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TOP HAT PRIDE. August 25 th 2014. Overall Expectations. In order to keep the privileges we like, we must earn them by upholding our expectations and policies. Dress Code & Electronics Policy.

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  1. TOP HAT PRIDE August 25th 2014

  2. Overall Expectations In order to keep the privileges we like, we must earn them by upholding our expectations and policies.

  3. Dress Code & Electronics Policy School is not a place for showing off your personal possessions; it’s a place for showing off your personal intellect, athleticism, and professionalism!

  4. Dress Code Policy • Undergarments/underwear must be covered • Midriff and back must be covered • Cleavage and shoulders must be covered • Shirts must have fitted armholes • Shorts/skirts that are worn must be an appropriate length • Any hats or distracting head garments must be removed upon entering the building unless worn for religious/medical reasons • “Hoodies” may be worn, but the hood must be down

  5. FAILURE TO COMPLY • If you arrive to school in inappropriate attire, you will: 1) Need to cover up or change into something you own 2) Need to cover up or change into something that the school will provide 3) Call a parent/guardian to bring a change of clothes Failure to comply with any of the above will result in one day of ISS.

  6. Public Displays of Affection • Public displays of affection are not appropriate at the Williamsport Area High School. A simple show of affection such as holding hands is acceptable; however kissing and close physical contact in a public school is not acceptable behavior. The expression of feelings of affection toward others is a personal concern between two individuals and not of others surrounding them. Therefore, good taste and respect for others is the guideline for appropriate behavior. Students who do not follow these guidelines after receiving a warning will be subject to disciplinary action.

  7. Electronic PolicyPermitted Use Time Students may use an electronic device: • Before/after school • In the cafeteria • If staff member gives permission for educational purposes Please be respectful when using electronic devices during permitted use times! Examples of how to be respectful: • Use appropriate voice and music volume • Be aware of your surroundings, so keep volume low • Leave one ear exposed to hear your surroundings • Be sure to arrive to your destination before the bell

  8. Electronics should be put away when… • You enter the classroom • You enter the office or locker room • A staff member asks you to put the electronic device away

  9. Consequences Of Misusing Electronic Policy: • 1st Offense – Student must give the teacher his/her device and it will be returned at the end of class. • 2nd Offense – Student must give the teacher his/her device—the student may pick up the device at the end of the day from the main office. Refusal to turnover the device will result in an insubordination discipline consequence • 3rd Offense – Student must give the teacher his/her device—it will be given to the office and parent must pick it up from the principal. Student is responsible to contact parent.

  10. School-wide Expectations Tardiness and Class Cuts

  11. Tardy Policy • 3 Unexcused tardies to school will earn you detention • Tardy to class-You were in the building but showed up to your class late without a legitimate pass. • Consequences: • First-Warning • Second- Teacher calls home • Third-Office referral and phone call home. Student will be assigned after school detention

  12. PASSES • EVERY STUDENT in the hallway must have a pass (yellow slip) – teachers may have their own bathroom passes/objects to carry • YOU MUST HAVE A PASS TO BE IN THE HALLWAY AT ANY TIME CLASS IS IN SESSION • You must also sign out when leaving your assigned classroom (be sure to fill out ALL information) • There are no exceptions!

  13. Class Cut • If you are at school and do not show up to class it will be considered a class cut! If you are more that 5 minutes late to class without a pass it will be considered a class cut. • YOU NEED TO BE IN CLASS • Last year nearly 1500 reported class cuts!!!! • Consequences: • 1st Time: Detention • 2nd Time: ISS

  14. Time Out and Learning Center • If you are asked to leave class due to your behavior you will be sent to the learning Center. • If you do not show up you will be automatically assigned ISS and detention. • You will remain at the Learning Center for the rest of the period. • Being sent to the Learning Center will mean detention 24 hours later after school! 2:30-3:00 • It is your job to find a way home. City bus is $.50 YOU CAN CHOOSE THE BEHAVIOR BUT CANNOT CHOOSE THE CONSEQUENCE!

  15. Demerit System 6 = Semester 112 = Semester 2

  16. Cafeteria/Commons Grab and Go

  17. Where to Eat • Eat in the Cafeteria: • All meal choices are available • Eat in the Commons • Only Grab and Go options are available • Prepackaged wraps, sandwiches, salads, etc. • Once you choose a location to eat, you must stay there the entire lunch period. • There will be no going outside

  18. Class Change Policy • New Process is in place. • Must meet with counselor first. • Principal will have to sign off.


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