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ECE 2317: Applied Electricity and Magnetism

ECE 2317: Applied Electricity and Magnetism. Prof. D. Wilton Dept. of ECE. Notes 1. Notes prepared by the EM group, University of Houston. Course Introduction. All important information, announcements and assignments will be posted on the class web page. • Check it regularly.

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ECE 2317: Applied Electricity and Magnetism

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  1. ECE 2317: Applied Electricity and Magnetism Prof. D. Wilton Dept. of ECE Notes 1 Notes prepared by the EM group, University of Houston.

  2. Course Introduction All important information, announcements and assignments will be posted on the class web page. • Check it regularly. • You are responsible for everything there! • Course website: http://www.egr.uh.edu/courses/ece/ece2317/SectionWilton/Web

  3. Course Information ECE 2317 Section 1196811968 T Th 11:30AM-1:00PM E321-D3 Donald R. Wilton W442a-D3 TEL: 713-743-4442 FAX: 713-743-4444 wilton@uh.edu Office hrs: 4:00-6:30 PM, Tu,Th Course Instructor

  4. Course TA Recommended Texts Szu-te Lin W332-D3 TEL: 832-754-8649 hatey.lin@gmail.com Office hrs: Tu 10:00-11:00 AM Wed 10:00-11:00 AM • J. A. Edminister, Schaum’s Outline on Theory and Problems of Electromagnetics, 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill, 1993. • W. H. Hayt and J. A. Buck, Engineering Electromagnetics, 6th or later edition, McGraw-Hill. • L. C. Shen and J. A. Kong, Applied Electromagnetism, 3rd Edition, PWS, 1995 (usually required for ECE 3317).

  5. Web Resources • Under “Assignments”: Exercise sets #1,2,4, and 5. Excercises to clarify basic concepts. With solutions. • Under “Notes”: Old Notes, #1- #9. Original hand-out notes for the course pre-dating powerpoint slides. With narrative covering most topics in the course. • Under “Old Exams”: Collection of old Exams #1, #2 over the last decade, some with solutions. Keep in mind that the amount of material covered by a given exam may vary from semester to semester.

  6. Course Prerequisites Prerequisites: CHEM 1117 (Chemistry for Engineers Lab ) CHEM 1372 (Chemistry for Engineers) ECE 1100 (Intro. to ECE) ECE 1331 (Computers and Prob. Solving) Math 2433 (Calculus III) Physics 1322 (Engr. Physics II) Credit for or Registration in (CFORI): Math 3321 (Engr. Math)

  7. Prerequisite Letter --- What is it? If you receive a letter, the ECE Department computer system thinks you are missing a requirement for enrolling in this course.  If you receive a letter you must respond to it and return it to the Department by the deadline or you will be dropped.  If you have questions about the form, please see Dr. Markenscoff, Rm N320-D.

  8. Individual Responsibilities All students must be thoroughly familiar with all the requirements, regulations, and responsibilities described in the UH Student Handbook. Unless otherwise specified, these provisions will be followed as described in the handbook. http://www.uh.edu/dos/publications/handbook.php

  9. Syllabus and Academic Honesty Statement You should download the syllabus and attached academic honesty forms from the class website and read over the material carefully! You are responsible for everything on it! Also read the UH Academic Honesty Policy in the online version of the Student handbook (the URL is in the syllabus).  Fill out the Academic Honesty and E-Mail form, sign it, and return it by the deadline indicated. Otherwise you may be dropped from the course 

  10. Grading Homework 10% Project 10% Exam 1 25% Exam 2 25% Final Exam: 30%

  11. Homework Exercises • not collected • not graded • detailed solutions provided Problems • collected • graded • no solutions distributed

  12. General Notes • Late assignments are not generally accepted • No makeup exams or assignments • Important dates: Tues., Jan. 17 First day of class, ECE 2317 Wed., Feb. 1 Last day to drop or withdraw without receiving a grade Mon. – Sat., Mar. 12-17 Spring holidays Tues., Apr. 3 Last day to drop a course or withdraw with “W” grade Mon., Apr. 30 Last day of class, ECE 2317 Tues., May 1 Reading or makeup day Thurs., May 3 “Departmental” Final exam, 11:00AM-2:00PM (Note the regular exam period is Fri. May 4- Thur. May 10)

  13. ECE 2317 Workshop • • Limited to first 30 enrollees • • Meets 4:00-5:30 PM, Tu, Th in room N355-D •  The first meeting is Tuesday, (Jan. 17). • To enroll for one credit hour (e.g., to maintain full-time • status, for example), Mr. Matthews at • JMMatthe@central.uh.edu

  14. What’s this course about ? Introduction to Electromagnetism (electric and magnetic fields) • In this course we study STATICS (zero, or low frequency electric and magnetic fields) • In the next EM course, ECE 3317, you will study DYNAMICS (propagation of time-varying or single frequency electromagnetic fields)

  15. Electromagnetics • The basic sources of electromagnetic forces are stationary or moving electric charges that exert forces on other stationary or moving electric charges. To study these forces, the concept of force fields has been devised. • – When charges are stationary, the force field is an electric (electrostatic) field. • – When charges are moving with a constant velocity, the force field is a magnetic (magnetostatic) field. • – Accelerating charges produce dynamic electromagnetic fields.

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