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The Future Development of Access Responsibilities (Section 19) and Alternative Provision in Somerset PRU Staff Update & Consultation. The Need for a service review (Agents for Change). Local needs & impacts The development of the Somerset Compact and its influence of service development
The Future Development of Access Responsibilities (Section 19) and Alternative Provision in SomersetPRU Staff Update & Consultation
The Need for a service review (Agents for Change) Local needs & impacts The development of the Somerset Compact and its influence of service development The influence of the academy programme Need to improve educational outcomes for C&YP across Somerset. Need for more even distribution of provision of PRUs in Somerset (currently there are big gaps in certain age ranges and in certain geographical areas Increased of diversity and level of provision required as identified by schools LA (not school) Financial savings will continue to have an indirect impact • Govt. Legislation - impacts 2012 - 2013Move away from LA’s delivering services • Move towards schools owning, finding and funding Alternative Provision • PRU’s - freedom to gain academy status • Management Committees to gain delegated powers/budgets • Freedom for PRU’s to innovate without LA intervention • Impact of increasing voluntary and private sector (inc free schools) in the Alternative provision market
Option 2 – Trading within an open market All existing PRU would become fully traded units for those pupils at risk of permanent exclusion as referred by schools. Section 19 for, Medical Tuition, Fair Access, Day 6 would continue to be delivered by the LA for monitoring & safeguarding purposes. (Option Rejected) Option 3 – Internal Commissioning All existing PRU units would become schools in their own right jointly commissioned by the Compact and the LA to meet Section 19 responsibilities and provide alternative provision for all of the compact schools. (Identified as the Preferred Option) Option 4 – External Commissioning All existing PRU units would become schools in their own right. The contract to run and provide alternative provision could be put out to tender by the Compact and the LA. This could be bid for by private organisations, individual schools or groups of schools. Alternatively externalisation may provide the opportunity for PRUs to become academies under new Government legislation (Cabinet and Compact wish Management Committees to consider at a later date) Option 5 – Reduce the Service Reduce the service to provide Section 19 responsibilities only. School and academies find and fund their own alternative provision (Option Rejected) Option 1 – Don’t Change All existing PRUs remain as 13 separate units managed within a LA area structure. Reallocate funding to support enhanced satellite provision All Section 19 responsibilities remain with the LA. (Option Rejected)
Through Consultation with all partners Recommendation for a delivery model • To develop four integrated (cross phase and function) PRUs three of which would ‘support’ smaller, satellite provision in Frome, West Somerset and ChardEach of the four main PRUs would exist as a school within its own right and be self managing, but work closely as a partner with defined clusters of schools, retaining the ability to offer provision and support outside the defined area. • Each PRU school would have a delegated budget, a newly formed statutory management committee body and a single management structure under a Headteacher. Partner members and agencies would take an active role in the governance of the school and the Headteacher would belong to the same professional bodies as other Heads. • The PRU school could ‘potentially’ act as both commissioner and provider through partnership working with schools and the voluntary and private sector. • Each PRU school could provide in-reach and out-reach programmes for schools within their cluster through the management and deployment of specialist support staff. • Key Stage 1 support; SEN provision for pupils with statements and support for vulnerable learners within the integrated PRU schools need to be considered in close relation to other service reviews for these areas. (Developing through service reviews)
PRU coverage by September 2013 Increases capacity in the centre 3 1 ‘Compact’ Commission/invest in Satellite ‘provision’ a b Develop four stand alone PRU Schools 2 4 PRU schools can offer support/knowledge/outreach to satellites KS4 Provision KS2/3 Provision and Outreach c LEC Medical Tuition Funding for Nurture Groups/other AP Alternative Provision Centre (APC)
Process of Restructuring Project Team: 4 Workstreams Finance and Governance – building the budgets and accountability protocols Provision– Including, satellite developments, Outreach, In-reach Commissioning Section 19– hard to place pupils, area budgets, referral processes and panels Transfers– HR, Finance, Legal, Buildings Communication - Website Website on SLP by Sept 2012 High level page open to all Tabs on 4 workstreams – finance and transfers will be protected FAQs section
Executive Headteachers • It is planned that the Executive headteachers will be in post by the end of October • Process • Has to adhere to SCC HR Protocols • A generic JD has been written and will be released before the end of the Summer term • An ISR (Individual School Range) is being developed determined by pupil numbers on a Special School Model • Round 1 • Expressions on Interest will be taken from Access managers • Competency based interviews will take place • Round 2 • JD and ISR info will be released to the resource pool • Expressions of interest will be taken from eligible candidates • Interviews will take place • Round 3 • JD and ISR will be released to current Heads of Centre • Expressions of interest will be taken from eligible candidates • Interviews will take place • NB: Once in post the Executive heads will take on the responsibility for next phase of the restructuring linking to the LA & schools as members of the Compact
Transfers (Most staff and centres will transfer in April as per current structures) NB: E-mails to HOC and DHOC sent today re: LA management restructuring do not apply
Post Transfer • Heads will carry out area analyses as per setting up any new school. • The process below is only illustrative to indicate a move towards new structures for September 2013 • Heads will continue to work as a project team with Compact and LA to ensure PRU schools operate as an • integrated service April 2013 New budgets, governance and business support processes in place Existing processes and protocols continue to operate during this period May 2013 Area Self Evaluation and Development Planning May/June 2013 Area Consultation on any potential new structures April 2013 Area Visioning with Staff and Partners (LA & Schools) July 2013 Establishing and refining new structures, protocols and procedures Developing Links, QA and lines of accountability to LA and Compact Developing Links, QA and lines of accountability of satellite provision
Input from HR and Union Reps Consultation opportunities for staff • Open Q&A Session • Opportunity for individual Q&A Session • Individual contact with Union Reps • Individual contact with HR • Q&A via line managers to the project team