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Lightweight Processing Layer F ile management - file fetching, maintenance of active file lists , user project directories, directory browsing F ile reformatting – from observatory format to KAMELEON format F ield interpolation spatial and temporal onto model surface grid(s)

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  1. Lightweight Processing Layer • File management - file fetching, maintenance of active file lists, user project directories,directory browsing • File reformatting – from observatory format to KAMELEON format • Field interpolation • spatial and temporal onto model surface grid(s) • Generates cubic spline coeffs for temporal fit at each node of user’s model surface grid • Magnetogram characterization tools • Derived quantity calculator egcurent density, helicity density • eg evaluation of weighted surface integrals • Field projections - coordinate conversions, LOS to radial conversion, project to Mercator coordinates, image coordinates, cartesian coordinates • Combining multiple magnetograms with conditional weights and/or masking functions • Variable listing - spreadsheet viewer for arrays • Instruction recording - start recording, end recording, execute recorded instructions • Miscellaneous scripts - eg Carrington rotation start dates, spherical harmonic coefficient evaluation Abstract We describe a toolkit, called MAGIC (MAGnetogram Interpolation and Composition), developed for the synthesis of solar magnetogram data. It can craft the ‘optimal’ (as defined by the user) photospheric magnetic field and surface flow solutions consistent with the data, for user defined surface grids at times identified by the user. The toolkit synthesizes magnetograms for model use by combining, interpolating from and processing input magnetograms selected by the user. It can work with both line-of-sight and vector magnetogram data from all available sources, both ground based and satellite. The Space Weather community needs time dependent models of solar active regions. A wealth of new data sources, particularly vector magnetogram data, is about to become available to facilitate this effort. However, until now, no tool existed which allows the modelers to analyze all the available data and craft accurate and physically consistent boundary conditions for their models. MAGIC fills this important gap. We have developed it as an application of the KAMELEON data formatting and interpolation toolkit which has been developed by the CCMC. Example 1 – Embed SDO/HMI vector magnetogram in MDI synoptic map AR region removed MDI LOS Synoptic Map • Inserts limited FOV magnetograms into global magnetograms • Adjusts field in border region using minimization of user defined integrals that balance • smoothness • agreement with original field • user defined integrals of current density or helicity HMI Insert MAGICA Tool to Synthesize Magnetograms for Coronal ModelsPeter MacNeice (NASA/GSFC), Joel Allred (NASA/GSFC), Kevin Olson (Drexel Univ.), Pete Schuck(NASA/GSFC) Example 2 - Surface Flow Analysis SDO/HMI vector magnetogram time series for AR11117 analyzed using DAVE4VM optical flow analysis tool. t = 04:10 Oct 26, 2010 t = 03:58 04:10 04:22 • Heavyweight Processing Layer • Enables users to apply 3rd party programs to MAGIC magnetograms and flow fields. • User • rebuilds executable with call to Kameleon read and write routines which we provide (C or Fortran) • runs executable using 3rd party command from drop down menu • queries for executable name and argument list • Examples • Dave4vm • Source Surface Model Br • FEATURES • MAGIC is • a tool for spatio-temporal interpolation on a sphere • capable of working with multiple magnetogram file formats • uses the KAMELEON libraries (Maddox, 2006) developed by the Community Coordinated Modeling Center(CCMC) for internal file formating and interpolation functions. • MAGIC has a Python GUI that organizes the user’s access to MAGIC’s components, which include • A magnetogram database manager • based on LAMP • supports NSO, MWO, GONG, HINODE, MDI, SDO, Wilcox, IVM data • A model grid input manager • A lightweight magnetogram processor layer executing interactive python commands, single line calls to KAMELEON library routines, and canned C routines for frequently used operations built from KAMELEON routine calls • A third-party program execution interface • A small suite of basic Visualization tools written in IDL • A command recorder to facilitate batch processing. Bq Bf Example 3 – Constructing Synoptic Maps Acknowledgements The authors wish to acknowledge support from NASA’s AISR and LWS TR&T programs. MDI full disk magnetogram time series (for CR2007) combined using cos4(f-Lo) weighting. f is Carrington longitude. Lo is sub-Earth Carrington longitude.

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