculum, intervention, and instruction are established, implemented and supported with fidelity. The focus of Professional Development is expecting and supporting fidelity of implementation. Results-driven leadership is expected and supported at all level
May 4, 2010 meeting with Wichita PS MTSS Leadership Team All Systems Go 5 year plan Years 1-3: Primary emphasis on implementation Years 4-5: Primary emphasis on sustainability Supporting schools in the context of district non-negotiables and MTSS One team for school improvement /school Synergize school improvement with MTSS Synergize state department with MTSS Validate, Refine, Change, Develop—in that order Focus on Academics, Behavior, and Operations simultaneously Use social networking for lateral capacity building Develop a list of “Stop Doings”. What are we willing to give up? Remember that transition is Ending, Neutral Zone, New Beginning