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Th e Influence of Classroom Engagement on Community College Student Learning: A Quantitative Analysis of Effective Faculty Practices. James R. Lancaster, Ed.D . Colloquium Series California State University, Fullerton September 3, 2014. Topic Background.
The Influence of Classroom Engagement on Community College Student Learning: A Quantitative Analysis of Effective Faculty Practices James R. Lancaster, Ed.D. Colloquium Series California State University, Fullerton September 3, 2014
Topic Background • Student investment of time and effort in educationally meaningful activities is a strong predictor of success in college (Astin, 1985; Kuh, 1993, 2009). However, those studies were conducted with students at institutions granting baccalaureate degrees (Pascarella & Terenzini, 2005). This creates at least two problems. • Engagement’s applicability to community college students has not been established (Marti, 2009; Pascarella, 1997; Pascarella & Terenzini, 2005). • Community college students often have multiple off-campus responsibilities that limit their time for engagement in the college experience (Hammer, Grigsby, & Woods, 1998; Hanson, Drumheller, Mallard, McKee, & Schlegal, 2011; Hirschy, Bremer, & Castellano, 2011).
Topic Background The classroom may be the most promising venue for fostering meaningful engagement because all students participate, regardless of their outside demands. However, community college faculty receive little, if any, education about the value of engagement, and they may not have the skills to foster an engaging classroom experience (Fugate & Amey, 2000; Haviland, Turley & Shin, 2011; Wallin & Smith, 2005).
The Problem There is a lack of understanding of the engaging community college classroom practices that promote student success.
Purpose of the Research To explore links to student engagement from classroom activities and from faculty practice in a community college setting. To identify faculty groups whose classroom and course activities aligned better with community college student engagement.
Research Questions • What faculty behaviors and course decisions best predict learning gains for students? • How do the faculty’s perception and use of these identified engaging practices vary based on faculty characteristics of employment status, academic degree, course repetition, teaching experience, and teaching area?
Setting and Sample • Data collected at one California community college: • Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) • n= 748 Students • Community College Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (CCFSSE) • n= 215 faculty members
Findings 28 faculty-contingent variables, plus student variables of gender and ethnicity Research Question 1 First, ordinary least squares regression was used to identify the faculty behaviors and course decisions that best predict learning gains for students in each of the following domains: • academic learning (α= 0.848) • career learning (α= 0.814) • personal development (α= 0.882)
Faculty-Contingent Variables Predicting Community College Student Learning • Only those faculty-contingent variables or student variables in RQ1 that significantly predicted student learning and met one of the following criteria were chosen to serve as dependent variables for RQ2: • Predicted learning in at least two learning domains • Had a β> 0.100 in at least one learning domain • This yielded seven faculty-contingent variables
Data Analysis and Results Research Question 2 • How do the faculty’s perception and use of these identified engaging practices vary based on faculty characteristics of employment status, academic degree, course repetition, teaching experience, and teaching area?
Compared with part-time faculty, full-time faculty are significantly more likely to emphasize performing a new skill (p<.05).
Faculty teaching in a CTE subject area are more likely to: (1) discuss career plans with students and (2) emphasize performing a new skill (p<.05).
Faculty with more course experience engage significantly more often in effective engagement activities (p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001).
Faculty with 4-20 course experiences use more analysis of basic elements than faculty with 0-3 course experiences (p<.05).
Faculty with a bachelor’s degree or less engage more frequently with students around career plans and activities other than coursework (**p<.01)
Faculty teaching developmental courses, either exclusively or partly, require students to prepare multiple drafts of papers more often than faculty teaching exclusively college level courses (p<.05).
Faculty who teach college-level courses perceive higher quality relationships with students (p<.05).
Central Implications • Course experience plays a key role in three significant learning predictors (analyzing, new skill, and relationships) which have influence in all three learning domains • However, developing courses that incorporate and assess these higher levels of learning (new skill and analysis) can be formally learned by the faculty or left to trial and error. • Supports the need for: • Formal faculty development (Fugate & Amey, 2000; Haviland, Turley & Shin, 2011; Lackey, 2001; Wallin and Smith, 2005) • or pre-service training (Fugate and Amey; Lancaster & Bain, 2010; Major & Dolly, 2003; Putman, 2012) • Both options expedite faculty competency rather than informal faculty development that is unstructured and left to occur spontaneously during instructional time (Burns, 2008; Burns, Schaefer & Hayden, 2005).
Central Implications • It’s all about relationships. Relationships matter the most! • Faculty who maintain helpful, available and sympathetic relationships with students increase their students’ academic success, career learning, and personal development more than any other activity or practice. • This study also showed that these relationships are better facilitated as the faculty have more course experience or teach higher level courses.
Abridged Recommendations • Additional research into the faculty-student relationship barriers perceived by faculty teaching developmental courses needs to be addressed. • Community colleges that typically review each CCSSE and CCFSEE data element on an individual basis using descriptive statistics should consider adding correlational analysis, particularly in the areas of student success. • Because faculty behaviors were strongly related to student learning, formalized preservice training and certification is needed to place highly qualified and competent faculty, not just subject experts, in community college classrooms.
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