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Gearing Up for K-12 ELA & Literacy Common Core State Standards. Jean M. Evans Davila K-12 Instructional Specialist for ELA. Agenda. Why the move to Common Core State Standards (CCSS)? What important shifts will occur in K-12 English language arts & literacy instruction with the CCSS?
Gearing Up for K-12 ELA & Literacy Common Core State Standards Jean M. Evans Davila K-12 Instructional Specialist for ELA
Agenda • Why the move to Common Core State Standards (CCSS)? • What important shifts will occur in K-12 English language arts & literacy instruction with the CCSS? • What are some key features of the CCSS in ELA & Literacy? • Where are we with the transition to CCSS in ELA & Literacy? • What can we do right now to prepare students for the CCSS?
Why the Move to CCSS? • Preparation: Graduates will be college and career ready (rigor). • Competition: The CCSS are internationally benchmarked. • Equity: Expectations are consistent for all. • Clarity: The CCSS are focused, coherent, and clear. • Collaboration: The standards create a foundation to work collaboratively (teacher, parent, & student; local district & state, state & federal, U.S. & global community).
Instructional Shifts in ELA & Literacy ELA & Literacy: 6 Shifts Condensed into 3 Shifts Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction and informational texts. Reading and writing grounded in evidence from text. Regular practice with complex text and its academic vocabulary. • 50:50 info text to lit (K-5) • 70:30 info text to lit (6-12) • Appropriately complex text • Text-dependent questions • Writing to inform/argue based on evidence • Academic vocabulary vs. domain-specific vocabulary
Career & College Readiness (CCR) The CCR is the “North Star” of CCSS • Reading • Writing • Speaking & Listening • Language
K-12 CCSS Strands for ELA & Literacy • Reading: Literature • Reading: Informational Text • Reading: Foundational Skills (grades K-5) • Writing • Speaking & Listening • Language
6-12 CCSS Strands for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, & Technical Subjects • Reading: History/Social Studies • Reading: Science and Technical Subjects • Writing: History/Social Studies, Science & Technical Subjects
What’s Different with the CCSS?Types of Reading Materials The New Balance in K-5 ELA (50:50 Ratio) 50 % Informational Text 50 % Literature
What’s Different with the CCSS?Types of Reading Materials Grades 6-12 Literacy (70:30 Ratio) 70 % Informational Text 30 % Literature
Why the Focus on Informational Text? • Harder for students to comprehend informational text than narrative text due to its features • Much of our knowledge base comes from info text • Academic vocabulary comes largely from info text • Makes up vast majority of the required reading in college/workplace (80 percent) • Yet students are asked to read very little of it in elementary and middle school (7 to 15 percent) • CCSS moves percentages to 50:50 at elementary level and 75:25 at secondary level
What’s Different with the CCSS?Appropriately Complex Texts Measures of Text Complexity (Gr 2/+) Qualitative: levels of meaning, purpose, structure, clarity of language, conventionality of language, knowledge demands Quantitative: word length, word frequency, sentence length, cohesion Reader & Task: reader’s motivation, knowledge, experiences; the assigned tasks, questions, and activities
Why Not Use Simplified Texts? • Simplified texts often synonymous with restricted, limited, and thin in meaning • Academic vocabulary can only be learned from complex texts • Mature language skills can only be gained by working with demanding materials • Noevidence that struggling readers—especially at middle and high school—catch up by gradually increasing the complexity of simpler texts
Grades K-12 Text Complexity inProgression of Reading Standard 10
What’s Different with the CCSS?Increased Emphasis on Nonfiction Writing 3 Required Types of Writing A Focus on the Argument Narrative (convey experience) Expository (explain/inform)*NF Argument (persuade)*NF • Logic • Substantive claims • Sound reasoning • Relevant evidence
Grades K-12 Progression of Writing Standard 1 (Opinion and Argument)
How Will CCSS Impact Assessment? • Common assessment system • Computer-adaptive assessments • Complex, integrated performances (research, multi-media) • Writing tasks that combine readings with text-dependent questions (EVIDENCE! EVIDENCE! EVIDENCE) • Writing arguments • Reading grade-level texts • Greater frequency of assessment (not just end-of-year) • Comparisons across students, schools, districts, states, and nations
Where is Norwalk in the Transition to ELA Common Core Standards?
10 Principles for Development of Literacy Across Curricula 1. Structure instruction so all students read grade level complex texts. Build a staircase of literacy through daily interactions with at least 2 types of text— 1) grade level text, 2) independent and/or instructional level text. 2. Provide texts that are valuable sources of information that allow opportunities for students to gain knowledge from close reading 3. Provide scaffolding using high quality text-dependent questions that do notpre-empt the text 4. Include opportunities to combine quantitative information from charts andgraphs text-based information 5. Focus on academic vocabulary (in addition to domain-specific vocabulary)
10 Principles for Development of Literacy Across Curricula 6. Provide extensive research and writing opportunities for students to draw textualevidence 7. Understand and engage in well-supported arguments 8. Design questions and tasks that require careful comprehension of the text before asking for comparisons with other texts 9. Design whole-group and small-group instruction that cultivates student responsibility 10. Cultivate student independence
Q: What Can We Do Immediately to Prepare Students?A: Focus on Reading & Writing Grounded in Text Evidence (Shift #2) Setting the Gears in Motion Using the Right Tools 1. Text + Writing = Context 2. Text Dependent ?’s 3. Multiple Readings 4. Evidence! Evidence! Evidence! 5. 4-Corners of the Text
Factors that Predict Student Success in School • Dedicated, knowledgeable teachers, support staff, administrators, and parents • Adequate resources and training • Rich and rigorous curriculum • Clear understanding of the end-of-year learning expectations for students
Contact Info: Jean M. Evans DavilaNorwalk Public Schools K-12 Instructional Specialist for ELA evansdavilaj@norwalkps.org (203) 854-4106